Tuesday, May 26, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: Signature scandal in Farrah Fawcett cancer documentary lawsuit leads to new questions for Ryan O'Neal

The issue of a disputed signature in the lawsuit over Farrah Fawcett's cancer documentary has led to new questions that go beyond Ryan O'Neal's control over the project to his control over Farrah Fawcett's final days.

Craig Nevius, the producer who's suing Ryan O'Neal, Alana Stewart and O'Neal's business manager for allegedly unlawfully hijacking Farrah Fawcett's cancer documentary project, confirmed our report that the signature on the document transferring creative control to O'Neal and company could be a explosive evidence against the defendants. He also revealed that the issue goes far beyond the television special.

April 2008

April 2009

"It wouldn't be appropriate for me to comment on matters of which I don't have firsthand knowledge," Nevius told Tabloid Baby this afternoon. "But I will acknowledge that you have raised some questions that need answers in terms of the disparity between those two signatures, especially when you take into account the various public statements about Farrah's lucidity, or lack thereof, that have come from Ryan O'Neal and others over the past six weeks or so.

"I wish I had the answers but I don't. I have not been allowed access to Farrah, not even the briefest of phone calls, by others whom I have never had to go through before."

The questions of access and Farrah's condition was also raised over the weekend in a message on her official website, FarrahFawcett.us:

"To add to this on going upsetting situation with Farrah. Now I have been denied access to my business partner (Farrah) by phone, email and in-person. Farrah and I have been in partnership with FarrahFawcett.us since the conception in Sept. 2006. Please keep her in your thoughts. ~Greg Lott"

Greg Lott is Farrah's partner in website and has long been part of Farrah Fawcett lore, with a relationship that goes back at least 43 years when he was her boyfriend at the University of Texas at Austin (People magazine: "The Delta Delta Delta sorority sister was going steady with Greg Lott, the Longhorns' star quarterback...") and who rekindled his relationship with the beauty in 1997, after she and O'Neal announced their breakup.

Sources tell Tabloid Baby that the native Texan is in Los Angeles, and is very concerned about Farrah's condition, now that O'Neal has announced that her treatment has pretty much ended, and that he controls her medication.

The document at the center of this sad chapter bears Farrah's signature and hands over "full power and authority" in the production company she started with Nevius a year earlier to business manager Richard B. Francis and "full artistic and creative control" of her cancer journal documentary to O'Neal. The document is dated April 20, four days after Farrah's son Redmond said in open court that her condition had deteriorated and she was down to 86 pounds.

Nevius (below) and other sources (including Tabloid Baby pal Brett Hudson, who was treated in Germany with Farrah and is working on his own doco project, Frozen Pictures' The Klinik) tell us that Farrah intended the documentary to explore why alternative treatments were not available in the United States. It wound up as a morbid, exploitative tabloid television entertainment special produced under the auspices of NBC News and the supervision of O'Neal, who played a major part onscreen and in its promotion.

"Farrah and I have always had a direct and open line of communication-- professionally and personally, in sickness or in health, no matter what time of the day or night, regardless of country she was in." Nevius insists. "Her condition, by all accounts, seems to have gotten worse over the last two months, yet Ryan and Alana Stewart's spokesperson has said that Farrah is still seeing friends. So why haven't Ryan and his business manager allowed me to see her? And why was I threatened--physically and professionally)-- if I even tried?

"Like Farrah said in our documentary about her cancer, 'I don't have all the answers. But I do have some questions.'"


  1. I totally think Ryan is a snake, but has anyone thought that maybe the 2nd signature is Farrah's? It could be that she's so weak / sick that her signature won't look the same??

    by the way that snake Ryan will end up with everything Farrah owns, including her image. That sucks, I only wish Redmond was well so he would of be left with everything.

    Ryan is a loser, and i'm starting to think so is Alana.

  2. I agree with Sean. I think he is a snake and only thinking of himself. Farrah should have her son or even better; her father made as the executor to make ensure her son is taking care of.

    I also agree that it is very possible that in her weaken state her signature could have varied from the original- perfectly normal.

    I wish her well. I'm sorry to learn of all the difficulties she has had to unnecessarily endure. I'm not so sure what to think of her so called friend- Alana.

  3. I have about 14 sign pictures of Farrah Fawcett,For me that second sign of Miss Fawcett is fake....

  4. Farrah is and always will be one of the great beauties. Her openness and vulnerability through this will allow us understand her more. Over the years, I've thought that as far as celebrity goes she may have been too fragile for the Hollyood machine.

