Thursday, November 02, 2006

Borat invades the CBS sanctum

Borat has been on more TV talk shows than Madonna this week, but despite his often-hilarious showcases with the likes of Letterman, Conan O'Brien and Saturday Night Live, his most memorable appearance promises to be tomorrow on The CBS Morning News show.

Unfortunately, it looks as if the Kazakhstani won't be asking Julie Chen to undergo a pubic hair harvesting, as he tried to force Conan last night (if he did, CBS would have put clip that on its news feed, too). Even so, there are few things funnier than watching the nerdiest news program on television try to be hip (they're probably the only show that identifies Borat by the actor's name and occupation), while the milquetoastiest, squarest newsman in the business tries to get in on the joke-- and winds up on his ass, with the camera pointed unblinkingly where it usually never peeks-- right at his chrome dome.

(If there's any doubt that Julie's hubby Les Moonves has jammed the final stake through the heart of the old CBS News, this clip should erase it. You go, Harry.)

For more laughs, visit Tabloid Baby at and get a load of the reaction from the site's fans. And join the Baby bashing! Go ahead!

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