Amid the recent excitement and debate in the past week over what would have been Farrah Fawcett's 63rd birthday, the release once again of her drug-addicted son from jail, and the establishment of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation for cancer research comes another scientific tease. An online celebrity sales site is offering what is purported to be a lock of Farrah Fawcett's hair-- apparently a 34-year-old promotional item from her Charlie's Angels days-- for one thousand dollars.

The idea of purchasing this relic of a beautiful woman who is quickly becoming a pop culture saint is made even more enticing by the site's suggestion that in the future the DNA contained inside the hair could be used to clone Farrah, or as the seller writes in the come-on for "a lock of Farrah Fawcett's golden hair":

The idea of purchasing this relic of a beautiful woman who is quickly becoming a pop culture saint is made even more enticing by the site's suggestion that in the future the DNA contained inside the hair could be used to clone Farrah, or as the seller writes in the come-on for "a lock of Farrah Fawcett's golden hair":
"Someday the technology will be available,
and you might be able to create your very own angel."
and you might be able to create your very own angel."
UPDATE: A late-breaking tip of the Tabloid Baby hat to reader Michael Europe for the link!
Am I crazy or is Tabloid baby crazy?
Or is this seller crazy?
This is sick and way out of control.
God help us all!
Our world has really sunk to an all time low!
Whoever is selling this should be ashamed of themselves!
It's true. Check out the Article about Alana Stewart becoming the next Farrah Fawcett. Some guy posted a link and sure enough it is on their for only $1,000.00
How low will they go!!!
THANKS Tabloid Baby for taking on my suggestion! :) I see your read my comments! :)
However, I DOUBT this is Farrah's real hair! ... If this is from her Charlie's Angel's days, I NEVER seen it for sale before!
It would make a nice NOVELTY Gift, however, BUT not for $1,000!
Hey folks don't you remember from the movie, when Farah realized she was going to loose her hair she gave it to Ryan, so if its really her's that has to be who is selling it as he was the only one who had it, remember Farah's Story when she was at the hospital and she said to the dr's you weren't going to give up until you finally got my hair, but she chose to cut some of it and that she gave to Ryan to keep, who then said he would treasure it forever....... I will leave that as is, anyhow I don't care what Alana does she will never ever be 1/2 the person that Farah was May She RIP!
Nikki did not post that comment and Im nikki so someone is trying to start trouble and it's really childish. So whoever you are have fun pretending to be me.
Someone Alerted me AGAIN that someone is posting under my name and for what other reason then to start some trouble. I no longer post on these boards anymore but had to come and defend myself.
So everybody please know it's not me posting and saying or accusing Ryan of this hair auction thing.
I doubt they would do this,it seems to me to be a fan or someone kook trying to make money.
THE REAL NIKKI- So everybody regardless of who's side your on it's not me posting. Thank you
It is Ryan
Nikki your a trader
How could you cross over to the side of Ryan?
The people who do not favor Ryans Team just know Nikki has crossed over to Ryans side! Trader Nikki
Once again I do NOT think Ryan is behind this.
I really wish whoever is doing this will stop and get a real life.
The Real Nikki
Why continue all this back n forth nonsense
Whoever feels Ryan is behind the hair auction then leave your real name and keep me out of this and I already stated I don not think it's Ryan or Alana.
Ah, email the president of American Women in Radio and TV and this is what you get...them using your name (which it was not me telling Nikki or anyone else anything)!!
What a low life orgainzation. No wonder Alana Stewart is getting the Award...this settles the how's and why's for me. Kim Spence is the PR person and she is the only one that could know any of our names.
So, Alien speaking, seeking, PR crazy, you need to crawl back under your rock.
Cathy Swango - For Real - My last name too. Live in Illinois Look in up...and you assholes don't scare me a bit!!! Go for it!!!
Tabloid baby should not allow people to post under others names.
Texboy strikes again!
It's someone on the west coast looking at the time it was posted.
The last thing I will say is,
Let Farrah rest in peace Tabloid baby
As for the hair. No I don't think Ryan would sell Farrah's hair...Alana however, is a whole different story!
Nikki: Trust me... now that the lune has our names, we are going to be targets! But, I don't care. Their childish tactics are just that childish. You and I both know whether we have posted something or not and they can bring it on. This is how lawsuits start. This is how organizations are brought down! This is how people get fired from their jobs!
Just for craziness like this, so again bring it on people. You've got my name....do it!!!
Maybe it's Greg Lott posting under other's names.
He does hate Ryan after all.
Nikki don't even worry about who it is.
Tboy Or Greg Lott could be doing it to keep this going or someone from Tabloid Baby.
Contact Tabloid Baby and they can find out or block the person/s behind it.
You have to understand losers will be losers and this is how they get their kicks.
I really think AWRT has better, more professional things to do than mess with people on a blog. I emailed them yesterday, as well as my friend, and they didn't use our names for anything. (Although, I'm sure our messages were VERY different from yours).
And before you go getting all FREAKY PARANOID it's not me doing it either! Geez.
