Farrah Fawcett's former personal assistant is the latest insider to line up against her estate in an ugly legal battle over her legacy that's only intensifying seven months after her death.
Mike Pingel, who worked for Farrah from November 2005 to October 2007 and was said to be at her side when she got her cancer diagnosis in 2006, has come forward to support documentary producer Craig Nevius, who was sued last week by Farrah's estate, for allegedly misusing her funds and botching the cancer documentary that was eventually sold as a special to NBC-- and apparently in retaliation for his own lawsuit against the estate's executor and Farrah's sometime lover Ryan O'Neal.
Pingel, author of The Q Guide To Charlie's Angels, and by one account, an "unsung hero in Farrah's life," goes public on his Charlie's Angels fansite:
"Farrah trusted her friend and producing partner, Craig Nevius with executing her vision for the documentary which was to tell the world of her cancer battle. Farrah was so pleased with how 'A Wing & A Prayer' was coming together she even showed me part of the film. It's sad her vision was stopped and has yet to be seen."
Pingel also posts Friday's statement from Farrah's Charlie's Angel costar Kate Jackson in support of Nevius:
"He had an unflagging devotion to Farrah in every way and he worked with her to help her achieve her vision, not his vision and not anybody else's vision."
Mike Pingel, who worked for Farrah from November 2005 to October 2007 and was said to be at her side when she got her cancer diagnosis in 2006, has come forward to support documentary producer Craig Nevius, who was sued last week by Farrah's estate, for allegedly misusing her funds and botching the cancer documentary that was eventually sold as a special to NBC-- and apparently in retaliation for his own lawsuit against the estate's executor and Farrah's sometime lover Ryan O'Neal.
Pingel, author of The Q Guide To Charlie's Angels, and by one account, an "unsung hero in Farrah's life," goes public on his Charlie's Angels fansite:

Pingel also posts Friday's statement from Farrah's Charlie's Angel costar Kate Jackson in support of Nevius:
"He had an unflagging devotion to Farrah in every way and he worked with her to help her achieve her vision, not his vision and not anybody else's vision."

Nevius, as readers of this site are well aware, had sued the man who became executor of the estate, Richard B. Francis, along with O'Neal and friend Alana Stewart, for pushing him out of the project, which was originally entitled A Wing & A Prayer and retitled Farrah's Story to bring to mind O'Neal's 1970 film, Love Story.
Nevius and his attorney have said that the latest legal action is an attempt at intimidation. Nevius has promised to use Farrah's own words and writings in his defense.
Nevius and his attorney have said that the latest legal action is an attempt at intimidation. Nevius has promised to use Farrah's own words and writings in his defense.
Maybe people should know Pingle was fired from his job as her assistant. Maybe he was NOT invited to her private funeral for a reason? Why does he sell items on ebay that look like they could have been Farrah's?The guy runs a Charlie's Angels website - can you say obsessed fan? This guy appears to have no life outside of 6 women on TV. Maybe he comes out supporting Nevius as sour grapes? Think about it, his credibility ain't all that. And Kate Jackson? This ding dong is as wacky as a circus midget. She blasted Nevius on The Today Show and now she supports him? None of these people have an ounce of anything important to say.
ReplyDeleteI thought Kate Jackson was against Craig Nevius??? She kept calling him DEVIOUS in her interview on the Today Show!
ReplyDeleteThis said, I think Mike Pingle is an honest person, who has Farrah's best interests at heart. I don't doubt this. He could of easily said that Farrah was his favorite Angel when being interviewed for her assistant to gain some points, BUT he was honest enough to say it's Cheryl Ladd ... thus didn't get the job, at that time.
As far as the Obsessed fan thing goes ... Look at it this way ... if there weren't any 'obsessed' fans out there, these Angels would of been HAS BEENS years ago, without these 'obsessed' fans!
Mike Pingle was FIRED by Farrah......... enough said !
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm doubting you, BUT can you tell us WHY he was fired? AND how do you know this??
Well Mike runs Cheryl Ladds website and she's no dummy!
ReplyDeleteEnough Said!
Anon 1/24 9:26
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you an expert on anything? I am so tired of you people who won't come clean with who you are? Afraid of be blasted because you have given your name? Well, get in line because many of us have for using our name. As for Mike Pingel, running a site dedicated to Charlie's Angels is not being obsessed, it's keeping a "legendary show" alive with actresses that people still love and respect.
Kate Jackson: Made a mistake! That does not make her a ding dong or anything else other than human!
Why do people like you have to take a place like this to make comments and turn it into a name calling, back stabbing, hurtful place! You should be ashamed of yourself. Again and again it is people like you (who don't know anything) that babble on about people you don't know!
I dare you to name yourself. You want support, give your name! Oh yes, Chicken!
