Tuesday, November 06, 2007

VH1's Best Week Ever appeals for Lohan show

The pilot pitch for The Michael Lohan Reality Project we brought you has turned out to be a hit on the Internet. YouTube, MediaBistro, Perez Hilton, and now VH1's Best Week Ever see the show for what it is: compelling, hilarious and very edgy reality that's even realer than it seems.

Alex Blagg writes:

Dear Hollywood Producers and Studio People,

I know you guys are busy right now rolling around in your money bins and wishing you were imaginative enough to think up new ways to f*ck over the writers who helped make you rich, but allow me to pose to you this modest suggestion for keeping hilarious comedy on the air without the help of the people who create it for you: look at this clip reel, and for the love of God, give Michael Lohan the reality show he so desperately wants. Who needs Jim & Pam & The Office when we can have this scumbag wandering around Hollywood with hookers babbling about Jesus, flying through the air with Bibles, and trying to “save Lindsay” by being a total moron? The most talented comedy genius on the planet couldn’t come up with this stuff, so this really couldn’t have come at a better time for you guys. Please, if you’re listening, put this show on the air.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure what to expect. I loved the sample show. The production values and music were awesome.

    Since I don't have an opinion on Michael Lohan one way or the other, I had to check out the 'reality' version of his life.

    For anyone who hasn't viewed it yet, enjoy the clip. And make note of the lightning observations about Tabloid v. Gossip -- as well as the family unit as it dissolves and struggles under the burden (blessing?) of fame.

    Very impressive.
