Thursday, December 03, 2009

Thinning hair, yellow teeth and wonky eye: The latest from the Lindsay Lohan watch

Last night in Los Angeles.

Who will save the life of the young, talented actress Lindsay Lohan?

Note thinning hair, yellowing teeth and developing wonky left eye.


  1. Ok despite the mess that this child is and all the "work" daddy Lohan has been putting in to try and save her and the fact that she's got no make up on I don't know what "Wonky" eye you're talking about? Ever have the DMV take a lousy picture of you just as you're getting ready to sneeze or something?

    This is kinda trying to make something out of nothing

    She should stay out of the clubs and stop dating married men though

    Get straight Lindsey good luck to you

    Michael Lohan = Tool, Jack Ass, Dip Shit, Media Whore (see Jon Gosslin) beyond trying to "Save" his daughter nobody gives a shit what this low life has to say about anything and now he's offering "Advise"? to Tiger's multiple "Girlfriends"

    Give me a break!

  2. I really feel sad for that girl. She's such a great actress but she just takes everything for granted including her health. For most actresses nowadays, it is required for them to have whiter teeth. I had yellowish teeth before and I wanted them to be pearly white so I went to a Raleigh sedation dentist for a painless teeth whitening procedure. And now, I can smile all day long because my teeth are whiter. In Raleigh, sedation dentistry is really perfect for those people who want to undergo a painless dental procedure.

  3. she can be one of the most important pop star in this history, but she is a drug and alcohol addict , however , she is one of the most beautiful girls in the world!