CAPS, aka Greg Loot is back!! The crazy car washer returns with his nonsense. It's common knowledge Pingel was fired; an ex employee, especially one who gets FIRED should have his credibility questioned. If he was so close to Farrah and knew her "vision of her documentary" he wouldn't have stated what he said. The guy went to the store for her, answered her phone and picked up her dry cleaning. He wasn't her friend, he was an EMPLOYEE. Deal with it. He was paid by the hour, he was nothing more. Go back to running your lame ass website for other psycho stalkers to go to.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:23 - That's not Greg! Greg is off spending his money and couldn't care less if Farrah Fawcett's vision for the diary was told correctly or not!!
ReplyDeleteNobody really cares if Pingel was fired or not either. The important issue is whether or not Nevius will WIN. AND HE WILL! OH AND I'M NOT THE PREVIOUS ENTRY IN CAPS!!!
Anon 10:23 And one other thing:
ReplyDeleteWhat about Kate Jackson? Nothing bad to say about her? Guess not or you would have said something.
Why don't you go back to running your lame ass website for other psycho stalkers to go to since you seem to know where those are!!
What a stupid comment. How do you know what Greg thinks? Pretty sad, if that is true--you would think a true friend would certainly care about her 'vision', wouldn't they? I think THAT is the important issue.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know what Greg thinks?
ReplyDeleteGreg is not the issue at all! Can you not read. The issue is Craig Nevius and O'Neal's lawsuits. This has absolutely nothing to do with Greg. He's out of sight and should be out of minds. This is not about him for a change!
And another thing: Greg had nothing to do with the video diary! So who cares what Greg is or is not doing? Again, don't make this about him because it is not about him!
ReplyDeleteGo back and read your comment at 10:57--YOU brought up Greg--looks like you can't read.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:23 Brought up Greg not me! And I did read!
ReplyDeleteIf I were to guess...you are 10:23
ReplyDeleteAfter all you are the one who wants to make this about someone it is not about (Greg). Let it GOOOOOO!
Why can't you people stay on topic? Headline "Farrah Fawcett's assistant backs Nevius". That is the topic. If you want to talk about Greg Lott, go back to the hitman's blog and talk away! This is about Nevius.
ReplyDeleteTake you head out of your >>>> and stay on topic for once, please.
Well, you guessed wrong.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it!
ReplyDeleteThis will get figured out in a court of law not the court of public opinion
ReplyDeleteEveryone is scream about who knows what and who’s who and how if you had any guts you’d give your name
But I’ve noticed not one of you *except Michael* has given a name
You’re all Morons
Now go back to your Mamma’s basement and get on with saving the universe from the Romulans and stop wasting everyone else’s time
Anonymous 12:14
aka Jodie
Anonymous 12:14
ReplyDeleteaka Jodie
Well Jodie: If you have read all of these blogs of public opinion, then you would know why most people other than Michael from Europe and Kiko don't give their names. I used to, but being call numerous names by other anon's, I thought why should I continue to have my name listed with a half a dozen others that some "person" lists when deciding to harass people who have an opinion.
Yes, if will be decided in a court of law and that is the way it should be and not anywhere else. However, as long as tabloids print articles, then there will be blogs and commentary, such as here, where people are free to give an opinion or comment.
I personally would (just once...one time) like to see it done tastefully and not use words like morons, idiots, etc... and especially foul words. Just this one time can't we stay on the topic at hand, which is people backing Nevius Lawsuit!
But Jodie: You feel free to put your name down as many times as you can stand it...then you will know what I am talking about! People are cruel!
Mamma’s basement, saving the universe from the Romulans
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 12:14 aka Jodie
What spaceship did you just get off of and shouldn't you phone home!
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
ReplyDeleteAnon 1:00
ReplyDeleteWell said by you and Lincoln!
I wonder if Ryan and Alana or this asswipe bernie Francis have been behind all these scathing posts against everyone who thinks those 3 are sneaky, money hungry, exploitive scums.
ReplyDeleteHey Ryan why when your son was out on a 24hr leave from rehab end up high as a kite when he returned?
He was supposed to be under your supervision
What's wrong with you Ryan?
also I love how Alana and James Van Kook tried to reel Griffin in,hmm using another son for you own agenda to lie for you maybe?
I hope Hell allows air conditioning cause your going to need it dude!
No Mike Pingle was not fired he was no longer needed as Farrah was dying and needed nurses not personal assistants to get her shampoo.
Don't believe this garbage people it's lies to sway people to stand behind 3 liars aka Ryan Alana and Bernie
Shit now the LOWLIFES are going after Mike Pingle
ReplyDeleteIs Kate Jackson going to be your next target?
let me guess farrah and Kate had a huge falling out the day she died HAHAHA how many bullshit stories are you fools going to come up with next.
I like Craig and believe him.
