We were listening to the radio this morning and it got us thinking what a wasteland morning radio has become (it's even hard to find any good music) now that Howard Stern and company have been gone from the scene for close to two years now. The only comfort is knowing that every week that Howard remains off the radar and becomes more of a memory leads us closer to the day that he'll return in some form to free radio. With Don Imus' return to free radio imminent, expect some PR-flackery to put Howard's name in the gossip columns in the days ahead.
In the meantime, a look back at our former morning friends:
You sir are an idiot. You know Howard Stern is available on Sirius right? Instead of posting lame blogs you should get a job and then pay for a satellite radio. You can then hear the best radio show in the world, the Howard Stern show.
I couldn't agree more with Shannon. Also, what's up with the lame impersonator photos?
Howard is alive, well, and better than ever on Sirius Satellite Radio. I suggest you get Sirius, it's the best $12.95 a month you'll ever spend.
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