Monday, March 17, 2008

Macca divorce settled: All she needs is cash

A judge has awarded Heather Mills a settlement of £24.3 million in her divorce from old Paul McCartney (the LA Times estimates the total at $48.6 million). She said this morning she was happy with the dough (even though she wanted £125 million), but then raged on the courthouse steps that the settlement was made public only to make old Paul look "generous." She added that old Paul had offered her £15.8 million, then attacked the legal establishment, claiming "these people are in a club" and don't want people who show up in court without lawyers, like her, to succeed.

The end to Mills' public career comes on the same day that in a parallel universe, The Rutles are reuniting for a 30th anniversary screening of the TV special and DVD favorite, All You Need Is Cash, at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, the timing of which causes us to wonder why the media has not made more out of the incredible coincidences linking the Beatles and their satiric counterparts, not the least of which is the fact that both the Rutles' manager Leggy Mountbatten and former porn model and alleged prostitute Heather each get around on one leg.

(And for old times' sake, find Heather Mills' NSFW --not safe for work or public viewing-- nude photos here.)


  1. sure no problem, she only want that money ammount, something more? I don't know...a arm or well a leg, no problem that ammount of money is nothing.

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