It's reported today that actor Daniel Futterman is playing Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnaped and murdered in Pakistan, in an upcoming movie.
Good casting.
But it's also reported that Pearl’s widow, Mariane, will be portrayed by Angelina Jolie.
Mariane appears to be a black woman.
Uh, aren’t there any African-American actresses who are qualified for the role?
Hollywood thinks it is still the '50's and they can cast white people in non-white roles ala Ava Gardner in "Showboat." Angelina has been to Africa so many time she's beginning to think she is "African" except, of course,without having to experience the poverty or racism,etc.
Sad, since I wanted to see this picture and now I'll stay home. And too bad that the NAACP, hell BET, no longer has any will or ability to muster a protest or two - does anyone remember what the Latino community did when Laura San Giacomo was set to play Frieda Kahlo?
Click the photo for our complete coverage of the death and legacy of the Las Vegas superstar
"Sad, funny, undeniably authentic, Tabloid Baby tells the tale of what befell too much of mainstream television news over the past couple of decades as the bad drove out the good."
--Mike Wallace, 60 Minutes
"Burt was there for the birthing of tabloid, he became the heart of the genre, and now he's written the bible."
--Maury Povich
"... the boozy, Vegas-stomping, strip-club-hopping, Sammy Davis Jr.–fawning life he describes, in vomit-in-the-office-trash-can detail, is emulated by mainstream media personalities today!"
--LA Weekly
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Click the photo to see how a corporate porn-pushing gossip site fooled the world by reporting Michael Jackson's death before it was confirmed
"...a potpourri blog... a mash-up of retro stars, LA stories, forgotten details, well-worn memories, breaking scoops, all mixed in with a little spritz of analysis. (And damn---excellent grammar and sentence structure from our host!! That you certainly won't find on too many media blogs.)" --Anonymous commenter, 10.24.07
"Dear Burt: While you always had quite a flair for the dramatic, you never had much regard for the truth... Apparently you can't be bothered to read anything carefully. Maybe that is why you, like O'Reilly, make half your crap up.
Glad to hear you finally got sober." -- Barry Nolan, 04.12.08
"Hey! Who said Burt got sober?" -- Tabloid Baby, 04.12.08
Please see the B&W shot, fourth from the left, bottom row as my choice for the role of the widow.
Inspired choice, BK!
Hollywood thinks it is still the '50's and they can cast white people in non-white roles ala Ava Gardner in "Showboat."
Angelina has been to Africa so many time she's beginning to think she is "African" except, of course,without having to experience the poverty or racism,etc.
Sad, since I wanted to see this picture and now I'll stay home. And too bad that the NAACP, hell BET, no longer has any will or ability to muster a protest or two - does anyone remember what the Latino community did when Laura San Giacomo was set to play Frieda Kahlo?
^ Damn, sister. Laura San Giacomo had the eyebrows for that role.
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