After Craig Nevius filed his response to a lawsuit against him by the trustee of Farrah Fawcett's estate (and business manager of his arch-enemy Ryan O'Neal) Richard B. Francis, in which he claims Francis is mishandling Farrah's money, O'Neal threatened to kill him while wresting control of the cancer documentary Nevius and Farrah had been producing together, and Alana Stewart misused her relationship with Farrah to sell a book, the estate and trio's attorney, Howard Weitzman responded:
"I've read Mr. Nevius' response to our complaint which I think contains spurious and outrageous allegations. I'm confident the truth will all come out during the course of the litigation."
Here, exclusively, Nevius responds to Weitzman's response:
"Mr. Weitzman THINKS my lawsuit contains 'spurious and outrageous allegations?' You mean, he doesn't KNOW? Itdoesn't sound like he has unwavering confidence in his clients. But he is right about one thing: the truth will come out during litigation. And it will reveal that Ryan O'Neal is a monster, Alana Stewart is soulless and Richard Francis acts like a thug. Of course, the fees Mr. Weitzman and his firm will have collected from Farrah's estate to represent these horrible people will still spend the same."

Nevius sued O'Neal, Stewart and Francis over the Farrah's Story documentary which aired on NBC last year, claiming they went against Farrah's wishes and improperly cut him out of the process. Francis responded with a lawsuit on behalf of the estate, claiming that Nevius botched a first edit of the documentary and "embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars" from the actress' company. Nevius's filing states that he is not seeking any money from Farrah's estate.
Farrah died at age 62 on June 25 after a three-year battle with cancer.
UPDATE: Click here to read the Nevius court papers at RadarOnline.
When is the trial? I am so tired of all this back and forth that tells you nothing and only overshadows what was important. Farrah.
I hope it is soon. And Anon 4:07 you are right in saying it overshadows what was important to Farrah! It also brings ALL of these people's characters into question no matter who you might be for or against!
Craig has the truth on his side and I believe every word he says!
But I suspected this all along and knew when I watched Alana and Ryan on The Today Show that they were lying.
Someone knows the truth, but how would any of us know what that is? I don't know these people--do you? I just hope that the truth comes out and then all this ugliness can go away.
No matter the side some people will have their eyes opened
The truth rarely has the face you expect it to have
Although I'd say Ryan's is what I expect
I don't trust him in the least
Call it a gut feeling
Alana soulless! I been saying that for the past 10 months!
You go Craig! Im hoping She and Ryan get what they have coming.
Were Ryan and Alana on the Today show recently?
Nevius will prevail! He has the records, documents, etc...to put those three where they belong.
Although it is very sad the it is Farrah's Estate money that will be paying for the screw up of Alana, Ryan and Attorney. Not right at all!
The sad part is that it is Farrah's estate money covering the butts of Ryan, Alana and the Attorney....not right!
No, sorry, the sad part is NOT about money. It's that this ever happened in the first place. I hope Farrah didn't hear of this before she passed.
Well, I hope that Farrah would have support Craig Nevius...which I would bet everything that she would have done so!
And it is very sad that her estate money is being used in this manner.
Is there anything you can comment on that not an absolute opposite of mine? WTF do you just go from site to site, page to page. YOU need to get some help!
Sorry, didn't realize you are the same idiot over and over again, but I AM pretty proud of the fact that we have absolutly NOTHING in common. THANK GOD.
WTF to you, too! Obviously YOU also go from site to site, page to page. Who do YOU go to for some help?? Maybe you can recommend someone.
strange to me alana writes the very thing Farrah hated.
look on the pathetic cancer site alana seemed to have tossed up in 5 minutes. look at the nuts onboard that site.
who knows what went on in that bedroom of Farrah's. A cancer requires so many different medications. were these med's used as directed.
Anybody else hearing 'Twighlight Zone' music when you read some of these comments ??..............
"who knows what went on in that bedroom of Farrah's"..... The bedroom of one of the most beloved women of our time, mother, friend, who was suffering from a rare, horrible disease taken way before her time??? Probably a lot of suffering, sadness, praying, regret.
I think it's time for you to take YOUR meds.
April 3 10:04 I agree! Although I might not have called the "Nuts", the choice to have most of these people involved with the Foundation is very questionable!
No problem with the doctors! But, Stewart as President and everyone else Ryan's group....bad choice!
PR is how these Foundations become successful and I seriously doubt that Alana Stewart as the President of the Farrah Fawcett Foundation is going to help!
Nevius has answered. He seems to have the documentation that he needs to support all his claims! It is a matter of time (court) and all will be told. Then and only then will those that think Alana and Ryan had/have Farrah's best interests at heart! I seriously doubt that they will win, but as has been mentioned before...the Estate of Farrah Fawcett is paying for Ryan, Alana, and attorney. That is the sad part of all of this mess! Why should her money go to protect them. They should personally pay!
So, not only are you a psychic (you HAVE to be--how else would someone who knows NONE of these people have SOOO much inside knowledge??), you are Farrah's accountant, too?? How do you know who's paying Ryan and Alana's attorney fees??
Sorry, my comment at 6:15 is addressed to my buddy at 4:57.
6:17 Because it has been reported!
You can look in various places (and I'll let you do the digging to find it if you are interested), but it has been in print many times where the money is coming from. Read up!
'Reported' where?? You can't just tell me where YOU read it?--and I don't mean Tabloid Baby or one of it's commenters. I google it and find nothing.
Who did Craig actually sue?? Farrah's estate or individuals?
Tabloid Baby,
Since you have a connection with Carig Nevius, any chance you could give a 'quick books lesson' on the Nevius/O'Neal lawsuit?! Was the original lawsuit, first filed by Craig in May 2009 (for creative control and damages) filed against her estate or the individuals named? Has that been settled yet? Are these new documents filed by Craig a continuation of that or something new? When is the trial??
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