Well, Farrah Fawcett is certainly more controversial in death than she was in life. Amid the hubbub over the Academy Awards®' boneheaded decision to omit the beloved actress from its In Memorium segment Sunday night pipes up Farrah friend Alana Stewart to refute Kate Jackson's claim that she (Stewart) and Ryan O'Neal stopped Kate from visiting Farrah in the final months of her life.
Alana, who is billed as "Farrah's best friend," accompanied Farrah to Germany for her ultimately unsuccessful cancer treatments and held the camera for the verite footage of her fight to beat the disease. After Farrah sunk into the final stage of her illness, Stewart reportedly held up production of the NBC tabloid special based on her original film, demanding more money and a producer's credit, then was the first to cash in with a quickie book about her best friend.

Now she returns to the spotlight to say that Farrah's friend of four decades and Charlie's Angels costar is "insane."
"First of all, I spoke to Kate many, many times during Farrah's final months and explained to her that Farrah did not want to see people. It was not my choice, or Ryan's. Farrah wanted to keep some of her friends away.

"I would go to her and say, 'Honey, so and so has called, these people really want to see you.' Farrah would think about it for a moment and respond, 'Not now, I just don't feel like it.' I don't think Farrah wanted to emotionally deal with it. She didn't want people seeing her when she wasn't looking like herself."