    The second signature looks like hers, written in a weakened state. The two r's in her first name show consistency with the original signature. The connection between the two r's is the same in each, and the same amount of empty space is inside each letter. The flourish on the F is shaky, which it would be after cancer treatments.

    I think this man should just mourn his friend's fate, pray for her comfort and quit chasing the dollar.

  5. To those of you saying that may be her signature
    First if it is,then she was either sedated or to weak to even care what she was signing.
    That signature is not from a person 100% alert,if it is even hers. So either way something DISHONEST was being done.
    A person sedated

    Can someone do something to get her away from those two scumbags and get her into the care of REAL family.Does her dad know anything?

  6. Alana has no character I mean not only did she marry men for money,but let's get real her acting and modeling career is D list level if that.
    Most people never even heard of her until the past few years through Farrah. When I mention Alana stewart people look at me like Who are you talking about?
    Alana is talentless Farrah wannabe.
    Now that she is able to hold a camcorder she now is a producer,OK?? My 5 year old niece can claim the same thing.

  7. Craig Nevious is not out for money,he's looking out for what Farrah truly wanted.
    Stop believing Entertainment Tonight interviews from Alana Stewart.

  8. Anonymous: I totally agree that Ryan is out for the money as well as Alanya. It is odd that he states,"I fell in love with her (Farrah) all over again and that he loves her more than he ever has. What he "loves" is the money that is coming in from the show aired on NBC. Farrah is one of the most beautiful women in the world. If is so very sad what Farrah is having to go through. Farrah is a real trooper "IF" this filming was her idea. Questionable!!!He (Ryan) says he will not know life without her? I sure with the millions the film brought in, he (Ryan) will find out very fast what to do if and when something happens to this "angel". She is truely beautiful inside and out. It is very, very sad. I pray for her daily. God Bless you Farrah

  9. This is just sad all around. Know one will ever know the truth unfortunately , but if we look at GREG LOTT, he as well is a money hungry user.... the site he refers to , that he started with Farrah has been posting NEW ITEMS just to cash in on this situation as well, so dont feel sorry for this long dear friend at this time now that he can see her, he probably just wants to get more photo's autographed to hawk on the website he controls !

  10. WOW, i so agree with the comment regarding the farrah site and its manager GREG LOTT, i was so curious why there were all these new items posted recently, seems he is out for the big $$$ as well, while poor farrah fights for her life. SO SAD. Farrah deserves so much better than all these losers.... Ryan, Alana, Greg, they all should be ashamed. I mean if we look at this greg lott person, he has know farrah for some odd 43 years, where is his decency - i just came from the farrah website and now he offers pre-signed photos ???? CASH IN BUDDY, YES GREG YOUR SO DEVOTED..... THE THE DOLLAR, NOT FARRAH. and you post on the site about not being able to see farrah anymore, MAYBE THERES A REASON??? I will say the only person i have some compassion for is Craig who's intentions seem somewhat lose to what her vision was. BRAVO to you for at least trying to uphold her wishes !

  11. Greg Lott does not make the merchandise. Anything on that site had to be approved by Farrah. Do you think he sits at home and makes thousands of shirts,posters and photos all on his own. He runs the site but it's Farrah's official web-site and Gerg Lott had 35 years worth of time to sell Farrah out and I can't find one interview that he has given in regards to his relationship with her.And the fact that he is putting this information on the site shows he's not out to kiss anyones ass for the sake of money,he could easily sit back and play the game with ryan but did not.

  12. What did Greg Lott do other then help Farrah run her web-site and to provide merchandise for her fans. At least he has recently put on the site that the photos are pre signed and did not lie about it

  13. I would not second guess Red's statment to the judge that his Mother-weiged 86 pounds.It was Alana who retracted it to 101 pounds. The frightning thing is Red dosent understand value of much as so much time has been wasted in his short life so far.Second he is Ryans flesh, and blood ! The signature is of a weak very medicated Farrah,as I own a few as well. The one posotive is Kate Jackson seems to be a tough nail, and I onl;y trust she may not let this go on. WHY HAS THIS NEW INFO MADE THE NEWS- I MEAN THE REAL NEWS- ? AMERICA WOULD KICK THE DOOR'S DOWN TO SEE THAT FARRAH IS OK- Forget Ryan, he was as well charged for drugs a few months ago as Farrah was said to be asleep in his Malibu home at the time of the arrest- So what could he care.

