Monday, July 27, 2009

Las Vegas celebrates a package deal

The Las Vegas celebration of Michael Jackson's 5ist birthday next month ("The Michael Jackson’s Untimely Death Was The Best Thing That Could Ever Have Happened To Michael Jackson's Music Show," at $25 to $504 a ticket, is only the latest intriguing offshoot of the local media's coverup of the life and overdose death of Strip headliner Danny Gans. A Twitter post from the show's producer and promoter adds a new twist. New York Times stringer, Gay Vegas author and comp queen Steve Friess celebrated Michael Jackson's death in print, yet raced to be the first to exploit Jacko's legacy with a benefit for public school music programs, all the whole condemning "Jackson the man." Now the journalist is offering package deals at the Palms.


(Meanwhile spin through our archives for a deeper view of a fascinating desert saga...)

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