Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bursky kills in Vegas on road to 'The New 30'

Legendary comedian Alan Bursky, star of the new solo performance show, The New 30 has wrapped a smash stand at The Improv at Harrah's in Las Vegas, and is headed from the Vegas Strip to the Sunset Strip in Hollywood for Tuesday's big preview of The New 30 at the Laugh Factory on the Sunset Strip.

Acclaimed Vegas photographer Erik Kabik snapped the shots that were featured on Robin Leach's Vegas star blog. Expect more at the October 28th preview of a show that's already been hailed (by us!) as "a nonstop laughfest... hilarious and knowing... laugh-out-loud!"

Bursky is rising as the comedy comeback story of the year as this veteran stand-up is finding a new audience in Eric Cohen's laff riot of a play about baby boomers, Botox, Viagra and beyond (that's produced by our pals at Frozen Pictures).

Half price tix with the flyer below.

Watch this space for more on Bursky.

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