Anon 7:32
I have to disagree. I emailed them and said something on twitter. Now I'm in the spotlight with someone using my name. Yes, our emails were probably very different, but go check out the PR person and I think you will learn that not everyone in that organization is below something like this! So, keeping my name out there for the rest of the attacks...no reason not too! FJK
And for the record my message was along these lines:
Suggesting that the award they are giving go to Farrah Fawcett. Although she is no longer with us and Alana Stewart could accept for her, She as the Executive Producer should be receiving the award.
I also let them know about the bad press that their organization is being mentioned in and the 2 blogs that are reporting on this.
I also wondered about Giving an award to a person who is being sued for the Documentary she is getting it for. Is that common? What if Alana loses the lawsuit. Won't the award then be meaningless. Wouldn't that be ashame for Farrah Fawcett's work.
But, I also realize that I'm not someone who they would really care about their opinion. Not kidding myself there! But some, not all, but some fans are very upset about their choice of who gets the award, not that the Documentary doesn't deserve to be acknowledged!
It does as "A Wing and A Prayer" when it gets finished!
You know people, I am the one that took the time to look up this organization and post the email address. I did realize at the time that everyone could email, not just people that might disagree! So, for those of you sending your congratulations, you have me to thank for that too.
I do my homework before spouting off anything! Most don't!!!
I finally agree with kate jackson....
Im now seeing that Alana had to steal the docu from Craig.
I almost agree that someone from Tabloid Baby is posting under other peoples names to keep this going.
So, since whoever has taken it upon themselves to do that...I'm not posting on this blog anymore.
You try to stand up for what you believe in and just get hammered for it, so what is the point.
Someday all of the "truths" will come out and we will all know who was right or wrong!
Sad part, Farrah Fawcett! It is really about her and she very much hated this kind of stuff. So, with that in mind...I'm done! Post my name, say what you want, cheer that I'm done...who cares!
Amen Cathy!
Morons is what we all are dealing with.
This is how Alana has her people reply for her.
Stupid pre school mentality.
What do you expect from a thief and operating a false foundation.
And now selling a lock of hair belonging to Farrah.
They will stop at nothing.
Who's this Cathy woman? She is on some hate campaign...Any body know who she is?
Not working with a full tank obviously
What is worse than a Green-Eyed Monster??
A PARANOID Green-Eyed Monster!!
Nobody's paranoid.
Alana is probably since the truth will be revealed soon and Craig will come out the winner. I hope she saved all the donations to pay her legal exspenses and not to mention her settlement she will owe Craig.
This is Alana and her crowd behind this.
Love orchids
Ya all are right down there with the squirrels aren't ya?
Down here is Texas we deal with people like ya all a little different. We just take ya out and shoot you, you know like the squirrels I was just talkin about?
Alana knows what Im talkin about don't ya sweetie?
Is the coward having fun?? Just because you post under 'Anonymous' doesn't mean you can't be traced. Besides, your spelling gives you away!
What is WRONG with some of you people? Making up stories, signing other people's names to your comments. Is this the kind of people Farrah attracted? I can't believe she ever left the house. Damn scary. Maybe if you didn't make up horrible rumors about people you don't even know, you wouldn't get attacked. Ever think of that?
Nice try Anonymous 8:51! I was wondering when I will be thrown in this mess y'all are creating! As a matter of fact, I ain't mad, pissed or whatever you were planning to make me feel ... as a matter of fact, I got a GOOD LAUGH out of it! LOL hahahahahaha.... Just like I got a good laugh when I was titled a Farrah Fawcett FREAK or something to that effect! LOL
ALSO, I DO NOT WRITE IN ALL CAPITALS, so that gave you away!
Now onto other things ... I just discovered that Perez Hilton stole this story (the hair story) which I brought to Tabloid Baby's attention! ... Here's the link for proof! http://perezhilton.com/2010-02-09-website-tries-to-sell-farrah-fawcetts-hair
Betty Lou is Koo Koo
Betty Lou Koo Koo
HitmanPR Tabloid Baby Greg Lott put the stories/rumors out there and nobody else.
Don't put that one on the Farrah fans.
This Farrah hair looks similar to the jar with the angel left at her grave on her B Day.
Probably Alana or Ryan selling it.
Mela was stuffing Farrah's hair in her pocket.
Mean people suck.
The TB article says....."apparently a 34-year-old promotional item from her Charlie's Angels days......
So, Mela's been carrying Farrah's hair around in her pocket for 34 years?
Mela murphy made a statement about Farrah's hair for sale and calls it Scary and I must agree.
I personally don't think it's Mela.
It could be anyone who did her hair over the past 34 years. Who even knows if it's really hers anyway.
Tabloid Baby may me upset that Rador online stole the story but maybe tabloid baby should find out who it is selling it.
Really sad that people are doing this to Farrah.
Geeeeeeeeee.........I wonder who Betty Lou be??
Stop this just stop
Leave Alana be.
Is Betty Lou really Alana?
Or is it Mela?
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