ReplyDeleteI saw the Vanity Fair article and to see how those 2 were posing like 2 OLD models so soon after Farrahs death was sick. And Ryan sitting on the womans bed knowing her final months were spent suffering and dying in that bed was terrible.
Actions speak louder then words and those two's actions spoke loud and clear and it was nothing but repulsive. Oh Alana no matter how many elderly rich men you blow to pay your mortgage, you'll never have class,talent or character. Your worse then O'Neal at least 90% of the public never could stand him as his box office ticket sales showed LOL
So glad Kate Jackson finally came forward.
ReplyDeleteI love all the angels and Kate's courage makes me admire her even more. Good for her.
All the best to Craig and his lawsuit i hope he wins on both ends. Ryan should be focused on his son or maybe not we saw what just happened to Redmond last month and Ryan is the last thing he needs.
good point anon.
ReplyDeleteDo you know if Farrah's will states anything if something happened to Redmond where his money goes that she left him?
I really find it disturbing and creepy that he was released from rehab for 24 hours and returned drugged. I know he's over 18 but if that was my son and I knew how bad his addiction was I would never leave him alone for a second.
Im not saying this as fact but did Ryan give him drugs?
I know Sept 2007 or 2008 they both were arrested on drug charges.
Im pretty sure both Griffin and Tatum both said their father introduced them both to drugs.
ReplyDeleteI think he just wants Redmond out of his way or worse.
What happened to your 'staying on topic' policy?
ReplyDeleteSomeone asked what happens to Farrah's money if Redmond doesn't get it. The will states it goes to the Farrah Fawcett Foundation...The million dollar question is who heads that foundation?
ReplyDeleteI'm a Farrah fan and have been for years, so much is being written people taking sides it truly is sad.
I do think that Farrah would of been upset by seeing Redmond in Farrah's Story in a prison jump suit and in chains. I don't think she would of allowed that. Regarding the documentary I tend to lean towards Nevius on this one. Sorry, I don't trust Ryan, or Alana or Mike Pingel
Why is it that anyone who does'nt believe Ryan or Alana are nothing but obsessed fans of charlies angels or farrah.
ReplyDeleteMaybe people just don't buy their bullshit plain and simple!
Im so sick of this shit,anyone who is not on Ryan and alana's side is an obsessed fan...Please find a new defense that's getting old!
and to the Anon why don't you trust Mike Pingle?
what is god's name did he do for a silly comment like that? Do you not trust Kate jackson either?
Here's who I don't trust
1-Those excluded from Farrah's will
2-Those who make book deals before the woman died
3-scathing interviews for vanity fair
4-people who forge signatures
5-d-list celebrities talking to dead people on the E channel
6-old men trying to get post teen girls to play with their old ding dongs while claming to care for a dying woman
ReplyDeleteOther than "Love Story"
"What's Up Doc" (which I loved for Madaline Kahn Brilliant woman)
and "Chances Are" (which I loved for Robert Downey Jr and Cybil Shepard)
What has Ryan O'Neal done?
Other than hook almost ALL of his kids on drugs?
Where is he making all this money he has - can't be from just those three movies - can it?
Just asking
What I don't understand is how can some of you people say things without showing PROOF??? Things such as the following:
ReplyDelete1. Redmond being in Ryan's custody during that 24hr release.
2. Ryan O'Neal writing a book.
3. Mike Pingle being fired by Farrah.
None of the above is found on any site or confirmed anywhere else, except here!
This said, I recently finished reading Alana's book. It was a pretty good read, although there was nothing new in it that you didn't see in the documentary! ... I believe all that was written about Farrah and her journey is true, HOWEVER, I highly DOUBT Alana's feelings and intentions. I couldn't figure this woman (Alana) out! ... she says one thing and then contradicts herself the next!
She moans throughout the book about being BROKE! Alana DOES NOT know the true meaning of being BROKE! ... How can someone who is broke travel all the time to Germany? Go out to resturants? Buy gifts? Throw parties? Take vacations? Get manicures? Spa Treatments? Botox? Phycic Sessions? Go shopping?? etc. etc. etc... She acts and talks like she is about to become a 'homeless' woman eating out of the garbage! COME ON!
Another thing ... as much as someone is a great friend of someone, I'd beleive that family comes first, ESPECIALLY, when you have children AND other responsibilities! ... Alana writes as if Farrah came FIRST before her kids! ... PLEASE ... She writes as if Farrah Fawcett didn't have ANYONE else in the world besides her to 'help' her out! ... who was she trying to impress or fool??
Don't get me started on her Boy Toy affair while Farrah is moaning and groaning, (in the next building/town), over in pain! Alana was there to 'support' her friend, NOT being someone's booty call! LOL How can someone who is so 'distraught' and 'worried' be interested in anything else but her 'friend' let along sex at a time like that! And to read about her sex with that guy, you'd think you were reading about some young porn star LOL ... I think Alana wrote a lot of her fantasies in this book! LOL
If Ryan was to write a book ... which I personally WISH he would ... I'd definately purchase it, as well! Why not?? Just because someone is writing their memiors DOES NOT mean what they write is all true!
