Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tat's all, folks: Tiger's wife sues over nudes

Tiger Woods’s wife is suing the Dublin newspaper that included “fake" nude photos of her in an article that claimed she appears on Internet porn sites.

The photos were real; it’s just that the woman wasn’t Tiger’s Nordic wife Elin Nordgren, but Playboy cyber model Kimberly Hiott. Elin was first misidentified as Kim back in 2003 before she and the golf genius were married-- and we at Tabloid Baby set the record straight in March, after a new nude attack flared through the Internet on the eve of Tiger’s interview with Ed Bradley.

Alert readers identified Kim by the tattoo on the small of her back.

That’s why The Dubliner newspaper’s mistake is so bizarre. We exposed this back in March. Any Internet search would have brought up our recent investigation and its findings. The article appeared on the ever of golf’s Ryder Cup, describing the wives and girlfriends of the US team as “Ryder Cup filth” and claiming that Elin “can be found in a variety of sweaty poses on porn sites across the web.” (Tiger was forced to respond in a news conference and admit that the former nanny had modeled for “bikini photos”). The article is now being described as “satiric.” Which can be the only excuse.

But the “psych” worked. Team USA lost to Europe.

Kim is on the left. Elin on the right.

See more of the real NSFW Kim here and here.

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