Liz Smith is still alive and still has a column, in which she reveals this week that Farrah Fawcett’s friend Alana Stewart, who, with a quickie book, producing credit on the Emmy-nominated NBC cancer special, a cancer foundation and a gig for her son on Extra, has made more hay than anyone out of her relationship with the beloved actress, plans to executive produce a film about Farrah.
Pens Liz:
"It will deal with her rise to stardom on 'Charlie’s Angels' and the years that followed, but will touch only briefly on her long battle with the cancer that finally killed her... "The big problem will be finding an actress to play Farrah. The late star was not in any way a typical blonde bimbo type. She had a deep sensitivity and vulnerability that came through in her work, and a sort of soul-bruised vibe in later years. Alana has her work cut out for her. Good luck!"

Liz makes it sound to be a scripted project like that Behind The Camera TV movie on NBC back in 2004, and not a documentary. Add this to Ryan O'Neal's threequel to Love Story and Farrah's Story, one might say the Seventies icon is becoming an industry again.
Pens Liz:
"It will deal with her rise to stardom on 'Charlie’s Angels' and the years that followed, but will touch only briefly on her long battle with the cancer that finally killed her... "The big problem will be finding an actress to play Farrah. The late star was not in any way a typical blonde bimbo type. She had a deep sensitivity and vulnerability that came through in her work, and a sort of soul-bruised vibe in later years. Alana has her work cut out for her. Good luck!"

Liz makes it sound to be a scripted project like that Behind The Camera TV movie on NBC back in 2004, and not a documentary. Add this to Ryan O'Neal's threequel to Love Story and Farrah's Story, one might say the Seventies icon is becoming an industry again.
Well, I'm glad--the world never could get enough Farrah and they still can't. Whatever keeps her spirit and memory alive, I think, is GREAT! Maybe Cameron Diaz as young Farrah and Pam Anderson as 'aging' Farrah?
leave it to alana. no one person could ever play Farrah.
Why take and tamper with the real thing.this alana is going to tell a side of the story that never was
and it is her side.my guess is alot of cut footage left over on an editing room floor from the real Farrah's Story is going to be used as planned, hell it is a cash cow, and now the cow wants more
The actress to play Farrah should be Jennifer Runyon ... This girl could pass for Farrah's daughter. She looks more like Farrah then Farrah's own sister did! ... Here is a link with her photo:
As for playing an aging Farrah, I wouldn't be surprised if Alana gives herself that role! ... She so wants to be Farrah, or at least have Farrah's fame!
Even though this is another way to make money off of Farrah, at least there will be a film made about her!
I agree Jennifer Runyon looks like Farrah, but she was born in 1960--couldn't play a 'young' Farrah now. Kate Hudson maybe?
Question for 2 & 3 commenters: Why is it that everytime Alana or Ryan do something 'Farrah', it has to be for profit or their own self-interest, but you have no problem with people like Greg Lott doing it (much worse in my personal opinion), or when Tabloid Baby reports everytime O'Neal burps or farts or someone on Ebay sells a Farrah-shaped potatoe chip, you have NO problem with it and jump right on board??
Anon 5:01 Why is it that you feel the need to defend them when someone doesn't agree with whatever is going on. All you do is start trouble. Go away! Let this one time, be the time, you keep your mouth shut.
And who mention Lott....YOU! I rest my case. You start the trouble!
On the subject: Maybe good, Maybe not, it remains to be seen!
Good to see the HAFF ASSED Club still alive and kicking. Why do I feel the need?? Because they're Farrah's loved ones and what you and your peeps are doing is wrong and cruel. PERIOD. Why don't YOU go away and keep YOUR mouth shut? Then I'd have no reason to comment, would I?
Anonymous 5:01 ... Yes, Jennifer Runyon was born in 1960 making her 50 years old today, BUT you know HOLLYWOOD, they can make them look younger! Plus it has been reported that Farrah wanted Heather Locklear to play her younger version. I don't know how much that is true, but this said, Heather is also up there in age! When Heather first came on the scene, I thought of Farrah, as well, when I'd see her ... It mostly was the hair style, though. Heather sported the Farrah Hair back in the early 80s.
In any event, who ever they pick, I hope it's a BETTER actress (look wise) then the one that played Farrah in that Charlie's Angels made for TV Movie. That actress Looked and acted NOTHING like Farrah. However the ones that played Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith those actress had them down to a Tee! You'd think you were watching the 'real' actresses!
I forgot about Heather--she is PERFECT to play older Farrah. She also has that same 'the public loves her' appeal.
Well president of your stupid haff assed whatever, I didn't make comment 2 or 3, but you as usual waste no time in degrading people.
Alana is a bitch that is using her "best friend" to make money off of. That is so low and you and you ass can stick it!