  14. The scumbags come from everywhere, when money is concerned. Its sad that this popular actress has to have her last days on earth been tabloid like this. I only hope that she got her affairs in order, once she was first diagnosed and has left her wealth to the person she wants to have it..And whether we agree or not.. have to respect it. I dont know the true story, nor do any of the public really, we only know what the tabloids write, and can we believe half of it.. I dont.
    I just wish Farah the dignity she deserves and that her travel into the next world is a very peaceful and painless one. The next life will be better Farah, go peacefully

  15. I also agree, that her signature would have changed once being ill for so long. god mine has changed several times over the years. and I havent been that ill.
    But with getting weaker and weaker. yes. very possibly could have changed to that degree. anyway, arent their hand specialist to determind whether its really fake or not, Im sure the authorities wont overlook that little bit of information

  16. I am SORRY!I am a huge Fan of Miss Fawcett....

    But I think that Ryan Frog
    O'Neal was trying to kill Farrah to get all!
    Ryan O'Neal is nothing.Ryan O'Neal is crazy....
    "Farrah's Story",Just like "Love Story".wake up!
    That's why she never married Ryan O'Neal.Farrah's Story will be Ryan O'Neal Last roll....Ryan is desperate,for money....Ryan O’Neal has been accused of pestering a woman for phone sex.And drogs too.

    And Greg Lott is just trying to show everybody,that Farrah is still alive!She's not dead....

  17. I agree. Ryan is a low life and always has. Farrah deserves so much better then him.
    In regards to Greg Lott I do not believe he has anything to gain from this. The people who have something to gain Is Ryan and Alana.
    Greg Lott just works on her web-site,no harm in that it gives the fans a place to buy stuff of a woman we admired for decades

  18. Regardless if that is her signature,it still is in question,was she 100% alert or knew what she was signing? I can't see her doing that when for the past 2 years she had a contract and vision of what she wanted and after she was in the hospital late march/early april she was heavily sedated and all of a sudden she hands all creative control to that Ryan O'Neal. Sounds like someone is being dishonest and it's not Craig Nevious.He's not suing Farrah,he's suing for Farrah so lets stand behind him instead of believing sound bites from alana and ryan. Do you really think they are going to tell the truth???? If the documentary gets an Emmy Alana finally has a career of her own and Ryan gets to play the victim all the way to the bank.

  19. Sure MR GREG LOTT works for Farrahs website, but HELLO, he doesnt do it for free !!! HE AS WELL GETS $$$ and will stop at nothing, even in her grave state but to profit from her image as well, he's a using loser as well ! LETS SEE, FARRAH IS SICK,LETS POST NEW PICTURES AND POSTERS AT RIDICULOUS PRICES and MAKE MONEY ! Oh yes, i feel so sorry for him as he posts all this NEWS on the site about how he cant see her anymore.... If you look at the site, the news since it started has been MINIMAL, now he's doing updates alot..... HMMMMM, interesting right ??? Do we get as fans get updates on FARRAH ???? NO !!!! so in my opinion, he's just like them all FARRAH USER ! I pray for her to FIGHT THE FIGHT, and rid her life of him and all the other HANGER ONS !

  20. Sure MR GREG LOTT works for Farrahs website!Yes,She is alive!Greg is a old friend of Farrah and she likes him!She can have her website running.Thank you God Greg Lott is around!

    But Ryan O'Neal wants to make FARRAH'S STORY 2....Wake up my dear!
    The point here is:What Ryan O'Neal is doing.....
    He has a lot of problemas....very aggressive.
    Again....Do you see what Ryan O'Neal is doing?
    So.You can not see,call or e-mail Farrah.....So something is wrong,right?

    She's not dead,not in coma.....
    And yes!She can see friends,talk to them....She's alive!
    She's not dead.

  21. Ryan has already said there will be NO part 2 , to Farrahs story. And what Ryan is up to, who knows, i dont trust him either.... I am sure this is ryans last chance for any spotlight, in fact FARRAH has been ryans chance for any spotlight in many years !!! BUT, it doesnt also make the fact that this greg lott person seems just as shady..... i looked at the website for the first time, and it seems the other person who stated the info about updates is correct, they were far and few until NOW , so as fans WHY SUPPORT his pockets at this time !!??? To me seems this GREG is just a shady "partner" cashing in as well.... FARRAH DESERVES better !

  22. GREG LOTT seems like a shady money hungry person, selling her stuff in this time. I feel for Farrah and wish her the best.

  23. Farah Fawcett has done a great job using her celebrity status for a good cause, in light of and despite her cancer

  24. Farrah's Story, in all honesty, wasn't what I expected. Although it was very much interesting, I really thought it was going to focus more on her illness, and be more graphic in her treatments. I also thought it would answer a few questions, such as, how did Farrah get Anal Cancer, (since it is such a rare form of Cancer), how can it be avoided, what are the symptoms etc. The show mostly focused on her liver tumors, and made it seem Farrah was suffering mostly from Liver Cancer.

