Yes, we keep track of American Idol, and no, we wouldn't phone in a vote for any of the Top Nine ringers and pros, especially not Carly Hennessy, the failed multimillion dollar contract Irish pop star (with a double entendre tune about oral sex) who's masquerading as "Carly Smithson"-- not unless that lady who's tattooed on her right arm starts singing along like the talking boil on Richard E. Grant’s neck in How To Get Ahead in Advertising!
On a related note, deep in the Tabloid Baby archives, a posting in which we exposed Carly’s past and the show’s conflicts of interest has generated a steady stream of comments, the majority in support of the old gal.
On a related note, deep in the Tabloid Baby archives, a posting in which we exposed Carly’s past and the show’s conflicts of interest has generated a steady stream of comments, the majority in support of the old gal.
Here’s a sampling:
anonymous said...
fyi, carly is a hardworking waittress at a local pub who sang her heart out for two years for pennies to the utter enjoyment of many patrons who paid no cover . I personally passed the hat for her one night because I have so much respect for her hard work & talent. So give a nice girl a break & just let her sing to the world , you'll be glad she did. Marie N. S.D.
anonymous said...
This girl worked in a bar as a waitress to pay her way has sang for buttons so she obviously loves music whats wrong with that???? Its what she loves to do obviously so give her a chance. All the Irish americans will be behind her as Ireland and America have such a bond.
princess paddy said...
OK Tabloid Baby, wanna know the facts ? Or are you all about copy and past internet crap ! She did not have $2.2 million spent on her or all the fancy extras that go with having a "deal". A demented revengeful journalist wrote a story that was all crap and it went wild all over the papers internationally saying all this stuff about Carly. So as usual everybody jumps on board and believes all they read. Bull Bull Bull. Do yourself a favour, go down to the pub where she sings her heart out on a Saturday night like the majority of singers looking for that break and see if she can sing ! She has no record deal and wants one just like all the other hopefuls. And by the way there is a constitution in place in case you don't know and when you marry an american man you are entitled to live and work in America. Ever heard of John F Kennedy ? Thank you. I rest my case ! Go Carly. You're a friggin legend girl ! The owner of the pub will be missing out !
anonymous said...
Hi, I saw Carly's audition she is married to Todd Smithson I would guess that's why she used that name, I also think she is very genuine. She deserves some luck she had a deal before and made no money that's probably not her fault, she has a fantastic voice and probably the best in America. What you fail to say is that her career was lunched at the same time that America suffered the second biggest attack since Pearl Harbour, (911) around that time nothing sold and her album failed to make an impression great that it was... I hope she wins I think she is great and i think your being nasty to her unfairly... she is talented and been through the mill try to feel for her and put yourself in her position. I wish her every success, give her a break.
anonymous said...
She needs to go back to Ireland, after all Americans cant go to Ireland and work. Besides now that the setup is out of the bag continuing on with the setup and letting her win is impossible now. But I'm sure thats what they had in mind.
anonymous said...
She may deserve a break, but "AMERICAN" idol is not the place. This if for undiscovered amatuers not record company retreads. For her to be there is an insult to the viewing audience and the real contestents.
anonymous said...
I don't see anyone complaining about the Australian in the competition. Get off the anti-Carly kick, give her a chance to prove herself on stage. If you don't like what you hear then you can vote her off.
anonymous said...
Carly is amazing. Carly has an amazing voice, and wonderful stage presence. Carly deserves a break. Carly obviously knows how to work hard for a living. I hope you sweep the boards Carly.
anonymous said...
...many of the Idol contestants who make it to the finals have essentially already had a shot at stardom, whether it was Kelly Clarkson's record deal that didn't end up producing anything, or others who don't make it on their own, change their name or their image and try again. Don't you want the best singer to be able to produce an album, I do, regardless of other chances they've had...
chase said...
For the record, from one fellow Irishman to all you Irish out there blindly supporting Carly, WAKE UP, she's NO ONE WORTH SUPPORTING! Has everyone failed to notice her lack of creativity? Has everyone failed to notice that, besides (in the words of the judges) singing very "nicely" she has nothing to offer the musical world? The reason her album went nowhere is because she is utterly forgettable. She attacks every song in the same dreary way, with the same level of non-emotion... I'd say she's a modern day Debbie Boone... and sings in an empty, hollow, emotionless and I dare say BLAH way that leaves one cold on the inside after hearing it.
anonymous said...
