“I was shut out.
I was prevented from saying goodbye
to one of my best friends.”
I was prevented from saying goodbye
to one of my best friends.”
Add Kate Jackson to the list of close friends who claim they were banned from visiting Farrah Fawcett in the final weeks of her life.
Farrah's Charlie's Angels costar and friend of four decades has come out with teeth and claws bared, charging that Ryan O'Neal and Alana Stewart suddenly cut off access to the actress as she lost her battle to cancer.
"I was shut out. I was prevented from saying goodbye to one of my best friends."
Kate says the she learned of the banishment suddenly, as she had arrived to visit Farrah' at her condo on Wilshire Boulevard. "I was walking across the lobby at her apartment, carrying a shopping bag with apples, grapes, green tea and as I got toward the elevator, the security guard yelled out ‘Ms. Jackson, no-one upstairs.’
“I turned around, looked at the guard and said, ‘What?’ I was stunned.
“I walked over to him. I was really incredulous because this particular guard had seen me from the beginning. I asked him why and he said he didn’t know, but it had come from upstairs.
“From that moment on, we weren’t able to see or talk to Farrah, again. It was very upsetting."

Jackson, 61, says she confronted Stewart and demanded to know why she and others were stopped from seeing Farrah.
“Alana told me that was what Farrah wanted, because she didn’t want anyone to see her like that."
“That, to me, didn’t make much sense because the whole world was about to see her like that in the documentary, Farrah’s Story. It didn’t sound right.
“On the miniscule possibility that what Alana said was true, I did not wish to do something against Farrah’s wishes and just burst in.
“On the chance it was Farrah’s wishes, we all didn’t want to upset her. I wanted to respect her wishes.
“But to be truthful, I wish I had burst in. I really do.”
Kate Jackson joins other Farrah intimates like secret boyfriend Greg Lott and production partner Craig Nevius, who claim that O'Neal stopped them from paying respects to their dear friend Farrah. She recently raised eyebrows when she "switched sides" and threw her support to Nevius in his lawsuit battle with O'Neal, Stewart and Richard B. Francis over the Farrah's Story documentary special.
She made her explosive comments to RadarOnline.com, the Internet branch of the National Enquirer that last week ran our exclusive story about the auctioning of a lock of Farrah's hair without attribution.
Kate Jackson, Greg Lott, Craig Nevious. They tell the same thing. Certainly not by chance. And what interest to lie ?
After Farrah was deceased who was the keys owner of her small condo in Wilshire Bld ?
There was much art objects and sculptures.. and specially one giant polaroid( silk-picture) of her face made by Andy Warhol on a wall of the drawing-room,as those to be sold shortly
I have no idea what went on in this particular situation, but I will relate that I had a dear friend die of cancer---a very beautiful girl that requested that her parents keep EVERYONE away at the end. It was heartbreaking for her mom and dad to turn us all away--even her fiance--but that was her wishes and her parents respected that. Maybe this was the same type circumstance?? The end of life for people suffering from disease can sometimes be very horrifying and painful. Why would it be so 'out-there' to believe Ms. Fawcett didn't want her friends to see her like that? Let it go, Tabloid Baby. I think you're just trying to draw attention to something Farrah did not want.
This website is DISGUSTING in the manner it reports what it attempts to make into news. Farrah was dying of cancer and most probably did NOT want anyone to see her - that is completely understandable yet this site has a hair up its ass to try and destroy her memory as well as rip at the reputation of Ryan and Alana. They were most likely following her instructions so just because Kate Jackson wasn't allowed up to see her is not FRONT PAGE NEWS!
This site has a personal agenda that I have asked for you before to EXPLAIN. How are you connected to Craig Nevius?? Please tell us because your obvious "Pro Craig" stance is getting old.
If you weren't there, you don't know. PERIOD. Everything else is just speculation.
Sorry, Tabloid Baby, I agree with 11:53. What's the deal??
This is now SICK AND SAD ! let FARRAH rest in peace, TBaby .......... get over it. And HELLO, how can anyone take Kate Jackson serious when she was on a morning show mumbling hate against Mr DEVIOUS ? Does anyone take her serious now with these latest claims... if she believed she was kept away from Farrah in the end, why , WHY would she go on MORNING TV showing support for the people she NOW says kept her away............ CRAZY is what i say !
Tabloid Baby,
How about a little respect to your 'fair and balanced' readers? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, BUT, can you at least give us a glimpse into the other side?? This one-sided stuff is amusing at the least---Annoying, at THE MOST! Come on. Fair is fair.
Anon at 9:23,
Perhaps if you are so important to ask about the details of where Farrah's 'things' are, you should try to contact people outside of a blog. You come across like a creepy vulture. Who has the right to care about that stuff besides her family?
Um the "other side" hasn't said a word. So there is no other side to report no is there?
She brings up a VERY GOOD POINT here.
"“That, to me, didn’t make much sense because the whole world was about to see her like that in the documentary, Farrah’s Story. It didn’t sound right."
How is tabloid baby "destroying Farrah's memory"? I have yet to see a negative word written about Farrah by TB. Sorry but in some cases actions do speak louder then words. I have yet to see anyone make a plausible defense as to why Alana turned up on a exploitative psychic show shortly after Farrah's death in order to contact her?
"And HELLO, how can anyone take Kate Jackson serious when she was on a morning show mumbling hate against Mr DEVIOUS ? Does anyone take her serious now with these latest claims... if she believed she was kept away from Farrah in the end, why , WHY would she go on MORNING TV showing support for the people she NOW says kept her away............ CRAZY is what i say !"
Uh because at the time she thought that it was Farrah's wishes and now she may know things that call that into question. Ditto the Craig Nevious comments. All she knew was that someone was trying to block a documentary about her friend from being aired on TV. People are allowed to change their minds dear.
I have yet to hear any of Ryan or Alana's circle speak out in their defense. Most of Mela Murphy's comments have been geared towards her friendship with Farrah. Not a word from Jaclyn Smith, Joan Dangerfield, Jim Fawcett, or Cher.
Anon @ 1:02, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Farrah's will and estate are public record and Farrah was a public figure. 9:23 can ask those questions whether you agree or not.
Funny that Kate Jackson has reportedly "changed her mind" as one of the comments suggests. She was at the funeral, hugging and kissing Ryan AND Alana. If she was so pissed off and hurt, then why? She has proven herself unreliable and unstable in her actions so I really don't take anything she says with much importance.
And you ask why Ryan and Alana have not come out to "defend" these claims? Why should they? All it will do is get them into a pissing match with a bunch of goofy stalker fans and a guy that is suing them (Nevius/Devius) so any lawyer with half a brain is advising them to stay silent and let the court decide who was right or wrong.
I seriously doubt either of them read this dead-end Farrah Fawcett-obsessed blog. They have LAWYERS who can do that for them. They are staying about this madness and unnecessary anger posted here every day.
In the end, they adhered to Farrah's wishes, her will and her desire as to how things would be handled upon her death.
SHE chose to make Ryan in charge of the doc, SHE put Alana in charge of her Foundation and SHE decided who she wanted to see as she lay near death.
ENOUGH people; let it go, let her rest in peace and move on. The courts will decide re the documentary. The rest of you need to GET A LIFE!!!!
"I seriously doubt either of them read this dead-end Farrah Fawcett-obsessed blog. They have LAWYERS who can do that for them. They are staying about this madness and unnecessary anger posted here every day."
Think again. Alana sent one of these blogs a cease and desist letter and mentioned them on ET.
"In the end, they adhered to Farrah's wishes, her will and her desire as to how things would be handled upon her death. "
And how do you know this?
"SHE chose to make Ryan in charge of the doc, SHE put Alana in charge of her Foundation and SHE decided who she wanted to see as she lay near death."
Again how do you know this? There is no legal document that said she handed over the documentary to O'Neal nor was there any documentation in her will about appointing Alana as being in charge of her foundation. Please provide links that say either is so.
"Funny that Kate Jackson has reportedly "changed her mind" as one of the comments suggests. She was at the funeral, hugging and kissing Ryan AND Alana. If she was so pissed off and hurt, then why? She has proven herself unreliable and unstable in her actions so I really don't take anything she says with much importance."
Kate is suing STAR magazine for the article they put out about her. If the article had any merit, then she wouldn't have filed a lawsuit. What was she supposed to do at Farrah's funeral, make a scene, start yelling at Ryan and Alana. Perhaps she was classy enough to know that this was NOT the place or time to express her doubts and hurt about the situation. Neither Tatum O'Neal nor her brother Patrick have a good relationship with their father and both were civil to their father at Farrah's funeral. Your comment was irrelevant.
1. Alana's lawyers obviously follow this trash on her BEHALF you a-hole. Give it some thought, you'll get it eventually!
2. Farrah gave Ryan Power of Attorney to control her documentary. It's well known and the docs have been seen on multiple blogs. Do a search stupid.
3. Alana's role in her Foundation. Do you honestly think the woman just hijacked the job?? I'm sure there are documents drafted PER Farrah's instructions that were made prior to her death. Farrah established the Foundation prior to her passing (even her will states its formation and funds directed toward it) so Alana's position was pre-determined BEFORE not after Farrah died. Not EVERY part of Farrah's estate is made public you dolt, there is no legal reason why it has to be. If you have any common sense and think hard, you might be able to digest that one!
4. Kate Jackson. Not even worth discussing. Woman is a kook. If she's suing the STAR, would love to know with what money. She's a dime short of a dollar, always will be.
5. Tatum and Ryan have reconciled. Try to keep up on the news. They have been seen out and about together and perhaps Farrah's passing afforded them the opp to reunite.
Since the genius of 7:43 is probably hard up, mullet head Craig writing his B.S. again, it's not worth even addressing the immaturity of defensiveness of a man so desperate to prove he was someone who ONCE mattered in Farrah's life but obviously did not at the end. Move on Devius, the rest of the world has!!!
Epic Fail? Think not moron. YOU are the one with ZERO knowledge or first hand info and it SHOWS.
Good for Kate. She waited the appropriate amount of time, then came out with what happened. Don't let em get to ya Kate. You know the truth. Alana is a butthead and Ryan the scum of the earth. Going on National TV and saying the 3 of them were the "real thing" and then not letting Kate see her. Hell is going to be full that's for sure.
Glad to see all you Anon's stepping out right away in defense of Alana and Ryan. Also, stepping out against Craig Nevius.
Problem...You are WRONG!!! And when the court battle is over, hope you can get some plastic surgery for all those scars! There will be many and your side is losing!!
Challenge that all you want, but it will be made public soon.
Alana still presidency of Foundation - Of course she would!
Ryan forge Farrah's signature to take over - of course he would!
Tatum and Ryan Reunited - not!
And Kate, well there is nothing wrong with her!
LOL you lose!
This is ALL becoming a SOAP OPERA by the minute! ... Don't know WHAT or WHO to believe!
I question Kate's 'change of heart' ... does not make sense! ... Although I'm glad she did! ... I question the fact that NOT one person from Farrah's INTERNAL family were taking care of her! YET I'm sure they took the inheritance money with pleasure! ... I question the fact that NO ONE from her family was there to take care of Farrah's items! ... I question A LOT ... BUT one thing Farrah did answer 'beyond the grave' (as they say) ... is she SHOWED who she TRUSTED & LOVED, after the reading of her WILL!
I also think that all this could be the result of PUBLICITY!!!! Alana won't mind it, neither would Ryan! ... How else are they going to stay on people's minds if NOT by riding on Farrah's coat tails! She isn't around anymore for them to suck off of, so all this press still gives them the pleasure of being 'out there' ... AS for Kate, could it also be for Publicity!??? I wonder! Why isn't Jaclyn Smith saying the same thing as Kate? Was she NOT banned too?? AND WHY is Kate saying this NOW??? ... Again, does not make sense! Who knows what went on behind closed doors!??
National Inquirer?? Star Magazine?? Radaronline?? Tabloid Baby?? Come on, people. Are you really that stupid? IF YOU WEREN'T THERE---YOU DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH.PERIOD. And I hate to burst your bubble, but there probably WASN'T really a 30 lb. alien baby with an alligater tail born to an 80 year old woman in India, either.
And sorry, yes, Anon #1--you DO sound like a creepy vulture. I think if it wasn't left to you, it probably AIN'T your business.
8:36 you are a deluded idiot. There is NO LEGAL DOCUMENTATION THAT GAVE RYAN O'NEAL OR ALANA STEWART CONTROL OVER THE WING AND A PRAYER DOCUMENTARY. Why don't you link where she gave him POA or STFU pantystain.
Honey Alana herself reads this blog (and has probably posted on it)and only a fool would think that she doesn't. You still haven't been able to defend why she went on a trashy psychic show to contact her friend. That is indefensible and only a flunky would defend that.
Unless you know first hand that there were "documents" drafted that made the executor of the Farrah Fawcett foundation then again you are just speculating based on your devotion to Ryan and Alana. Lots of people die and leave things uncompleted dear. You are the dolt and really need to get your head out of Ryan's ass and Alana's snatch. Are you stupid enough NOT to think that if Alana LEGAL DOCUMENTATION that she was made CEO of the FF foundation that she WOULDN'T release it publicly?
Furthermore YOU DON'T KNOW KATE JACKSON SO STOP TALKING LIKE YOU DO. She has no dog in this fight like Ryan, Alana, Craig, Greg etc... do so what does she have to gain by making these statements? NOTHING! BTW Some of the words that you describe Kate as people were saying about Farrah so STFU douche.
Now I know you are full of shit when you say Ryan and Tatum have made up. NO THEY HAVEN'T nor have they been seen out in public together.
Once again you are talking out of your ass and making shit up. So once again EPIC FAIL you worthless piece of trash.
Michael/Europe if you mean her immediate family, she doesn't have much family left. She just had her dad and nephew. Her dad is over 90 and not in the best of health, and no one knows much about her nephew, he has a life and family of his own to look after, that might not have been something he could do.
I understand what you are saying but Kate stands to gain nothing by coming out like this unlike the rest who one way or another are tied to Farrah financially.
You go Kate...Rip that fake ass Alana to shreds
exspose those two old frauds.
And the fat one farrah fired
keith FIRED sundae that is!
Ahhhh, once again, spoken like a true non-hater.
Can't you bullies say anything without calling people names and insulting people? You keep preaching that people have a right to their opinions--I guess only when it's the same as yours.
8:30AM = Craig Nevius. Dude it so OBVIOUSLY you that you should just start tying your name. You are fooling NO ONE.
9:32Am = Greg Lott. The moron doesn't know how to turn off his CAPS key. He's so stupid and over emotional and he keeps ripping on her ex assistant. Guy is obsessed with Ryan and Alana. Too bad Farrah didn't feel the same about him at the end. Throwing the car washer a bone of $100K was sweet but he'll blow it on drugs or fast food.
Two FREAKIN' losers. Move on, get a life and find something other than Farrah to spend your days pining over.
Wow. I can't believe Kate Jackson would even talk with the National Enquirer/Radar after what they did to Farrah.
TB Says:".....Radaronline.com, The Internet branch of the National Enquirer..."
Why are Nevious and Jackson giving those bastards anything on Farrah?? They PAID a hospital employee to leak her medical records.
11:46AM - further evidence Kate Jackson is a NUTTER. Makes you question Nevius/Devius too right? After the Enquirer poached her medical records, Craig is FIRST to provide Radar Online a statement!? THERE'S a great friend of Farrah, right???
Craig is pathetic.
We support you Kate and we knew what Ryan and Alana were up to all along.
Those on here bashing Kate are not fans of Farrah's but keith Sundae AKA Ryan and Alana's toilet cleaner!
Loser Keith
What has The Good Year Blimp and that old whore Alana have to say in response?
Oh it was Farrah RIGHT!
Farrah wanted this,Farrah wanted that. Huh Uh ok we believe you Ryan/Alana.
God's gonna getcha
Ryan Alana.
Go to church you two fools and tell God your sorry for making Farrah's tragedy into a business for you to profit from. If not God's gonna getcha
Since you know so much, can you answer the National Enquirer question then?
O'neal claims farrah spent the last week of her life in the hospital and there are holes in Kate jackson's comments....No Ryan,Kate never said she went to see Farrah in June! She said before the documentary aired she was denined access to Farrah.
Once again no basis for Ryan's defense just smoke and mirrors to confuse people.
Let's hope his testimony in court will be better then this.
Fat old joke is what you are Ryan!
Read people and you will see Kate never mentioned she tried to see Farrah in june. She said just as the documentary was about to air which was May 15th 2009.
I think 8 is far too generous. I think it's the same maybe 2 or 3people over and over having fake conversations with themselves!
I have to agree with 12:14. What the hell would Craig and Kate talk to those pigs at The Enquirer for? That looks bad--real bad.
I been following this story since Farrah's story premiered and now Kate Jackson has come out and say's she was also shut out along with others who have made the same claims.
That being said...What were Alana and Ryan doing to Farrah that they were so afraid for anyone to see?
Something is not right and I really doubt all these people are lying it just does not seem resonable.
Kate was never a fame monger or one to do anything to make a quick dollar,Im sure she could do that on her own so I believe her and now I see where Greg Lott was coming from and Farrah left him in her will so there was no reason Farrah would want Ryan there and not Greg or Kate.
Even Farrah's father left CA and went back to Texas he was so saddened at the treatment he recieved from Alana and Ryan when he did visit his daughter.
They were doing something to Farrah and maybe they were filiming when they did not have Farrah's consent. If a sequel does not come about I bet a so called "Stolen Video"of a dying Farrah just may. Mark my words on that! I put nothing past Ryan or Alana Stewart.
Anyone else in that vicious circle that witnessed anything unethical I really hope they come forward and tell the truth. Bobby
Amen Bobby!
Something was going on and I 100% support and stand behind Greg,Craig,Kate,James Fawcett and Mike.
And in time we can expect more to add to the list above.
Read Kate's comments and then read Ryan's
Anon your EXACTLY RIGHT Kate said right about the time when the documentary was to air she was cut off from Farrah...Not when Farrah was in the hospital in June. Ryan is a liar and he is getting so old he can't keep his lies straight.
Farrah's Story aired May 15. The visit from Redmond from prison was April 25th. You didn't see her at all in that scene. She didn't even know who her son was. So you can only imagine how much she declined from April to May. Why is it so hard to believe that she didn't want her friends to see her like that? She was a proud, beautiful woman. Why are you people talking like you know what went on? Where you there?
That's true. After that Redmond footage, we did not see Farrah filmed again, Kate. So the whole world DID NOT "see Farrah like that".
Now I can see Greg Lott was telling the truth the entire time.
And the fact he was in Farrah's will says to me he did all that to get the truth out there for Farrah.
And you can come back and degrade him call him names make fun out of his job ect',but at least he makes an honest living and Farrah must of loved him to have him in charge of her website and leave him in her will.
Kate just backs up what most have been saying about Ryan and Alana all this time
We did not see Farrah fiimed after that and she did not consent to it either,so anon you just prove the point that both Ryan and Alana were doing things they should not have.Why is it ok for the world to see her like that but not close loved ones?????
Ryan's full of shit and so his Alana..., period!
This In response to anon feb 15th 7:13 pm
Alana should be thrown in jail and Ryan to!
What they did was a form of abuse!
Not to mention the other things they are rumored to have done.
SLOW DOWN--RE-READ MY COMMENTS AT 5:43 and 7:13. Kate says 'the world was about to see Farrah like that' so why can't her friends. My point was that the world DID NOT see Farrah like that. We did not actually even see Farrah in the scene filmed in April with her son and we didn't see her filmed afterward at all. She probably DID NOT want her friends and fans to see anymore. SHE WAS DYING. Respect that and leave it alone.
A proud beautiful woman??OK Anon
So when she was dying her looks were more important then seeing the people she really loved.
Uh no... I really doubt that. They were filming Farrah in a semi concious state and did not want anyone to know Im sure.
Farrah wanted filmed bald for the world to see
Farrah wanted her son in hand cuffs and shackles barely recongnizing him and that was what she wanted and seeing close loved ones in private and no cameras was something she was against?
Is that what your saying Anon Feb 15th 5:43 pm?
Really Anon get a brain and common sense and stop worshipping at the Alter Of Alana and Ryan and wake up!
Farrah Im sure would have been outraged at what Ryan and Alana have done.
Maybe Ryan and Alana should start washing cars for a living,at least that's an honest living rather than abusing and using a dead woman for profit.
All of this is really a SAD STORY/Situation!
Such a BEAUTIFUL lady who's life ended the way it did! ... The situations AND choices she made in her life, turned into the MESS it became and even after her death, it's still a big MESS! People are STILL trying to capitalize off of her! People who claim to be her 'FRIENDS' 'LOVERS' 'FAMILY' ...'SOUL SISTERS' etc. etc. etc ...
It's a shame Farrah's family wasn't a large one! She lost her only sibling, and her father is too old to do anything. Her son is a drug addict and locked up, YET I STILL question the fact ... where are her aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. etc. etc. ... ?????
Makes you wonder if Farrah got along with these people. No mention of them what so ever, except for her nephew who seemed to say 'thanks for the inheritance ... but see ya later!'
Farrah seemed to have been a prisoner during her final days. A prisoner who seemed 'brainwashed' by people who claim to LOVE her! Makes you wonder if all the fame and fortune in this world is WORTH all the shit that happens to you during and AFTER your life!
This said, I sincerely hope that Ms. Fawcett is Resting in Peace, even though all this MESS is taking place! One thing I give Farrah credit for, she KNEW what she was doing as far as her will was concerned! It's a shame she didn't give her items away to a museum or such, instead of her items being 'misplaced' 'gone missing' etc.
I'm sure even though it must hurt her, she's probably looking down on these VULTURES laughing her pretty head off!
God Bless Ms. Fawcett!
ANOTHER thing I forgot to mention ... Alana and Ryan says
Farrah didn't want anyone to see her during her final days ... So why did Farrah want Alana to see her? Why did Farrah want Mela to see her? Were these people not her FRIENDS?? If so, why them and NOT Kate Jackson, or anyone else who wanted to say 'good bye'???
Also, Farrah wanted EVERYTHING to be shown in her documentary. She wanted people to SEE what Cancer does! She wanted to be FILMED throwing up, she wanted to be FILMED in pain, she wanted (not at first, but later agreed) to show her bald head! She wanted to show EVERYTHING that cancer does to someone, which was the point of her documentary. Am I not correct in saying this??
So I will not believe Farrah wanted her closest friends BANNED from seeing her with the excuse of 'vanity'! Farrah was never vain about her looks! Granted she used plastic surgery, BUT that's Hollywood! However, Farrah has stated many times she was most comfortable without make up. A vain person would not even say that! Therefore, I do not beleive the excuse that was given.
All this said, brings me to the wheelchair photo which Farrah did not want published, and if it wasn't for Alana Stewart, it never would have been! Who else reported to the photographers where Farrah will be all the time??? It was ONLY when Farrah was with Alana did the photographers show up! Anyway, I do not think Farrah didn't want to be shown in a wheelchair because of vanity or shame. I think she KNEW that a photo like that was what these photographers were after, which would profit them at Farrah's expense! AND since Farrah did not like these rags, she did not want to give them the satisfaction of making money off of her!
I still don't see my question answered: "Kate made her explosive comments to Radaronline.com, the internet branch of the National Enquirer"....
Why would her 'true' friends give the bastards that hurt her the most, stealing her medical records by paying a hospital employee to leak them, who Craig says the Inquirer promised to never print another article on Farrah again (interview on EW.com), turn and give them anything on her??
Can you Know-It-Alls' answer that one??
Well, Anonymous 4:40 ...
I don't know for certain that Radar and the Enquirer are one in the same, and if they are, I can only guess that Kate did not give a story, (sort of), about Farrah ... she gave a 'story' about HERSELF (Kate Jackson). After all, Farrah was a part of Kate's life, regardless, and if she wants to say something about herself and mention certain people, I think she has the right to. Just as if she was writing her own autobiography, she has the right to mention the names that have been in her life! She did NOT say anything about Farrah which she made up, or an EXCLUSIVE story about Farrah ALONE. ... So maybe this is enough to answer your question?
One other thing I forgot to mention ... In Alana's book, Alana told Farrah (near the end of her life) that Farrah was going to be issued on the cover of a magazine in tribute. She did not mention the magazine, BUT she KNOWS that Farrah DID NOT LIKE the magazine because of something they once wrote about her. I believe that Farrah gave Alana the finger as her response! ... I DO NOT know what magazine Alana was talking about, and why the tribute, for she did not mention the name in her book. The magazines only did these tributes AFTER Farrah's death, therefore I do not believe there was such a magazine or tribute prior to Farrah's death. Does anyone know?
In any event, I brought this up because even though Farrah did not like a certain magazine, she still didn't mind them doing a cover and tribute to her.
Well, Michael, I din't say that Radar was the internet branch of the National Enquirer--Tabloid Baby did. Last paragraph. National Enquirer violated Farrah and stole something they had no right to. They paid and employee at the hospital to steal her medical records. Nevious spoke out on this in the past. How could her friends give the time of day to these vultures? It is wrong.
Anonymous you said ...
"How could her friends give the time of day to these vultures? It is wrong." ...
BECAUSE her 'friends' are VULTURES as well! ... SO, anything to stay in the 'spotlight' get publicity be it positive or negative, these celebrities don't give a shit! ...
Have you never heard the expression "Better to be written about then not written about at all!" ... or "It's when they STOP talking or writing about you ... that's the time to worry!" ...
This is an expression made up by celebrities themselves. Publicity costs money! It's advertizing yourself! These people don't care! ... AND when they can get FREE publicity, it's better for their pockets!
Why do you think Michael Jackson and Madonna did and say so much shit??? CAUSE they CRAVE and NEED the publicity and attention. FAME is a dangerous drug! They are 'addicts' to this shit. These type of people NEED people to talk about them and keep them in mind! It's their ONLY way of feeling 'loved' or 'wanted'. It makes them feel 'important' ... Regardless if the publicity is BAD! ... Don't you think all the bad publicity that Ryan O'Neal and Alana Stewart are getting is feeding into their ego!?? ... They are getting HIGH on this shit! ... They know that with anything written about them, it's keeping them 'alive' in some sort of way! They know that it will bring in finances at the end of the day. Cause when people keep talking and tabloids and the media keep printing, they know that in no time, they will be hounded for interviews, etc. etc. and there is a price (in money terms) to be paid, which makes them richer! These people don't care how much money they have ... it is NEVER enough!
As I've stated in a previous post ... I don't think Fame and Fortune is worth all this shit! ... Why do you think so many celebrities fall into the drug scene? The majority of them are NOT content with their lives.
Ryan and Alana are just not smart people. Did they not think that not allowing friends to visit wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass!
Kate is simply telling the truth! She doesn't need the publicity, money, etc. Look at her career. She has accomplished more than Alana, Ryan and all connected to them. Alana, however, broke and in need of money. So, exploit your best friend.
Yes, it does make you wonder what Ryan and Alana were doing to Farrah. You know that whether we saw the footage or not....they kept the cameras rolling. Ryan talked about another Documentary. So, for those of you who think we haven't seem Farrah after her visit with Redmond, just wait, the two vultures will probably sell some of it, they can't help themselves!
Farrah is the one I still feel for in all this mess. She didn't get to see her friends before she died because Ryan and Alana wouldn't let it happen. At least she did write a letter to Jaclyn Smith. Maybe Kate got one too and just hasn't shared it with the public.
But, for Kate to step forward, no matter which publication she used is "The Right Thing To Do", which is what I have been encouraging Stewart to do with that dumb ass award she is going to get that she doesn't deserve.
Michael I agree on Ryan needing it regardless if the publicity is bad or good.
Now Alana In my opinion wants people to believe she's the Virgin Mary otherwise her NEW CAREER in the Cancer business will come to an end and let's face it she herself talked about her financial trouble in the Journey with Farrah book,so bad publicity will only hurt Alana. If her St.Cancer cover is blown then she's gotta get the ol'e knee pads out again for the next rich guy's bank account she plans to suck dry!
Kate accomplished more then Ryan and Alana put together.
You right on that! I cannot wait for this court case to begin against those two scumbags.
Im sure they were stealing, going through her personal papers and FILMING her half dead.
Im sure they'll keep that locked away for now but trust me in time something will surface on what they did to Farrah in those final 3 months of her life.
There's a reason they were keeping people away from Farrah.It's not normal to do what they did and to behave like they did. They were doing something Im sure of it!
anon 4:40 am feb 16th what is your point?
So many people saying the same thing about Alana and Ryan,and all these people could not be lying!
What is my point? I'll try to be simpler for you.
1. Tabloid Baby states on Feb 14th, that 'Kate Jackson made these explosive comments to RadarOnline, the internet branch of the National Enquirer.'
2. Craig Nevious also spoke to RadarOnline.com recently.
3. National Enquirer raped Farrah of her privacy and paid a hospital employee to steal and leak her medical records to them.
4. Craig spoke out publicly about what they did to Farrah and how she was going to fight it.
Is that really such a tough question for you?
Why, because Alana Stewart called and tipped off the National Enquirer so they could get a shot of Farrah in a wheelchair. She is as low as low gets!
Oh, And if it wasn't Alana herself, then one of her kids! They do alot of her dirty work too!
Same place the Bitch you are defending goes, to Radar On-line and Tabloid Baby. How do you really think they get stories of giving her awards?
Just so happens Tabloid Baby turned the tables! Go For You TB!!
I only asked you about Craig and Kate's reasons. Don't know how you know so much about who tipped off who about the wheelchair thing, but since you are privvy to so much knowlwdge, you should know that, too, right? Seriously, How do you know so much private info about thes people? Who they talk to, what they tell them? You a P.I.?
Seriously look at the facts:
Wheelchair pic...Only Alana knew when, where, how (Ryan too)! She was supposed to be protecting her friend. Some kind of protection.
Yes, I know them better than you do, but how is not something you will ever know!
All bloggers,
You know, some one here did bring up a very excellent point that is just rumor, it is in print. On Monday around noon the question was asked why would Craig and Kate EVER talk to the National Enquirer? What they (NE) did to Farrah and her family is beyond the bounds of poor taste--even for them, and it is illegal. I havent' bought a NE magazine since I heard what they did to her, and I am just a fan, let alone a best friend. That is an excellent question and should be addressed--with an answer--not name calling and more made up gossip to distract from the real point.
Thank you.
sorry, in my 10:39 comment, I meant the point brought up IS NOT just a rumor, it is in print
Anon 10:41 You did not make that comment. However, you are somewhat correct is saying that.
But, please in the future, if you want to correct what I have said, do it on your own!
I do wish that people would quit taking on other peoples names and posting under them, or taking what someone else has posted and twicking it to fit whatever their agenda is!! If you can't come up with a comment on your own. Just read and leave the comments to others.
Hey Brainiac,
Look again. 2 people posted at exactly 10:39. Mine was the one that started 'All bloggers.'. Know what you're talking about before you go jumping all over people, jerk. Once again, mouthing off before you know what you're talking about. Shocking.
Aren't you just a little touchy!
Sooooo verrrry Sorrrryyyyyyyy
10:39 All Bloggers
Weren't you the one calling for NO name calling?
Radar On-line my be owned by National Enquirer, but they haven't been sued for false stories. So what's the problem, other than the fact that you used to read the National Enquirer.
That explains alot. Most real Fans don't read that crap anyway!
They read legit magazines that are not constantly sued for false reporting!! Wow! Shocking!
Nope, I'm not 'touchy' at all, but then again I'd don't thrive on spreading lies like you do, so I call people out on 'em. Sorry, I'm totally out of line calling YOU a 'Brainiac', but you did walk right into the jerk one with your useless, uncalled for rant. Once Again.
As always you start something and then name call. You seem to be the jerk to me, but then again, someone who knows so much such as yourself, probably doesn't stop to THINK before typing your BS
2nd 10:39
Seems to me like you started the name calling. So, when you get it back you really have nothing to stand on.
Might try following your own advice!
And yes the "rant" may have been a little over the top, but that's what you get when you fire back the way you did a couple of posts later. Maybe the person that posted didn't realize that there were two posts, but your reaction got reaction.
To bad, I had hoped that this wouldn't continue this time on this subject, but my bad!! Can't hope for the impossible.
Are you kidding? Comments without insults is not possible. LOL
But you can hope all you want too!
Can I please ask an honest, sincere question of some of you without getting ripped a new one? I have been following these 2 blogs off and on for a couple months, and there are several people who really make very personnal, accusing remarks about some of these people involved (namely Alana, Ryan). And also strong defense of people like Craig, Greg,etc. From what I have heard of these people, most of them live in CA and some in Texas. You bloggers, on the other hand, say you are from Pittsburgh, Illinois and Malta, Europe, etc. What is your connection to these people? How do you know so much that you can comment like you do? I don't even know what my next door neighbors are doing! I think it's a fair question.
Just so I got this straight,
1:28 calls ME an ASSHOLE (Unless that was how you were signing your name that time), because I bring it to his attention that he/she had a hissy about my comment for no apparent reason, other than the fact that they can't read, or understand, and just wanted to start ANOTHER fight?? And I'm the bad guy for calling him a 'jerk'??
OK, got it. TJC, K, jkjkjk, jk or whatever you call yourself today.
Excellent question, there 3:29, love to hear the answer to that one.
Anon 3:29 I will answer your questions and not jump all over you. Just because someone says something or asks a question is usually how they become the target, but I not going to do that to you or anyone else.
How do you/we know: Simple, the facts. If you research all of the topics enough and read the court documents that are available, if you check out the integrity of those who you asked about (Craig Nevius, Mike Pingel, and Kate Jackson) you would know that they are decent, honest people. I'm sorry I can't include Greg in that, because he is one that I really could care less about. He got money from Farrah's estate, but he is basically out of the picture now!
When you look back at Ryan (his own interviews with various magazines), when you look at Alana (read her book), it is quite obvious that these two people will/would go to any length to get something for themselves.
With that said, I don't deny that, at times during Farrah's illness, they we there for her. But, so many things happened that are questionable after she took a turn for the worse. Even her own father couldn't bare to be there and watch Alana and Ryan...and that came from him!!
To finish: when you are a "Fan", you are a fan! People from all over this country loved Farrah and were praying for her healing. Now, as all this stuff surfaces...well, it pisses us off! To think that Farrah was taken advantage of, disrespected, kept from some of her friends, not even allowed to take a phone call, then YES we are going to speak out!
Researching, reading, finding documents, etc... may seem lame to some, but to the fans, we want the truth and so far only part of the truth is coming out. It won't be long until all of the Pro Alana/Ryan people will be eating their words.
However, in closing, if I am wrong (which I would bet my life on that I'm not), I would make a public apology to both. Name attached and all! Hope this explains or answers part or all of your question!
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