But is Carolla ready to drop out of the marathon? At a time when the undereducated blowhard and and his battered female sidekick Teresa Strasser are mounting a too-obvious push to dump second banana Danny Bonaduce-- a juiced Stanley Siegel-Howard Stern-Tom Leykis combination whose raw-nerve honesty and broadcast smarts have him perched on the ledge of radio greatness-- we hear on great authority from a Carolla colleague that he may soon walk away from the embarrassing foray into morning radio.
This source is not connected with the radio show, but with other projects Carolla is very keen on. Carolla is said to be less than enthused about the radio gig and considering the option of moving on. With a movie in the can and partner Jimmy Kimmel offering new lucrative TV projects that don't require getting up in the middle of the night for what must be an unsatisfying gig boring thousands from a dingy studio, Carolla could do us all a favor by taking his leave and handing the show over to Danny.
Our bet is that the two million dollars-- two million dollars? Can you believe that?-- will convince him to stay put with his second-rate Gene Scott act.
But no bullshit, Carollaheads, the story is true!
Do you fact check anything? And Danny Bonaduce on the verge of radio greatness? How retarded can a person be?
Thanks for the comment.
We checked.
It's sourced.
It's accurate.
On both the Carolla and Bonaduce counts.
I don't understand the comparison to Gene Scott at all. Seems like you're fishing too hard to find insults.
Gene Scott sat and pontificated from a chair. He spoek about whatever came into his head and went on long "rants" about the subject at hand or niot at hand.
In fact, Carolla's short-lived television talk show was actually patterned on Dr. Scott's show, both visually and thematically. We don't consider it an insult to say that one emulates a great performer like Gene Scott. Carolla simply doesn't do it as well.
Holy smokes.
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh !
Two million dollars could be the show's entire budget. T, DB, producers, engineers, paychecks.
Would like to hear Danny in the morning flying solo or with Teresa.
These well thought out opinions on the radio greatness of Danny Bonaduce sound 'bitchin'. Nay ... 'rockin'. Nay yet, dare I say ... 'totally tubular'.
Someone had me an energy drink.
Check Ace's site and you'll see people asking you to "call Arbitron and Volunteer!" So stupid. PPM anyone?? Like the funniest thing you ever heard was pulling whip cream through shag carpet. (Paris Hilton? Or Adam Carolla? Yep. You guessed it.)
Hey if he goes back to television, no more pesky guests to squash. Bonaduce was doing Chicago radio before AC got in to television. Eff it.
Tell Danny to move on.
Tabloid baby seems to be on a personal crusade against Carolla, what with all these posts and fake pro-Danny comments by "anonymous". What'd he do to you? It has to be personal. There can't possibly be a legitimate reason to praise Bonaduce and belittle Carolla...
Good god, I can't believe people actually like DB.
His interview skills are so bad he makes Jay Leno look good.
The Brian Setzer interview was the zenith, folks.
You "checked," "sourced," and confirmed for accuracy that Danny Bonaduce is "on the verge of radio greatness."
Either you're a moron or the radio listening population of Los Angeles are dumber than I originally thought.
Hello Arizona Bay!
If you are thinking the Aceman is what's wrong with this show you haven't been listening. Who else can make you roll your eyes at THE RADIO than Danny Bonaduce? He constantly lies, constantly steps over guests, Carolla, and even drops of HIMSELF. Carolla's personal stories are heartwarming and funny. DB's make me need a rape shower.
Obviously, those backing Danny haven't listened to the shows without Adam. Danny is terrible, repetitive and terrible! Bring Dave and Tad back we miss them.
lol at this premise, bonaduce is what he is and i dont understand the venom directed his way, but that show without carrolla is UNLISTENABLE, goto the website and listen to monday - weds last week, and then danny trying to carry it on thursday friday, his act is tiresome and his voice grating, the constant I WAS IN REHAB NINE TIMES, OR COME HERE AND ILL hAVE SEX WITH YOU LADY, that carrolla has to moderate are enough of a distraction that is does derail the show a little, but overrall i think he is good for the program
carrolla is smart, fast, and most importantly genuinely funny and insightful. what a joke this blog is.
Tabloidbaby....really really? Have you ever listen to the show? Danny B is a talentless, mouth breathing, bologna eating, mountian dew dringking, mouthing breathing hack. And you are officail in the same vein. Crap minds think a like you troglodyte!
Obviously Tabloid"baby" has a personal thing against Carolla, otherwise there is no way they could support Danny B. You cannot listen to the show w/out Adam, it's a dentist drill to the brain. Radio is full of stupid people. It's too bad the intelligent, interesting shows are drowned out by mediocre mindless overplayed "amazing radio duos". It's surprising that ratings are so important to a market like L.A., which is purportedly one of the dumbest cities in the U.S. Good job people. Keep it up, we won't be listening to you in the other smarter cities if you replace the format without Adam.
It looks like ol' Adam boy is still busy getting his paid squatters to log in. More clicks for this site, you suckers. Enjoy your holiday money.
As to the paid blogger above -- Adam is closely protected by Jimmy Kimmel. $$$ for life! That's something I think you already know. ("If the show was really doing that bad, if would have been dumped by now,")
Any self-appointed radio expert that says Danny Bonaduce is on the verge of greatness must be totally deaf.
With that sort of appreciation for hot air, I am sure that you would also find my flatulence to be thought prevoking
Jimmy Kimmel may have money and be adams friend but what does that have to do with FREE FM/ CBS radio keeping adam on the air? Jimmy Kimmel is simply a co producer for the show. Co producers do not choose if a show stays on the air. P.D.'s and station management does. I think we all learned that producers really dont have any power for a show, other than acutally producing, when Jimmy Brusca former producers was fired.
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