WOW...I just wanted to know if Carly had recently gotten married because I didn't realize she was married until last weeks show, but somehow I stumbled onto this crap! Apparently there are WAY too many people stirring up some stories...I'm not even sure what to believe anymore! Can't we find anything better to do?? Don't you all have jobs? Regardless of all of this, I think Carly has a beautiful voice and she deserves to be there just like the rest of them!
luke220 said...
Ok, I'll say it. The reason she was in the bottom three last night was the looks of her friends and husband. Sorry, face tattoos weird me out, and many others I'm sure. She's a good singer but the show is a popularity contest, and people don't like the tattoos.
barahir said...
Her album came out in 2000 and flopped. Since then she has worked hard just like everyone else, ending up waitressing and performing in a pub. I don't see how a flopped record 8 years ago, in any way, negates her ability to compete in American Idol. I have a friend who "cut a CD" in high school and actually sold about $100k worth of them. I certainly would still call him "undiscovered."
anonymous said...
Fully agree 100% that the tattoos are disgraceful and a tremendous turnoff....even worse when we get subjected to pictures of her husband who has totally disfigured his body so hideously that nobody would ever hire him so he will always be a "tattoo artist", a fad that is quickly on the fade out. What was once a competition to find new talent, and fresh-faced ingenues, has become a repository for tired old hacks who have already had their kick at the can and failed, and circus act tattooed ladies.
j mcdade said...
Talent is talent, which Carly does have. Look past the body art and really listen to her voice, it will tell you real talent amongst, the rest of the pack
anonymous said...
congrats carley, i think youre great, have a great time on american idol, cannot vote because i live in EIRE, so go n-ére an t-adh leat,,,,,JJ
anonymous said...
Carly has the best voice in AI7. She like anyone else deserves a second chance whether or not a previous album flopped. She is not only a very talented singer but is a very beautiful person inside and out. GO CARLY!!! You have my vote along with many others.
anonymous said...
For whoever said that Carly leaves one feeling cold inside after hearing her, that is just one person's opinion. I wanted to cry last night when she sang "Here You Come Again." She has a beautiful voice, and she has incredible talent. I feel drawn to her everytime she opens her mouth. I hope she rocks it out to the final 2.
fyi, carly is a hardworking waittress at a local pub who sang her heart out for two years for pennies to the utter enjoyment of many patrons who paid no cover . I personally passed the hat for her one night because I have so much respect for her hard work & talent. So give a nice girl a break & just let her sing to the world , you'll be glad she did. Marie N. S.D.
anonymous said...
This girl worked in a bar as a waitress to pay her way has sang for buttons so she obviously loves music whats wrong with that???? Its what she loves to do obviously so give her a chance. All the Irish americans will be behind her as Ireland and America have such a bond.

OK Tabloid Baby, wanna know the facts ? Or are you all about copy and past internet crap ! She did not have $2.2 million spent on her or all the fancy extras that go with having a "deal". A demented revengeful journalist wrote a story that was all crap and it went wild all over the papers internationally saying all this stuff about Carly. So as usual everybody jumps on board and believes all they read. Bull Bull Bull. Do yourself a favour, go down to the pub where she sings her heart out on a Saturday night like the majority of singers looking for that break and see if she can sing ! She has no record deal and wants one just like all the other hopefuls. And by the way there is a constitution in place in case you don't know and when you marry an american man you are entitled to live and work in America. Ever heard of John F Kennedy ? Thank you. I rest my case ! Go Carly. You're a friggin legend girl ! The owner of the pub will be missing out !
anonymous said...
Hi, I saw Carly's audition she is married to Todd Smithson I would guess that's why she used that name, I also think she is very genuine. She deserves some luck she had a deal before and made no money that's probably not her fault, she has a fantastic voice and probably the best in America. What you fail to say is that her career was lunched at the same time that America suffered the second biggest attack since Pearl Harbour, (911) around that time nothing sold and her album failed to make an impression great that it was... I hope she wins I think she is great and i think your being nasty to her unfairly... she is talented and been through the mill try to feel for her and put yourself in her position. I wish her every success, give her a break.
anonymous said...
She needs to go back to Ireland, after all Americans cant go to Ireland and work. Besides now that the setup is out of the bag continuing on with the setup and letting her win is impossible now. But I'm sure thats what they had in mind.
anonymous said...
She may deserve a break, but "AMERICAN" idol is not the place. This if for undiscovered amatuers not record company retreads. For her to be there is an insult to the viewing audience and the real contestents.
anonymous said...
I don't see anyone complaining about the Australian in the competition. Get off the anti-Carly kick, give her a chance to prove herself on stage. If you don't like what you hear then you can vote her off.
anonymous said...
Carly is amazing. Carly has an amazing voice, and wonderful stage presence. Carly deserves a break. Carly obviously knows how to work hard for a living. I hope you sweep the boards Carly.
anonymous said...
...many of the Idol contestants who make it to the finals have essentially already had a shot at stardom, whether it was Kelly Clarkson's record deal that didn't end up producing anything, or others who don't make it on their own, change their name or their image and try again. Don't you want the best singer to be able to produce an album, I do, regardless of other chances they've had...

For the record, from one fellow Irishman to all you Irish out there blindly supporting Carly, WAKE UP, she's NO ONE WORTH SUPPORTING! Has everyone failed to notice her lack of creativity? Has everyone failed to notice that, besides (in the words of the judges) singing very "nicely" she has nothing to offer the musical world? The reason her album went nowhere is because she is utterly forgettable. She attacks every song in the same dreary way, with the same level of non-emotion... I'd say she's a modern day Debbie Boone... and sings in an empty, hollow, emotionless and I dare say BLAH way that leaves one cold on the inside after hearing it.
anonymous said...
WOW...I just wanted to know if Carly had recently gotten married because I didn't realize she was married until last weeks show, but somehow I stumbled onto this crap! Apparently there are WAY too many people stirring up some stories...I'm not even sure what to believe anymore! Can't we find anything better to do?? Don't you all have jobs? Regardless of all of this, I think Carly has a beautiful voice and she deserves to be there just like the rest of them!
luke220 said...
Ok, I'll say it. The reason she was in the bottom three last night was the looks of her friends and husband. Sorry, face tattoos weird me out, and many others I'm sure. She's a good singer but the show is a popularity contest, and people don't like the tattoos.
barahir said...
Her album came out in 2000 and flopped. Since then she has worked hard just like everyone else, ending up waitressing and performing in a pub. I don't see how a flopped record 8 years ago, in any way, negates her ability to compete in American Idol. I have a friend who "cut a CD" in high school and actually sold about $100k worth of them. I certainly would still call him "undiscovered."
anonymous said...
Fully agree 100% that the tattoos are disgraceful and a tremendous turnoff....even worse when we get subjected to pictures of her husband who has totally disfigured his body so hideously that nobody would ever hire him so he will always be a "tattoo artist", a fad that is quickly on the fade out. What was once a competition to find new talent, and fresh-faced ingenues, has become a repository for tired old hacks who have already had their kick at the can and failed, and circus act tattooed ladies.
j mcdade said...
Talent is talent, which Carly does have. Look past the body art and really listen to her voice, it will tell you real talent amongst, the rest of the pack
anonymous said...
congrats carley, i think youre great, have a great time on american idol, cannot vote because i live in EIRE, so go n-ére an t-adh leat,,,,,JJ
anonymous said...
Carly has the best voice in AI7. She like anyone else deserves a second chance whether or not a previous album flopped. She is not only a very talented singer but is a very beautiful person inside and out. GO CARLY!!! You have my vote along with many others.
anonymous said...
For whoever said that Carly leaves one feeling cold inside after hearing her, that is just one person's opinion. I wanted to cry last night when she sang "Here You Come Again." She has a beautiful voice, and she has incredible talent. I feel drawn to her everytime she opens her mouth. I hope she rocks it out to the final 2.
And click here if you want to add your own comment.
1 comment:
I’m Irish and I think the people who are commenting on her negatively just because she is Irish. How dare anyone criticize her for singing on American idol just because she’s Irish. Personally I think she has a lovely voice and its very offence when peoples comments say go back to Ireland. Judge her on her talent not her nationality.
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