    The outcome of the show also gave a negative impression, (to some), on Farrah. It has been said that this type of show made her out to look like an attention seeker,(somewhat like Madonna is), and a way for her to try to make money off her misfortune. After all, this type of documentary has never been made by any other person show casing such a personal and private matter, especially since Farrah has been quoted as saying that she is a 'private person, and shy about her personal issues' This type of documentary made her out to be contradicting. Therefore, I agree that I do not think Farrah meant for this documentary to be aired the way it did. I agree with Craig and think Farrah had a totally different attempt when it came time for this documentary to be seen.

    What also struck me ODD was when Ryan O'Neal said that he doesn't show his 'true emotions & fears' to Farrah, and won't, YET he is stated as saying that he and Farrah will watch the show on TV together. What was he planing on doing while they were watching the show, so Farrah doesn't hear what he is saying? Also, Ryan says that Farrah doesn't know that Redmond is in jail. When she sees the show, won't she find out? Another thing that bugged me was how Ryan, Alana, Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson all talked about Farrah in the PAST tense! For someone who didn't know better, you would of thought Farrah Fawcett had died! Upon viewing the show, wouldn't they think Farrah would notice this? I truly DOUBT Farrah even watched the show, as Ryan is saying she did.

    Something really smells FISHING, and I truly believe Farrah Fawcett is being taken advantage of by her so called 'friends'. These people are seizing the opportunity to try to make money off of her, and are trying to rekindle their long lost careers! I also think they are trying to gain control of her assets,(after her death).

    Another 'strange' thing I sensed was how Ryan addresses Redmond as 'HER SON', instead of 'OUR son'. Also, WHY is Ryan saving Farrah's hair? Does he have plans on selling it on e Bay?

    Something is NOT RIGHT with Mr. Ryan O'Neal. Something truly seems fishy with his involvment. He is still trying to get Farrah to marry him, even in the state she is in. I think he is using her illness to his advantage!

    Alana doesn't seem like such a sweetheart that she is making herself out to be. I wouldn't be surprised if after Farrah's death, these two with merge together and live off of Farrah's money!

    Cancer has already invaded Ms. Farrah Fawcett yet this time, not only have tabloids invaded her, but also her so called Friends! Farrah is being ROBBED while she is still alive, AND I pray that there will be someone who can stop them!

    My thoughts and prayers have been with Ms. Farrah Fawcett since day one, and I will continue to keep her in thoughts.

    I pray Farrah will be given her justice, and hope that she will overcome her suffering and return back to us, as beautiful as she always was!

    God Bless you, Farrah Fawcett ALWAYS!


  25. Ewww, I've wondered myself about Ryan and Alana's sincerity. They both come across as phoney. I'm glad I came to this site as I hadn't seen my thoughts expressed by anyone else before. I think she's a lovely, fragile woman that is being used by her has-been ex and never been friend. She has had such an impact on people. God Bless Her.

  26. Has anyone noticed on Farrah's website the latest news? Whoever is running the website, (being Lott or Craig), are now asking for fans to 'HELP PAY FOR FARRAH'S MEDICAL EXPENSES'!!!

    I'm sorry, BUT this doesn't sound right AT ALL!!!!!

    What? Farrah's broke now??? OR are people trying to make a profit off of her with the excuse of her illness??

    I don't know, BUT I was supporting Craig and Lott these past few months, BUT this has got me questioning them! It doesn't mean that Ryan O'Neal or Alana Stewart are 'off the hook' with me. I still don't trust them!

    So I'm urging fans DO NOT TRUST ANYONE OF THESE PEOPLE .... SOMETHING DOESN'T SEEM RIGHT! I now think that fans are being taken advantage of!


  27. First off I have been a Farrah fan since I was in diapers and I love you! I think most definatly Ryan and Alana are in this for the all mighty dollar! I would think if they loved her so much, they would want her surrounded by friends and loved ones in this dark time of her life, showing her "the love" not being selfish and thinking about themselves and not allowing people to see her!Ryan has never really had a career to speak of so even now as Farrah lay sick he is still riding on her coattails and as far as this supposed marriage that almost took place in Germany, I can well imagine that was his idea, as this would give him all rights to everything from A to Z in Farrahs life! Just remember one thing Ryan and Alana, I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around and you two will get yours! I just pray that it happens while Farrah can see it and see you two for who you really are, a couple of leaches! Farrah I will keep you in my prayers and pray that when and "IF' this is your time, you go gently into that great night! As in life and beyond you will forever be the publics favotite ANGEL!