As for the others who have hurled barbs at Stewart and O'Neal, she adds to RadarOnline:
"These people should just put a pin in it and honor her (Farrah’s) memory. They're angry, bitter, disgruntled or have an axe to grind. Farrah's legacy is far greater than any of these people could disparage. Let Farrah rest in peace."
Now what do you think about that?
I am more than thrilled that Ms. Jackson is speaking out. I was appalled with her comments on TV when before Farrah passed regarding Mr. Nevius. So the worm has turned and for good cause. Yea Ms. Jackson. I do hope that Mr. Nevius prevails I really do. Ryan, its not all about power sweetie, and Alana, you're about to be spanked honeychile. You bet on the wrong horse.
I agree with Ms. Stewart. Why is it so hard to believe that a beautiful, proud, very ill woman did not want anyone around doing those horrid last fews months except her closest friends? Quit talking like you have any idea what could have gone on--if you weren't there, YOU DON'T KNOW. PERIOD. I'm glad she had people she trusted with her to respect her wishes.
What's a 'honeychile', please?
We saw that in Farrah's Story that they were indeed filming Farrah when she was not all in her right state of mind and heavily medicated and that was twisted and sick for Ryan and Alana to do that.
At least Kate Jackson has talent and did not make a career of a friends death as alana has.
Do you actually know Alana or Nevius and witnessed this stuff? Just curoius--you talk like you know. There's more to a story than tabloid one-sided gossip, you know.
Kate even talks in an interview about a time she went to see Farrah and Farrah gave her the finger, so she knew it was better just to leave. Let it go Kate, this fighting over stupid shit and taking attention away from what really matters is frivolous and selfish.
I once lost a friend to cancer. She told her parents to keep us all away towards the end--even her fiance. They respected her wishes, even though it was hard for them to do. Respecting a dying friends wishes is the right, HONORABLE thing to do. True friends would understand and accept this.
She also wanted Alana to film her in the hospital through the night when she was in horrible pain and throwing up--because that's what cancer does--remember that? and Alana didn't want to. Isn't there a really good chance Farrah instructed them to film the sometimes not to so-pretty reality no matter what?
P.S. Sorry Alana but it's not like Farrah's looks deteoriated in a matter of hours. That excuse dosent fly.
Why was it you allowed loon's, sooth sayer's and spiritualist into her room shortly before her last trip to St.John's. Why was Kate not allowed. INSTRUCTED BY SECURITY ? Come on Ms.Ebay of June-09---Alot happened in that suit of Ms.Fawcett's and ? well ? you were one of the last on the scene ? Mela, Ryan ? Dr.Piro ? Farrah seemed ok with that. Oh and for the person who questioned HONEYCHILE, It is a southern saying for Honey Child.
Anon 6:14
Then why would she keep people away if she wanted it on film?
That don't jive
I didn't see the quote of Alana calling Kate 'insane' printed ... However, I think that word will be Alana's defence to everyone against her! ...
I don't buy the excuse that Farrah didn't want to see her friends. If anything, the only noble thing would be if Farrah was allowed to state this to her REAL friends over the telephone! That will be the ONLY WAY I would believe she didn't want to see anyone! ... So Farrah would agree to let the world see her in the state she was in (throwing up, no hair, in pain, etc. etc.) YET won't let her friends see her at the last stages??? Alana thinks people are STUPID & INSANE, like her, to believe this shit!
One other thing ... if Farrah allowed the world to see her, (in the photo that is printed under Kate's), in this article ... than she would allow people to see her at the last stages of her life, for it couldn't of been any worse!!!! These photos of Farrah during her bad, swollen, cosmetic surgery days, should be burned!
Alana said ... "Let Farrah rest in peace." ... Alana ... PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!!!!!!!!!
STOP making money off of Ms. Fawcett! ... You LOST any credability you ever had! ... NO ONE BELIEVES YOU ... Not only do Farrah's TRUE fans believe you are a LIAR, BUT believe it or not so do A LOT of your Hollywood 'friends' and collegues!!! ... The ONLY ones that are on your side are the ones who are trying to PROFIT off Ms. Fawcett, LIKE YOU are! ... I would not put it pass you and Ryan and the 'others' who might have had a hand in Farrah's DELIBERATE shun from the Oscar's Memorial Segment! ... After all ... this is more opportunity to talk to the press and give out interviews, thus $$$$
I think she was concerned with more than her looks--cancer rots you--physically and mentally. Why are you so unable to understand someone not being up to visitors? Mela?--one of her best friends. Ryan?--her lover of over 30 years. Dr. Piro?--her freakin' dr. I'm sure security was instructed--they were always a part of her life because of stalkers and freaks.
AGAIN I SAY, HOW COULD YOU KNOW--YOU WEREN'T THERE. Quit believing every tabloid trash you read--about BOTH sides.
Oh, my 3:04 comment was for 10:18, Honeychile!
Are some of you guys SURE you were Farrah Fawcett fans?? You criticize everything--her friends, family, decisions, makeup, even plastic surgery. Seems like GENUINE fans would accept everything about her and show RESPECT. Why not start your own club? The 'Hate All Farrah's Friends--Alana Stewarts Should End Destitute' Club? You could call yourselves 'HAFF-ASSED', for short.
Think about it.
Alana is insane and a liar.
Watching her on Larry King last night she shows no real emotion when talking about Farrah.
Maybe it's botox but either way she looks cold to me!
See, another creepy member of the HAFF-ASSED club. Do you spend all day following her around and watching her on tv? Didn't seem to bother Farrah what her friend looked like or sounded like---WHY DO YOU CARE?
Well if nobody cared then Alana and Ryan would have no income.They both have been cashing in on her death before the woman even died and many people know it and don't like Alana running around as if she was farrah's only friend and owns her life and memory.
I never saw in Farrah's Will that Alana and Ryan were to be her spokesman's after her death or to own her likeness! Until someone shows us proof that Alana and Ryan own Farrah entire legacy then I have to continue to believe both Alana and Ryan are full of shit!
Who cares? She's had a life that was one hell of a ride (Rod Stewart, George Hamilton!) and was best friend's with Farrah Fawcett--sounds pretty damn cool to me, no matter what she looks like!
I love the 'HAFF-ASSED Club' thing--funny. Sad, but true! KD
You people are amazing---SICKENING--but amazing. Farrah had amazing life long friends. Unthinkable in the celeb-entertainment buisiness. Her friends were long term, life time good people--even the 'on-off lover- type ones'!! I can't believe you continue to belittle and try to destroy these people with your small minded gossip. That's all it is ---SMALL MINDED GOSSSIP.
Where you there? Do you have any idea what torture, deterioration, giving-up of life that Farrah had to endure? I think not. Show some compassion. The fact that you 'dislike her friends' is so unimportant compared to the sacrifice she made--the pain she endured. For her sake, direct your energy to something worthwhile--something charitable--you know, SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY MATTERS--if not, WHAT IS YOUR POINT?????
fair question, no?
Well anon maybe she did have an amazing life being married to Rod Stewart and friends with Farrah.
But that's not the point,the point is what she did with that friendship is what bothers people.
Making money and a book deal announced the day afyer farrah's death was somply a cashing in on her friends death and it's really LOW CLASS!
I don't care if Alana married this guy or that guy or who her friends are she's not that relevant on her own only when she attaches herself to someone who is famous and relevant. I personally find her repulsive and I don't believe much of what she says and whenever it came time to make a buck or keep someone away it's always what Farrah wanted and I don't buy it for a minute.
Nobody cared about Alana or even knew who she was until the documentary came out that she and Ryan stole.
Yes Anon I agree with you on the subject of Alana's life and who she was married to or friends with.
Nobody cares about that and when somebody rides the coat tails of others to achieve mediocre celebrity staus is no one to envy. LOL
We Love Kate jackson,not you.
We care about Kate Jackson,we don't care about you....
Alana's friendship with Farrah does not bother me. She was there for her during her illness. It is all this "after her death" stuff that bothers me.
The book, this calling Kate insane (Why did it take so long for her to do that?), took longer for her than the public and other celebs to come out with how upset they were that Farrah was not mentioned on the memorium at the Oscars, and finally her being president of Farrah's Foundation. These are the things that bother me.
Hell, I'm glad Farrah had friends. But Kate was a friend too. They made sure she was in the Documentary along with Jaclyn Smith. Jaclyn has not said anything and with good reason. Why should she when someone like Stewart will call her insane too!
My money is on Kate Jackson any day of the week. She ought to just kick the shit out of Alana and put this all to rest!
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