Comedy genius and legend John Cleese shared his reflections and hilarious insights with our pals at Frozen Pictures as he starred in today's filming for the nonfiction feature film, The Seventh Python. Cleese compared the work of the film's subject, Monty Python collaborator Neil Innes, to that of Charlie Chaplin and Steve Martin.
He said Innes' contribution to comedy and music in the past forty years is "irreplaceable."

Said executive producer Sean Connors, who was at Cleese's home office in Montecito California: "Mr. Cleese was more generous with his time and spirit than we could have asked. He made a couple of dry, hilarious comments that were so funny that we had to stop the interview because we couldn't help but laugh out loud."
"It's always great to work with a professional," said fellow producer Brett Hudson, no slouch in the comedy department himself.
The Frozen guys have been working overtime-- and coast-to-coast-- this past week. They're continuing their shoot on the Michael Lohan project in New York, and planning their next stop... London... for the final round of Seventh Python shoots.