Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NBC News memo: Chief offers counseling to staffers returning from Haiti coverage

As would be expected, Al Roker wasn't the only NBC News employee to return shaken and upset after visiting Haiti in the horrible aftermath of the deadly earthquake. NBC News boss Steve Capus sent out the following memo to staffers returning home from finding stories of tragedy and inspiration:

From: "Capus, Steve (NBC Universal)
To: "@NBC Uni News Everyone"
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:34 PM
Subject: EAP Counselors Available

In previous notes, I've used words like "powerful, emotion and sensitive," to describe the reporting from NBC News personnel both inside and outside of Haiti. The earthquake coverage put a very strong spotlight on the suffering of the people of Haiti - and in many cases gave a face, voice and name to the individual victims.

Many of you have had a role in our extensive coverage and that means you may have been exposed to searing images and may be struggling in the aftermath. We want to let you know there are Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselors available to help. They can be reached on the phone 24/7 by calling 1-800-xxx-xxxx.

In-person sessions are also available:

At 30 Rock: 7th floor Medical Center: we will have two counselors available from 6a- 8p Wed, Jan 20th- Fri Jan 22nd. All walk-ins are welcome.

In the Washington Bureau, Wed, Jan 20th 9a-5p. All walk-ins are welcome.

As our teams return from Haiti, we will also arrange to have counselors in our bureaus or available via the telephone for debrief conversations.

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