Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Farrah's son Redmond O'Neal back in jail

Poor Redmond O'Neal. Drugs have beaten him down more thoroughly than his dad ever could. The cursed son of Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal was sent back to jail today after violating his probation on a list of drug convictions.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Tynan today sentenced the 24-year-old whose name is always preceded by the word "troubled," to 30 days in an in-custody drug-treatment program.

According to a spokesman for the LA County Sheriff, the troubled returned to a residential treatment center after a 24-hour pass, told counselors he'd used drugs, and then tested positive.

He was remanded into sheriff's custody on December 29th, away from the general jail population at Men's Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles. His next court date is Feb. 10.

The troubled son was jailed last year after he was caught with heroin during a security check in the parking lot of the Pitchess Detention Center. He was sentencedto three years formal probation and a six-year suspended sentence. He had been attending a court-ordered drug program.

In September 2008, he and his father were charged with felony drug possession after the sheriff's deputies reportedly found methamphetamine in the actor's bedroom and on his troubled son.

Hopes were high and everyone was rooting for Red after his mother's tragic death in June. He was left the bulk of her estate.


  1. I hope he gets his act together, I feel for him and Im sure his mother's death has him in a place where getting clean is something hard to do right now.
    Where was Ryan during his 24 hour release?
    And Why would Ryan leave him unattended knowing the kid's history,unless Ryan was doing drugs with him again.

    Larry T

  2. Redmond is a grown man I don't think they required him to be with anyone especially of all people his "Daddy"

    I too hope that he finds his path and gets his act together and makes his mother proud

  3. So sad to read! ... I was hoping he'd straighten out, and I'm still rooting for him! Would be a shame and waste if he didn't, not to mention throwing all his mother's hard earned money away!

    Redmond ... if you're reading this ... for your sake and your mother's memory ... step up to the plate and get CLEAN!


  4. Drug addiction is hard to overcome. redmond is hardly the only one trying to overcome this,many all around the world are facing the same problem.
    And his mother now gone will make this a harder struggle and I really hope the best for him.
    Redmond do it for your mom if not anyone else she would be proud.
    Is there anyone that can really help him,it seems these rehabs don't work for everyone all of the time and he now may face 6yrs in jail,which I hope he does'nt have to do. I guess everyone pray for him and hope he gets well.
    hey Michael Europe glad to see your on here I been gone off here for sometime due to insults.
    Hope your doing well.

  5. Hey Anonymous 4:50

    I'm doing fine. Who are you, though? LOL

    I haven't been much on these sites, either, but from time to time, I'll pop in to see what is up ... Farrah news hasn't been much, lately ... this is the first for quite some time now! I wonder if any new additions to her tombstone have been made ... last I saw/read was that they made an outline going around it, but I'm still guessing it's not finished, for words, obviously, has yet to be printed on it, besides her name.

    Believe it or not, I'm still reading Alana's book ... have put it down and then picked it back up again, but yet to finish it ... nothing to do with the story ... mostly just lazy to read these days. Plus if you've seen the documentary, you more or less read the book! LOL ... nothing too new in the book regarding Farrah's struggles against the cancer. Speaking of books, it was said through these sites, that Ryan is writing a book ... I have yet to see this confirmed. I hope he does ... not that I'd believe everything that he would write, BUT just to have another Farrah book out there. I'm hoping more people would write books on her, such as the author J. Randy Taraborelli. I'm sure Farrah's life story would be very intresting reading. Too bad, she didn't write her own book! Something I was hoping she'd do. Maybe her journels will pop up somewhere and get printed! I'm guess after her 1st year death anniversary, more things will be published. We'll just see.


  6. He's not 'cursed'--he makes bad choices. God, his mother was Farrah Fawcett and now he has millions. He could become anything he wants. I hope he gets better--and makes better choices. He just has to want it bad enough.

  7. Tatum,Griffin and Redmond all addicted to drugs.
    And what do they all have in common? RYAN.
    Patrick O'Neal never was raised around his dad infact his mother had Ryan's parental rights taken away and he is the only child of Ryan's who never had a drug problem. It has to make you wonder if this guys gets off on seeing his children go down the drain.

    Kelly G

  8. And that kind of crap really helps this kids recovery!

  9. It's good to know the reasons in your past that helped get you to that 'botteming out' point in your life--it's part of the process, BUT--at some point you need to take responsibility and quit blaming everybody else for your problems and mistakes. He's an adult. He has to want to get better. It ain't easy, but I hope he does.

  10. Calling Ryan names and wishing ill on him might make YOU feel better, but it really does no good to Redmond. Put the energy into saying a prayer for him. I have to agree with the 2 previous posts. Millions of people have parents/siblings with drug, alcohol, abuse history--they don't all become addicts and abusers. Don't forget, Farrah was one of his parents, too, so he had plenty of love in his upbringing. He knows what's right and wrong, and illegal. I pray someday soon he chooses the right path. He's got so much to live for. Good luck, Redmond.

  11. I wish all the best for Redmond. I really hope he gets his life together.Everyone say a prayer for him and keep him in your thoughts.Regardless of your views one thing we all agree on is we admired Farrah and with that lets all send good thoughts to Redmond.

  12. Also lets not make this a negative message board
    Let's just stay positive for Redmond. Drug Abuse is a disease and I hope he beats it.

  13. Farrah.......
    I pray your soul is happy, healthy and safe. I pray your friends and loved ones are the same. Please know millions pray for the health and welfare of your son.
    Be happy, safe and healthy....D.S.

  14. Wow Farrah must have worried every day of her life about her son and he never changed - he has to want to be drug free- all the money in world can not make him stop- He needs to be what he wants to be in this life not what Farrah/Ryan wanted him to be. If he serves 6 years in jail he might be able to beat the drug problem (if he does not get connected in jail and come out his own man, then Farrah would be dancing in heaven.
    I hope that Redmond remembers his Moms love for him and in the end will make rest in peace.
