Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Orianthi moves up

On the last day of 2009, we picked "According To You" by Orianthi Panagaris, the Aussie blonde guitarist from Jacko's last rehearsals as a surefire hit for the new year. Coming up on three weeks since our prediction and after six weeks on the Billboard Hot 100, the song continues its steady progression, moving 10 spots, from #36 to #26. She's no Ke$ha or GaGa, but amid the Autoned dance numbers filing most of the charts, her little piece of corporate Vai rock isn't doing too badly. We'll keep you posted on her progress.

1 comment:

  1. Talented. And, Super Sexy Sultry.

    Sorry for the triple alliteration, but this is
    Tabloid Baby!!
