Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Villaraigosa a no-show at Palisades parade

LA's philandering and ethics-flaunting mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was scheduled to appear in the Pacific Palisades Fourth of July parade today-- but to the surprise of few, didn't show up. "He was... busy!" laughed a parade organizer.

Today's parade lacked the political controversy of last year's march, when the racist Minuteman brigade marched to protests and their promoter, John of the John & Ken radio show rode the parade route to jeers and catcalls (the hate radio slug apparently wasn't invited back this year). Instead, it provided a bizarre trip to earlier years with parade grand marshal Pat Boone, a right wing Christian compatriot of Palisades honorary mayor Gavin MacLeod-- and Brady Bunch star Barry Williams.

(And while no one expected Villaraigosa gapal Mirthala Salinas to show up in public today, Brigadier General Angela Salinas did ride along the route.)

photos © Tabloid Baby


  1. ...

    Bruce -- a link would be nice ..

    As Bob Young would say ..

    Come on MATE! :-)
