Monday, October 27, 2008

MyHollywood team creams TMZ in Hudson story

Hey, credit where credit is due in coverage of the Jennifer Hudson family murder tragedy.

While the boys at the corporate porn-pushing gossip site tinkled their jeans since the weekend, merrily stringing out details in the story among their usual clueless classless WeHo headlines like "Nice Cans," "Zac-- Ripped for Her Pleasure," "Ben Affleck Stumps Random Woman," "Goalie Eats It on Palin's Rug," and all-too familiar coprophiliac, scatological headlines like "Keanu Jury-- Filthy with Movie Doody" (seriously, Harvey, who's the scat freak?), it was the witty, attractive young Peyton Daley over at who scooped the shaved bronzed midget and everyone else by being the first to confirm that it was indeed the body of Jennifer's nephew Julian King that was found in an SUV this morning.

TMZ reported the discovery around the same time as the MyHollywood team, but didn't confirm it was Julian until 2 pm Pacific time. That was around the same time the "mainstream" media reported the news. (the site you know from its hilarious banned Joan Rivers Emmy coverage) beat them all by more than seven hours.

The Hollywood insider site had the scoop at 6:45 am, with the to-the-point, uncute headline: Update: Jennifer Hudson's nephew found dead ("Police haven’t confirmed the body is Julian’s, but sources tell me that it is."). Simple, to the point, with better sources, they got the story and moved on.

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