Ya all no that Alana sweetie is broke dont ya?
Why in the world would ya all wanna fight about that? Down here in Texas if you put enough buckshot in the deer it will die!
So I think you know what I mean!
Betty Lou
And just wanna add one other thing ya all - apples and oranges
and we all no Farrah was a Peach!
Alana, honey, you know how much you like them there melons. So, I hope you no what Im a talkin about?
Betty Lou
11:16 says: "...you as usual spend no time degrading people....Alana is a bitch that is using her "best friend" to make money off of. That is so low and you and you ass can stick it!" DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF?? I am the one degrading people? LOFL!! YOU need to get your priorities straight, Miss Judgemental. Find one post where I 'degraded' anyone. Calling someone out on their hatred? Guilty. But, you, my dear constantly ask for it. YOU are the official president of the HAFF ASSED Club. I bet you mama would be proud. Oops, teacher says, I mean 'your' Mama.
Enough Said!
Yes You ARE!! And you can stick your club and enough said. You always start this and then go after me! It is pitful. Explain for all of us this time that Alana is doing something good for her friend! Explain how wonderful she is and how she will "donate" every dime to charity!
Someday a qualified person will come along and do a movie on Farrah Fawcett. Not going to be Alana Stewart!
Find one post where I degrade anyone...are you kidding?
You can't have an opinion that is not the same as yours and/or say anything negative about your precious Alana or Ryan and it sets you off!
Laugh all you want, but again you start this shit every time!!!!
How much do they pay you anyway?
Sorry to disappoint, sad little person, but I do this for free. But, you are right. This is America. You are entitled to your opinion and freedom of speech. So, feel free to continue to judge people you don't know, call people cruel names, and perpetuate hatred and rumors. You have every right to be closed-minded, unkind and opinionated. BE PROUD. It's your right....RIGHT? So besides the nasty-blogging, what have you done to honor Farrah? Help start her foundation? Write a book in her honor? Send letters of thanks and photos to her adoring fans? Oh, that's right, that was those two money-grubbing, coat-tailers. Me? I made a donation in her memory. Not a big deal, but I did what I could. Oh, and I tried reasoning to no avail with unreasonable people.
No more tit-for-tat with you, my dear. Good luck with the Haff-Assed Club membership. Maybe someday you'll have more than 3 members.
Enough said. (Sorry, can't resist--that's such an awesome, catchy phrase).
maybe this is the same film ryan was talking about doing recently and they are working together on it.
I am impressed with your giving.
I gave to Farrah's Foundation by way of purchasing the "Fight the Fight" T-shirts. I game while she was alive.
I'm not giving to foundation run by Alana Stewart. Oh, she's in my prayers (Aunt Esther...Maybe), she is in desperate need of prayer. Both she and Ryan and you for sure.
Bitch is the worst thing I have ever said on this blog or any other and it is usually prompted by people like you! First out of the gate to tell people how bad they are when they don't agree with you. I never comment until you do. And it is always in the first 5 comments that you start in.
So, call me whatever you want, but I will be a better person than you any day of the week. At least I care about all involved. Not you.
So, stick it-haff assed-enough said, whatever you want to poke and prod at... go ahead. You are childish and destructive. You are judgemental, start arguments, and do not do ONE SINGLE THING to help Alana, Ryan and for sure Farrah.
Enough Said!
Wiki defines 'bitch' as: 'slang used to charactorize someone who is belligerent and unreasonable, or displays rudely intrusive or aggressive behavior.'.....guess that's why you are so familiar with the word.
Enough said.
Your reasoning skill (or lack thereof) fascinates me. How do you figure that my saying you shouldn't pass judgement or spread rumors about people you don't know hurt Ryan, Alana and Farrah??
This otta be good.........
12:52, I am sure that is EXACTLY what she's going to do. She's probably had it planned all along. The foundation, the book, the nursing Farrah when she was ill and holding her hair back when she vomited--all just a facade to cover up her real plans to exume the body and make millions on Ebay with the remains. You are a great detective. Her plan is foiled.
I just recently read an article on blog-bullying amongst teenage girls. Some of you sound like that profile, Like:7:11,12:03,7:33,12:52). Do you think just because you don't use profanity that your words aren't abuse? Celebrities are actually people, too. You should be more aware of the harm you're doing.
Sorry, I also wanted to add that it's equally as sad that you then turn the bullying to the one person who comes on here to try to stop it. You are scary. It's no wonder we have children doing it--when the 'adults' themselves are no better.
