The Jerusalem Post, which sparked a worldwide sports frenzy this morning when it copied an Associated Press press release claiming that the Israel Baseball League was promising a second, truncated mini-season beginning July 27th, is now backtracking after doing some reporting to back up its story.
We were the first to question the story.
And Our Man Elli was the first to get confirmation that the nation's sports governing body had not given the league certification to allow it to do business in Israel.
Now, once again, The Jerusalem Post appears to follow our lead:

IBL still not granted permission to return
Sources at the Israel Association of Baseball said Thursday that no permission has been granted for a second season of the Israel Baseball League, despite the emergence of reports that the IBL has been resurrected by a new management team.
In a story carried by the Associated Press on Thursday it was announced that the IBL "would begin play on July 27, about a month behind its original schedule and in abbreviated form."
The AP report stated that the abridged season would run for three weeks rather than last year's inaugural 10-week season and would feature four teams in place of last year's six.
Former Netanya Tigers player Dan Rootenberg was reported to be the new president of the IBL, apparently replacing Martin Berger.
However, the IAB, which is authorized by the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports to grant licenses for professional baseball in Israel, said there has been no change in the situation reported in The Jerusalem Post last month.
On May 29 IAB president Haim Katz told the Post "There will be no league in 2008," adding, "2008 is not happening, 2009 we're working on."
According to Katz, the league's problems stemmed largely from a number of Israeli creditors who, he said, had not been paid by the IBL.
Thursday's news coincided with the premiere of a documentary, "Holy Land Hardball," chronicling the IBL's first year, in the US.
Read the full story here.
Then go back and read ours.
More to come.
The IAB has recertified Larry because everyone has been paid in full. That's the real truth!
I have it first hand that all remaining field debts will be paid within a matter of days, and that the IAB is in fact on board with the IBL. Money makes many problems disappear!
The IBL never met their IAB conditions. Baptiste Village was paid off along time ago. If Gezer wants the IBL back they better make sure that they pay past debts and for the new season upfront.
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