Sunday, July 05, 2009

Alana Stewart rushes to cash in with book about her friend Farrah Fawcett

Who will be the first to cash in on the death of Farrah Fawcett? Less than a week after the brave icon's funeral, her close friend Alana Stewart is first out of the gate and well ahead of the pack with a book based on the Farrah's cancer journey journal that was supposed to be the basis for her cancer documentary.

"My Journey with Farrah: What I've Learned about Life, Love, and Friendship" has shown up on with a healthy discount off its hardcover list price of $23.99.

As Tabloid Baby reported exclusively on June 24th, the celebrity ex-wife's book is being rush-released to take advantage of the worldwide outpouring of love and publicity for Farrah.

The title is set to be pblished on August 25th, the two-month anniversary of Farrah's death.

Alana Stewart accompanied Farrah through much of her cancer battle, traveling with her to German cancer clinics and running the video camera as Farrah documented the cutting edge treatments that gave her hope and extended her life by years after doctors in the States told her there was nothing more they could do. Working with her longtime confidante and producer Craig Nevius, Farrah shaped the footage into a "cancer journal" that explored the question of why lifesaving treataments are not available in America and beyond the reach of most all but the very rich.

Farrah sold the project to NBC. When her condition took a turn for the worse and she began to fade from consciousness, her longtime on-and-off lover Ryan O'Neal took control of her affairs, forced Nevius off the project and, with the help of producers from NBC Dateline commandeered the recutting of the documentary into a maudlin, morbid entertainment called "Farrah's Story" (a reference to his 1970 film, Love Story).

Alana Stewart reportedly held up the project, demanding a producer's credit and a fat payoff, before the special aired.

We reported on June 24th, the day before Farrah's death that Alana was turning Farrah's journals into a book of her own:

"Farrah's journals, we're told, are being turned into a book by Alana Stewart... The book, we're told, will be announced after Farrah's passing, 'for maximum effect.'"

At the reception following Farrah's funeral on Tuesday, Ryan O'Neal confirmed that a sequel to the high-rating Farrah's Story is in the works. Cameras filmed the funeral. It's still not known whether, as feared, O'Neal also filmed Farrah's passing.


  1. Yuk, Ryan and Alana's exploitation of Farrah knows no bounds. They're doing an effective job of rewriting history, that's for sure. It's time for an investigative journalist to get on the case, or for Greg Lott and/or Mike Pingel to put out their own books.

  2. This story is full of lies. Shocking! But why wouldn't a shocking lie be printed on this website? The book, as I understand it, has been in the works for some time. It is not Farrah's journals, but Alana's and it was originally Farrah's idea.And part of the proceeds are going to cancer research. Who better to do a true tribute of her friend than Alana?

  3. Yes we need to hear from Greg Lott, Mike Pingel, Craig Nevius, and all others who hold Farrah's best interests in mind. Alana and Ryan want to rewrite history. Scums from the depths of hell.

  4. How can they possibly sleep at night?

    Right no soul no conscience gotta come in handy

    They should be ashamed of themselves

  5. Please just remember everyone, there are two sides to every story and the only person who knows the truth no longer has a voice (here on earth, anyway). Also remember, Farrah CHOSE to have Ryan and Alana with her from the start---long before she was unable to maker her own decisions. Respect her choices and let her rest in peace.

  6. I cannot wait to read this book, nobody will protect Farrah more than Ryan and Alana. It will be a wonderful tribute to friendship and the capacity to love, learn, laugh and forgive...God Bless her dear friend and the truest love of her life...Ryan !!

  7. I can't wait to read this book. I also hope Farrah's journals do get published. I think they would be a true testament to who she was and how she really felt. I think we could learn alot from her journey.Cancer is very ugly and scary. God bless Farrah, Ryan, Alana and especially Redmond. He will need it with all the vicious gossip going around.

  8. Yeah and MJ's passing must have come at a terrible time for Alana's book. So if only for that reason, it was a blessing.

  9. when I saw Farrah reading from her journal on Farrah's Story, I turned to my roommate and said "how long til we see these published after Farrah's Death"? It was a no brainer!

  10. Im only wondering how many more books are out there - especially by people who swore they "never made money off their friendship with Farrah"

  11. Why is mike pingel promoting Alana's book on And on hitmanpr someone who claimed to be a friend of Farrah slammed Mike Pingle and posted july 19th on hitmanpr

  12. I knew Alana Stewart personally and she and George Hamilton are both exploiters. Anything to make a buck. I spent quiet a lot of time with Alana over the years and never saw Farrah around at all. She was friends with her but nothing like it has been portrayed. Alana jumped into the scene just like George does on others to benefit from the situation. Alana had to pay back a home mortgage money lent from a friend and pay to help her son Sean because his father Rod is a louse and has basically nothing to do with him. That's another story in itself. Alana hasn't made money in years after her failed George and Alana show and one of her friends like a Tina Sinatra or similar lent her the money to buy her last home because Alana was broke and desparate. Alana herself is a Star "F" er.

  13. I read this book over the summer, it soon went on sale. After I read this book I was soooo pissed I had not only paid the full amount but that I bought it at all. This book was about Alana. Comments about the fact that she she would no longer be able to settle for a millionaire, she wants a billionaire was like an ad in the book. And her lover in Italy. REALLY, did we have to hear about the fact that she was having great sex with some young "allegedly" good looking Italian guy while all this was going on. And the mention of going shopping for super high end cars together. Whatever..She also disses ex-hubby Rod's lamp collection!, and talks endlessly about her current financial situation. I thought it all sucked and I wished from the 1st day I could have gotten my money back (I dropped coffee on it) So all of you thinking of buying this book for "Farrah's cause" find another way, this book is for "Alana's cause"