Hello people,
Ms. Stewart may have been a nobody before, according to you all, but she is widely talked about now. She was Farrah Fawcett's 'backup' for many years and was satisfied just being her friend in the background. This lady was pretty lucky as far as I'm concerned. She's more than earned any 'notoriety' she gets now. The journey through the hell of cancer is horrible--Farrah was lucky to have such good friends--a lot people have no one. Alana probably has a great story to tell--and I for one would love to hear it. As horrific and sad as the story ended....it would have been unbelievable to be Farrah Fawcett's friend.
Profanity is really not the way to communicate about anything. I don't usually use foul language to put down people, but the one post-er person just brings it out in everyone.
Sorry, but I believe what Michael Europe said: "As for playing an aging Farrah, I wouldn't be surprised if Alana gives herself that role! ... She so wants to be Farrah, or at least have Farrah's fame!
Even though this is another way to make money off of Farrah, at least there will be a film made about her!"
I believe that Michael has pretty much hit the nail on the head here.
My only hope is that someone else does a film about Farrah. If it is done by Stewart, then I'm afraid of how it will turn out. Maybe she is smart enough to hire people that will make it worth doing. Yes, if someone else of film worthy reputation were to do it, I would be 100% behind it!
Sorry Stewart fans, just don't care for the lady's style!
Michael Europe said and I quote:
"As for playing an aging Farrah, I wouldn't be surprised if Alana gives herself that role! ... She so wants to be Farrah, or at least have Farrah's fame!
Even though this is another way to make money off of Farrah, at least there will be a film made about her!"
Michael has hit the nail on the head. And a film about Farrah would be great. However, I wish someone other than Stewart would do a fim. Sorry, just don't like the lady or her style!
Why would you not want someone other than her best friend to do the movie?? Isn't that the most likely person to do it ? Who else would? Ryan?? Her son?? Alana was with her through thick and thin. Really, what is your prob. with the lady??
Why would you not want someone other than her best friend to do the movie?? Isn't that the most likely person to do it ? Who else would? Ryan?? Her son?? Alana was with her through thick and thin. Really, what is your prob. with the lady??
For the record I don't have any feelings one way or the other about Alana Stewart!
There does seem to be a pattern here: 1)The Book = $ 2)An Award that seems to be an award that could be given for something that is tied up in court and if lost by Stewart and company, it's worthless. 3)Being named President of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation seems a little like domination. And finally 4) A movie = $ !
Whether you like her or not money does seem to be a motive.
As for the last comment about who else would/could do a movie about Farrah....many people new Farrah Fawcett in the Movie Industry. I'm sure there are so many that could/would do a film. So, is Alana Stewart the best person for the job. Questionable at best.
At 4:07 you said "For the record, I don't have feelings one way or the other about Alana Stewart". At 1:56 you said "Sorry, just don't like the lady or her style!".
Which is it?
Sounds like an opinion to me. Any time someone beloved passes away there are usually a number of tributes done--books, documentaries, foundations, etc. ESPECIALLY when they are famous. It is a way to honor them and pay tribute. I think it's a very normal, wonderful thing to do. The ones left behind feel helpless, and this gives them a way to show their love and how much that person meant to them. I think it would be worse if nothing were done. I personally think you just like to beat the lady up for no apparent reason.
And, what the heck does 'Alana being named president of The FF Foundation sounds a little like domination' mean??? She was Farrah's best friend and she trusted her--seems like the most likely person for her to make president of her foundation.
And before you get all freaky-outy saying I'm talking to myself, the last 3 posts were all from the same person--me.
Keith is going to be Farrah
The first song in America entitled " America's Rose/Farrah Fawcett/Sailing in the storm" and dedicated to Farrah Fawcett" in a similar way " Englands Rose to Princess Diana" As a New York City practicing physician and the biggest fan of Farrah Fawcett, I strongly believe that Farrah Fawcett was a cancer fighter and she encouraged other patients with chronic serious illnesses to continue battling .She is the symbol of cancer fighter in our modern time.
I remember that as a kid born in the remote village in Bangladesh, I was putting her poster in the wall of my parental house, and then bringing it down, and then putting it back. Why I brought her poster down? Yes, I had a sense of feeling guilt, for I was brought up in a religious family, and putting a half naked woman’s poster in the wall is a serious sin. But I put it back to the wall, because I never ceased to be her biggest fan still now.
40 years have passed since then, and I am now in New York City, I wrote the lyric for Farrah Fawcett with title” America’s Rose/Farrah Fawcett/Sailing in the storm” and dedicate to Farrah Fawcett. Isn’t it miracle? I had no earlier singing practice, and I took vocal lessons almost a year, and then record the song in a duet with my wife, who is also a doctor. We believe it sounds great. Why do I sing the song? , I want to honor her with my own voice.Please Check out you tube:Rakandtakmusic.For full song,please contact me at the below contact information.
Thank you very much
Rajeev A Khan, M.D
361 Broadway,
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Cell: 917-868-8390, Email: aapcp@aol.com
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