Rare Lenny Bruce memorabilia will be going up for auction October 28th at the Laugh Factory on The Sunset Strip.
More than 25 items from the late, legendary comedian's estate will be sold by his daughter Kitty Bruce to benefit Lenny's House, a non-profit recovery house for women healing from drug and alcohol addictions, named in Bruce's memory. The items include Bruce family photos, personal letters, a typewriter from his early years, his bedroom set and one of his trademark trench coats, which he became famous for being arrested in.
The auction will follow an all-star benefit show featuring Richard Lewis, Paul Mooney, (
Cloud 9 star) Rick Overton, Paul Provenza and Bobby Slayton. It begins Wednesday, October 28th at 10 pm.

The event takes place one year to the day after The Laugh Factory was the stage for the second public performance of Eric Cohen's play, The New 30, produced by our pals at
Frozen Pictures.
Bruce was found dead of a drug overdose on August 3rd, 1966, in the bathroom of his home on North Hollywood Boulevard, a two-minute drive from the Laugh Factory.
The Essential Lenny Bruce, a collection of Bruce material, has been named as one of Tabloid Baby's most influential books.
Find auction details at
the Lenny Bruce website. For reservations, call The Laugh Factory in West Hollywood at 323.656.1336.
Lenny's House is overseen by The Lenny Bruce Memorial Foundation a 501C3 organization.