  28. P.S.S Where is the six million dollar man in this? Lee if you can hear me, now would be a good time for Steve Austin to make an appearance, enter the picture and save the day and take out the bad guys!

  29. has had an very close and loving friendship with Farrah--He has taken her food-tracked down her son when she couldnt find him-I am sorry he didnt see the vultures over head---while caring for Farrah---

  30. Part of my comment was left out--I am talking about Craig loving and taking care of Farrah--I have listen to phone conversations and he was always thinking of ways to comfort her--Craig I am sorry babe I know what it is like to have someone still from your heart---This will work out for you--There is going to be a great deal surface-Hang in there-The truth will prevail-

  31. Ryan and Alana with both have to one day answer to a higher being on their behavior. I wish for them to be treated the way they have treated Farrah. All this reading is so upsetting that this poor woman has no one to look out for her and protect her. What a society we live in. It breads garbage. Ryan, Alana, remember this time in life. The day will come when you will answer for your sins.

  32. Ryan O'Neal is a pig! Remember that they broke up in 1997 because he had beaten her. His own daughter Tatum hasn't spoken to him in years. He crawled out from under a rock when Farrag got cancer, taking advantage of her condition to weasel his way back into her life. I am sure that he is scrambling like mad, trying to find a way to get all of her money. He burned out in Hollywood years ago.
    Poor Farrah. Ryan and Alana should be ashamed of themselves! Let the woman die in

  33. If everything is true about Ryan,Alana and farrah's manager,then yes they will all have their day and it won't be pretty.It will be worse then Alana's plastic surgery and Ryan's bloated stomach

  34. Alana and Ryan are two fame whores and without Farrah Ryan would still be a has been and Alana Stewart would still be a??? Oh I forgot Alana is and was really nothing. To say Alana is a D-list celebrity is giving her too much credit.
    I mean really whoever would marry george Hamilton needs their head examined. Alana is a shallow woman who's claim to fame is marrying rich men and getting alimony and now famous for being friends with an Icon. Her day will come and as far as Ryan Im sure his already has,I can only imagine how awful it must be to be such a creep who has to chase 20yr olds for phone sex.You would think he would lose some weight doing that rather then looking like William Shatners twin

  35. I think that this situation is getting sadder and sadder and I wish that Farrah is getting back to a stable condition so she can take back control. I too was wondering about Ryan O'Neal's motives. Nowever, after tunning in to the website, I've found it very distasteful. Anyone can see that this Mr. Lott is declasse. Who in their right mind would ask for "donations" so Farrah's doctor can come from Europe to treat Farrah? First of all, that is why Farrah went to Germany, because the treatments are not "allowed" here in the United STates. Dr. Jacob could get in a lot of trouble if in fact she is "treating" FArrah FAwcett here. I am sure that Dr. Jacobs is a woman of considerable means, moreso thanthe average American and if she wanted to come and lend her support to FArrah, she could get here on her own means. No need to send donations. Next up, the selling of the Farrah Merchandize at exorbitant prices. That is very distasteful. I now see why Ryan is blocking Mr. Lott. He seems to be very passe. Even though he once had a connection to Farrah in Texas, what he's doing now is in bad, bad taste. I do not trust any of them and I hope Farrah is on her way to stability in her illness. If she sat up and ate a steak, I hope there is someone around her who is telling her what is going on with her site. She needs to speak out. Why haven't we heard anymore from Ryan about her state? Someone needs to clarify badly. Her true fans and the millons of people she won over with her documentary are very concerned at this point. Its too sad. Really.

  36. If you've noticed, the comment regarding donations for Farrah's doctor (treatments) has been removed from Farrah's site! Seems 'someone' is reading our comments!! :)

    Now it just states that portions of the proceeds (from buying Farrah's OVERPRICED merchandise) is going to 'Cancer Research' ... YEAH RIGHT!!!


  37. Funny that "HitmanPR" is the alleged name of her now "official" site. Also, hitman says he is a "consigliere to Actors" - that is a term related to a mafia position... it goes well with "hitman", but why would sweet Farrah or anyone else "hire" someone so illiterate (as evident on that blog page) claiming to be a "PR" person? It's all a scam, money-oriented, to profit from the inevitable: her passing. Mr. Lott has been in prison, I wonder if the "hitman" was an inmate or something and they are scamming together? Good thing the merchandising was shut down by lawyers. If I were Farrah, simply the misspellings and the "poor me" would make me sick to be associated with those who are using an old, brief relationship to make money.
    But I must say that it is good to have a link to charity that she might appreciate. Don't know if this charity is into alternative treatments or European medical knowledge. I guess so since it is on the blog, right?

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