Wednesday, March 05, 2008

James Frey returns with perfect timing

The day after that Valley Girl Margie Seltzer got caught "pulling a James Frey" and faking a memoir about life in the 'hood, we got this email from James Frey himself.

Or at least folks at his Big (Fat Liar) Jim Industries company know to strike while the lyin's hot:

Hello. You are receiving this message because you signed up to the mailing list on the James Frey website.

We've revamped that website with a bright shiny look and new toys to enjoy. We invite you to check the site - read the blog, register on the new message board, and of course read up on James Frey's new novel BRIGHT SHINY MORNING, being released by Harper Collins this May. Here's the link -

Thank you.

(If you'd like to be removed from this list just reply and say so, or send an e-mail to

If you are having trouble viewing this e-mail, please click here.

Did he say "novel"? Well, he sure learned his lesson! Though we still think he folded too quickly and should have stonewalled: "Yeah, Oprah. It's my life. It's true. Prove otherwise!"

1 comment:

  1. Fake Memoirist Already Exploited By James Frey

    Lying writer James Frey will be damned if he is going to miss an opportunity to milk literary deception for all it's worth, so he's already launched a new publicity campaign, less than 48 hours after new lying writer Margaret Seltzer got the whole country talking about fake autobiographers again. Of course it's probably just a total coincidence that Frey chose now to launch the new blog where most of the text is copied from other sites, where Frey posts a purported lesbian fantasy video (so not worth it) and where he of course promotes his million-dollar-plus novel the name of which is not important. (Tabloid Baby has) the email Frey just sent out to his adoring fans. Watch and learn BG Seltzer:
