Friday, February 12, 2010

Warhol's Farrah Fawcett Polaroid on block

An Andy Warhol snapshot of Farrah Fawcett are among the most sought-after items as the bankrupt Polaroid Coporation works to pay off its creditord by auctioning off its photograph collection featuring the works of the greatest artists if the past century.

While the auction is expected to bring in $7.5 million to $11.5 million, the Warhol Farrah photo is expected to go for $5,000 to $7,000. (Back in October, a Polaroid Farrah pic (above), shot by Warhol in 1979, was valued at more than $8,000 at an auction at the Children's Museum of the Arts.

Warhol's Polaroids were used for his eventual silk-screen portraits.

The Polaroid auction, ordered by a bankruptcy court, is set for July 21st and 22nd at Sotheby's in New York. The proceeds will go to creditors of PBE Corp., formerly Polaroid, which has filed for bankruptcy twice in the past decade, the second time in 2008 in connection with a $3.5 billion Ponzi scheme at parent company Petters Group Worldwide LLC.

Farrah Fawcett photos © The Andy Warhol Foundation, Inc.


  1. The Andy Warhol Foundation should produce a
    print/poster of the Farrah silkscreen for the public to purchase like they have of Marilyn Monroe.

  2. Wow I can't believe how stupid it's people that die for meeting someone famous... I would not pay a cent for seeing someone like this...
