Now Murray Slaughter is going to be our mayor.
Sort of.
We live in a town at the end of Sunset Boulevard, out where the road meets the Pacific Ocean. Lots of celebrities live here, mostly established and older, especially in the area they call "The Riviera," near the Riviera Country Club, where OJ Simpson was seen on his cellphone, having one last—or second-to-last-- fight with Nicole on the day she was murdered. The Reagans lived on Amalfi, Arnold Schwarzenegger still toots by in his touring car, Spielberg and Billy Crystal can be seen and Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman had a place high on the hill.

Our town also has the tradition of an honorary celebrity mayor. Anthony Hopkins was mayor here for awhile, before he moved to Bill and Cindy Hudson’s House in Malibu (see Cloud 9).

Mayor Guttenberg’s term ends in June. And the Chamber of Commerce has picked Gavin MacLeod, Murray Slaughter, to replace him. Gavin MacLeod, who turns 75 this week, is better known as Captain Stubing from Love Boat, and in fact, still cashes in on the image. He told the local paper he’d agreed to be mayor after he was assured that his frequent business trips wouldn’t conflict. He's been a spokesman for Princess Cruises since 1986, and often travels on various cruise ships to participate in naming ceremonies and other events.
He says he’ll “keep in touch with the community” by writing letters to the paper when he's out of town, a tradition started by former honorary mayor Jerry Lewis (1953) and continued today with Guttenberg's "Gute News." He’ll also make hay by having his installation dinner videotaped by a crew from the reality show, Living In TV Land.

Then again, maybe he forgot because Murray Slaughter, the character from the Mary Tyler Moore Show, was a Jew (at least MacLeod always played him like a bisexual Jew). And we tabloid babies also remember Gavin MacLeod as the swinging television star who dumped his wife in the early Eighties, then suddenly remarried her (with Pat Boone as his Best Man) a few years later when he came out as a weeping Born Again Evangelical Christian and spokesman for something called “Born Again Marriages.”

He recently talked about his marriage and mission with the Evangel News:
“We were married the first time for seven years, but it was under New Age teachings. We had been taught there was no such thing as sin-- we could do whatever we wanted as long as it made us happy.
“I became very selfish, and when I left Patti I didn’t think about how she would feel. We were divorced for three years and I didn’t think I would ever see her again. She was stunned and hurt when I left. Then she went to a weekly prayer meeting of ex-wives of actors and they started praying for me.

"Then for some reason I called Patti in Santa Monica. I told her about the operation and she said she would pray for my mom. Then I said, 'Can I come over and see you?' I didn’t even know I was saying this, but the Lord had set it up because these women were praying.
"When she opened the door, Patti said, 'I’m sorry, Gavin. Your dinner is cold. It’s been waiting for three years.' She told me she had given her life to Christ and explained what that meant. Then she went into the bedroom and came out with a Bible with my name inscribed on it. The next week I went with her to a meeting of Born Again Marriages and I gave my life to Christ on September 14, 1984. Patti and I remarried on June 30, 1985."

"I do get a chance to witness to whomever I’m working with as an ambassador for Christ. What is difficult is finding work that I can do — projects that God would approve of. I only do things that Patti and I have prayed about and really feel they are the Lord’s will. For some people, my behavior is the only Bible they’ll ever read. I tell anyone who wants to change what a difference it makes being a born-again Christian."
So our Honorary Mayor is Murray Slaughter, Captain Stubing, Princess Cruise spokesman and Honorary Ambassador for Christ. That's what it's like living in TV Land.
1 comment:
L.A. quote of the day: "My high school, which was a mile away from the beach, was filled with the sort of natural beauties who have come to personify Los Angeles. The photographer Bruce Weber regularly recruited his models from the halls of Pali High. My gym locker was next to that of a future Playboy centerfold. Everyone was tan and mostly blond and effortlessly beautiful in a way that I would never see again in my life."
— Lynn Hirschberg, in the New York Times about Palisades High School in the mid-1970s.
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