Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mel Gibson & the mystery of "Sugar Tits"

It pales in comparison to Mel Gibson’s shameful and perhaps tequila-hallucination-induced anti-Semitic rant when he was arrested for barreling drunk down the PCH with a brown-bagged bottle of Cazadores on the seat… but there’s another term in the arrest story that's caught our eye:

A law enforcement source says Gibson then noticed another female sergeant and yelled, "What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?"

Sugar Tits???

That’s a new one to us.

So we googled it-- and found 1,700,000 results.

There’s a webcam site

a gal (left) who calls herself Sugar Tits on My Space...

a story by Danny Fulks...

and an entry in the Urban Dictionary:

1. sugar tits term used by jonathan valasquez to describe the ULTIMATE pair of succulent tits… DAMN! that slut has some nice sugar tits, oh hey rooby

2. sugar tits 1.) the act or being sugar titty. Being Fruity. 2.) the ultimate perfect pair of tits. Stop acting like such a pair of sugar tits... woah...-drools- look at them sugar tits.

So we suppose it was a compliment. But don‘t even think of doing a Google image search.


  1. Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski!

  2. Danielle is hawking sugar tits t-shirts.... help send her to community college for another semester... and show Mel yours...

  3. Naw, you gotta see THIS ONE! LOL!

  4. OMG! Do a search on Cafepress for Sugar Tits, you will find a bunch of good ones!

    Too funny!

  5. hey dont forget about !
