Jerry's celebrity cohost is a singer named Billy Gilman, whom we've never heard of, which is fitting in a universe in which Jerry is the ultimate star. Don't miss this genuine event. Jerry Lewis is God, he won't be around much longer, he's the last one left, and last week's New York Times review of Mr. Bean's Holiday did not need to add a disclaimer when including him in the pantheon of great film pantomime artists including Buster Keaton, Jacques Tati, and Rowan Atkinson.
(Read the only insider's view of the Jerry Lewis Telethon-- featuring Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra, Bobby Berosini's orangutans and more-- in Tabloid Baby.)
You have a problem with Jerry Lewis using his star power, being a good guy and helping fight a terrible disease? Shame!
Quite the opposite!
Jerry is god!
Truth be told, Tabloid Baby is god.
Come on. I LOVED Jerry Langford in King of Comedy. Jerry Lewis is two sides of the coin: benevolent fundraiser and driven egomaniac. Can we leave it at that??
It would not surprise me if "Pope Lewis" got a hefty paycheck for doing this telethon...C'mon folks....how many millions of dollars has he raised and we still have the telethons????
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