Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Sonny Bono died 12 years ago today

Former singing star, former Palm Springs mayor, former Cher husband, Needles & Pins composer and U.S. Congressman Sonny Bono died twelve years ago today, killed in a skiing accident on the Heavenly Ski Resort slopes on January 5th, 1998.

Or was he?

Former FBI agent Ted Gunderson theorizes Sonny did not slam into a tree, but was beaten to death and that the accident was staged.

According to The Australian newspaper, Gunderson says that "top officials linked to an international drug and weapons ring feared the singer-turned-politician was about to expose their crimes-- so they had him killed on the slopes."

Investigator Bob Fletcher not only believes Sonny was murdered; he suspects he was responsible. Fletcher put out his own documentary on the subject.

Destiny Denied: The Murder of Congressman Sonny Bono tells how, in December 1997, he sent Sonny documentation about "the activities of high ranking U.S. military and government officials he claims were raking in millions from arms and drug deals in Central America and Southeast Asia.

"I later received a call from an assistant in his offices to tell me Sonny had seen my full report and was absolutely livid about the level of corruption I made him aware of.

"He was going to make it his No. 1 priority when Congress resumed after the Christmas and New Year break. He was going to go after the biggest names.

"Just 10 days later, I received a call that he was dead. I'd heard it was suspected his offices had been bugged. Tragically, that must have been the case. There's no doubt in my mind Sonny was murdered by someone who needed to silence him."

Fletcher also got his hands on Bono's autopsy report, which he says revealed Sonny had "a black eye, swollen lips, bloody nose, bruised jaw, and two upper teeth knocked out, all on the right side of the head," as well as several "fractures in a 'central depressed region' on the right side of Bono's skull, with 'some of the fractured bone pieces have a curved configuration.'"

Fletcher believes these fractures were the result of being beaten with a gun.

Fletcher also reports that Sonny suffered minimal brain damage, and "no smashed ribs, broken knees, neck trauma - or hand injuries that would have come from trying to ward off a collision with a tree."

He says there were no "bark impressions on his face and plant debris on his clothes," and Sonny's ski goggles were not smashed in as would have been expected.

Blogger David Martin suggests that Sonny may have been murdered in retaliation by the US government because of harsh criticism of Attorney General Janet Reno during federal hearings on the Branch Davidian-ATF conflict.

Somehow, this has not attracted the attention of the mainstream media.


  1. If the American media has decided for whatever reason to bypass this finding I find outrageous in itself, shameful and just plain wrong; the internet is here and working just fine picking up their slack- lacking.

    A ten year sealed autopsy I am sure didn't help.

    Please keep up on this; people do care; I do.

    (BTW, lets keep in mind there is no statue of limitation on murder.)

  2. If this is true, why hasn't investigator Bob Fletcher stepped forward himself with his own report to expose the corruption? If Sonny was willing to do something to make a difference why shouldn't Fletcher pick up the torch?
