We reported back in October that the radio suck king might soon be walking away from his despoiled morning show gig, and now, after the actions of the past couple of days, his fans are fearing the prediction's come to pass. Sez one:
"I think Adam has left the show and some suit came up with this Adam is sick angle to keep the Carolla fans listeneing, while they slowly hand the reins over to Danny. I also got the feeling that Norm McDonald might be the new co-host. The Danny & Norm show in January 2008 is what I predict."
The monotonal, droning morning man who wound up in the unenviable position of taking over for the late Howard Stern and then spent the next two years soiling the spot beyond repair hasn't been showing up to work the past couple of days, even missing out on his Stern-imitating awards show for the oxymoronically "best" moments of his show.

But considering that Carolla's Scably appearance was taped days ago, it's more likely he skipped work and handed the show to Bonaduce to duck the inevitable prank calls from WGA members.

Some message board fans suspect Carolla is leaving Bonaduce hanging, to allow the volatile performer to hang himself.
We'll see. The Carolla show is headed into another long hiatus. The last New Year's hiatus contained the surprise massacre of Carolla's staff and the hiring of Bonaduce. So stay tuned. The morning nightmare for Los Angeles and several other western regions may soon give way to light.
the "quick-witted, colorful" bonaduce????!!?
are you high?
Honestly, Bonaduce sounds like a 15 year old trapped inside a 50 year olds body. You cant possibly think hes "Quick" or "Colorful". Have you even heard the show? Danny's like Mariachi music, Adam is like Classical. You'd understand that if you listen to the show.
"Bonaduce, the quick-witted, colorful and very human show business veteran-- and sole bright spot on the dreary show--"
Good lord! Do you even listen to the show?
Quick-witted? What the Hell are you smoking. He responds to everything in one of two ways - relate whatever he's hearing, from guest or caller or co-host, to his own experience, or his desire to have sex. He can't take an idea and run with it and he can't pursue a line of questioning with a guest or caller. Once you've heard his stories three or more times and got bored - and repulsed - by his constant sexual come-ons, and cringed often enough at his fake laughs at the end of another pointless interjection that he's lost track of, you become sick of him pretty quickly. And then there's the snorting into the mike...
Danny? It's you, right? Good one --writing your own propaganda. Give my best to the chubby mediocre girlfriend.
"quick-witted, colorful" bonaduce????!!? Danny reminds me of the Ho's I took out in college who insisted on continuing to do their nails while I nailed them in the back seat. Both they and Danny lack imagination and both they and Danny were accidents waiting to happen. I say, put Danny on and the first time he feels real pressure, you'll find him drunk and panhandeling tranies down near LAX. Good Luck.
I can't say it any better than my predecessors other than to say--You're a F***in' idiot!
Seriously, how many freaking times do we need to hear the same left field Bonaduce segue into something that has NOTHING to do with what the conversation but only about Danny? Shoot the one-trick pony and put us out of our misery. Please Adam, come back. LA needs you.
Please Tabloid Baby. Remove that shot of Carolla lifting his shirt. I thought the face was bad, this one tops it.
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