Monday, September 14, 2009

Farrah rests in peace

Farrah Fawcett's headstone was recently inscribed with her name. RadarOnline posted the first photos from the Westwood Village Memorial Park. Farrah died on June 25th and was laid to rest on June 30th.

...and a tip of the Tabloid Baby hat to Michael in Europe for the story tip...


  1. Are you sure that's not Photoshop? Why would her name be stacked, and not centered on the stone? And no dates?

  2. See ... I told ya Tabloid Baby! That was the site, I saw it at.

    I think it's NOT finished yet! Dates are not there and I'm sure something else will be put in. Notice the big empty space below her name. They probably put this one up, now due to some of the publicity some sights, such as this one, has posted recently.


  3. Thanks Michael... We got the tip from you and give you a tip of Tabloid Baby hat in return!

  4. You're quite welcome, Tabloid Baby!

    I didn't understand the 'tip of TabloidBaby hat in retun' remark.

    Did I win a hat from you guys!? LOL


  5. Michael, how did you contact them? I tried to do so last week with those nasty comments on the blog but no one answered me.

    I don't believe its her final stone.
    I also don't feel her name should be stacked.

  6. MOTY ... I didn't contact anyone. I saw the posting, yesterday, on and I commented on it here, (on Tabloid Baby), on a different posting. The one previous to this, (Farrah related).

    I don't think it's a finished product. I think they just put that one up so people who want to visit can know where to locate Farrah. I'm sure some reference to an ANGEL will be posted on the tomb. At least it should. My feeling is that I think THE REAL stone will be put up when Redmond is released so he can, at least, be there for the unveiling of that. This is NOT fact, just my feelings.

    On a lighter side of things ... all this talk about Farrah being an Angel and such ... wouldn't it be IRONIC if she never quite made it to Heaven!??? LOL ... and the temperature where she's at is a little TOO HOT! LOL JUST JOKING FOLKS!!! I'm just having a little Ryan O'Neal Black Humor MOMENT!! :)

