Thursday, October 04, 2007

SEE IT HERE! The REAL Anna Nicole death photo


Ha! Turns out we're getting thousands and thousands of visitors today, after folks across the globe googled ANNA NICOLE DEATH PHOTOS in reaction to reports that pix of Anna Nicole Smith on her Hard Rock hotel deathbed. Turns out that the story was infotainment show hype-- shows like The Insider bought up the shots only so they could debunk them as live-but-wasted Anna Nicole with tartar sauce, not death puke, across her chin and chest.

The real Anna Nicole death photo is here:

The shot of dead Anna Nicole in her body bag appeared in the National Enquirer shortly after her untimely death (and here on March 3rd) -- but billed as a "photo re-creation based on eyewitness accounts," because, as our pals at the New York Post's Page Six revealed, the Enquirer editors got feet as cold as Anna Nicole and mislabeled the photo because "we didn't want to get anyone fired" at the mortuary.

So. to clear up any confusion: the top "vomit" photo that's circulating is not a death photo (and it's not spew)-- it's Anna Nicole, whacked out and being a pig months before her demise. The lower photo shows dead Anna Nicole, wheeled out from the morgue refrigerator drawer.

And now you know... the rest of the story...

(See a NSFW photographic tribute to Anna Nicole Smith here.)


  1. I'm sooo confused... is the top shot (w/Vomit) a fake? And the bottom bodybag shot REAL (and the Enquirer intentionally MIS-labeled it?)?!?


  2. It looks like she was a lot more disgusting when alive than she was when dead. Why would anyone take a photo of her passed out, with food coming out of her mouth? Gross.

  3. Photos 1 and 2 -- that clears that up. But it's hard to believe the Enquirer actually 'protected' an employee by mislabeling something. When that particular issue came out, it looked hand-colored like a re-creation.

    They had a real scoop but they decided to hide behind it? Hmm.

  4. you do realize that's an image of anna eating... there's another image of that like on the web where she's holding a fish sammich.. and she's got even more tartar sauce all over her.. she's even smiling. this is not a vomit picture. that's tartar sauce, look it up you'll see the images.

  5. yeah read the story.
    he says it's tartar sauce.

  6. well its hard to say ,which photo she looks better in.I THINK BOTH PHOTOS SHE LOOKS GOOD,WHO DOESNT LIKE TO SEE SPEW ALL OVER A WOMANS couldnt have happened to a better golddigger.the morgue photo, really brings out her good side.thanks ghouls and boos for the great photos.

  7. Then the first picture is false? The truth I can not even believe that anna nicole is dead! She was really beautiful!

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