Proof?? See, Michael that's the one thing you never get about ANYTHING. Even when you give people proof (Film footage in Farrah's Story and Chasing Farrah)they don't want to believe it. It's more fun to make shit up and tear people apart--that's what they get off on. Did you read the crap said about Kate Jackson a few blogs back because of her 'Devious' comments? I'd betcha a million dollars that same person is on here now saying she's a courageous, honest person because now someone says she spoke in favor of Nevius.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said "Proof?? See, Michael that's the one thing you never get about ANYTHING."
ReplyDeleteEXCUSE ME??? I don't know where you are coming off on this one! I asked for PROOF that Ryan is writing a book ... PROOF that Redmond was in Rayan's custody ... and PROOF that Mike Pingle was fired. None of these things are covered in Farrah's Story or Chasing Farrah!
As for Kate Jackson ... I think she FUCKED UP! She shouldn't of went on air to say ANYTHING before she knew what she was talking about! ... The fact that she is now backing Nevius makes her look more open to 'unfavorable suggestions' ... Why is she now having a change of heart? Nothing was said of this nature!
Doesn't matter why Kate had a change of heart, but she did! She probably didn't even know when asked on TV about the lawsuit and the specifics. Anyway, Kate was Farrah's friend, as was Jaclyn Smith! So what if Kate screwed up! She has fixed it with her current statement.
ReplyDeleteAnd before I post...why all the language? Is it really necessary for foul language to be used to get your point across? The language brings out the nut cases that then want to dispute everything you say...so clean up the mouth and maybe this site will stay a little cleaner!
Anon Monday 9:02 pm,
ReplyDeleteI had read somewhere that Ryan made real estate investments.
And as far as...."What has Ryan O'Neal done??...Just asking." He spent the greater part of his life with Farrah Fawcett. Ask most of the men I know, and that's pretty much more than any of us could even dream to accomplish!!
Anonymous ... Before you write:
ReplyDelete"And before I post...why all the language? Is it really necessary for foul language to be used to get your point across?" ...
You should practice what you preach ... That is, if you are the one in the same Anonymous who wrote:
"It's more fun to make shit up"
You see, it does make a difference as to why Kate Jackson had a change of heart! ... Did she 'discover something' ... did she 'apologize' To Craig?
You see, it seems EVERYONE was a friend of Farrah Fawcett, just like Alana Stewart was a 'friend' of Farrah Fawcett's! It does not mean they are actual FRIENDS!
I'm not knocking Kate Jackson ... Beleive it or not, I do like her, however, I find it ODD that she says one thing and now says another, without an explaination!
YEARS ago, it was written that Farrah and Kate were not that 'friendly' ... Jaclyn Smith, however, was always the friend between both actresses. I believe things could have changed between them, and I do believe they have.
Let's face it ... there was motive for Kate to dislike Farrah ... Farrah overtook (unintentionally) Kate's stardom on Charlie's Angels ... Farrah left the show after one season, therefore THREATENING the success of the show. It is understandable at that time for anyone to be bitter against anyone for these actions.
AGAIN, let me STRESS ... I AM NOT KNOCKING OR DISSING KATE JACKSON ... I do like her, BUT since she is now bringing herself into this spotlight, I'm sure we all would like to hear more!
You know Michael I am not one of the people that use foul language on this site.
ReplyDeleteKate had a change of heart and it really doesn't matter why.
I saw her on TV with Farrah's Doctor and she seemed "out of it" at the time. I actually wondered if she was okay herself.
Did she apologize to Craig. Yes, by coming out in defense of him. In person did she apologize, well we will never know that for sure!
And we also will not know what Kate Jackson may or may not have discovered until after the trial or lawsuit is settled! People cannot release a great deal of information because of the effect it may have on the lawsuit outcome.
So, NO, you won't get the answer to your question as to why Kate changed her mind.
Dude, seriously?? Go back up a little farther. That sarcastic 'it's more fun to make shit up' comment is probably the LEAST offensive on here!
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:29
ReplyDeleteSo what you’re saying is that between getting his kids high and buying a few houses he lived his life sucking off of Farrah
Ok that answers my question
I said nothing about kids OR 'sucking off' anybody. Your reading skills are pretty bad. But, in all fairness, you did get the buying houses thing right.
ReplyDeleteRight on anon!
ReplyDeleteWhat has Ryan done? maybe 3 films that anyone remembers and his daughter was the REAL STAR of one.
The second Madeline Kahn and Barbara Streisand stole that show.
The third was a sappy Love Story other then that the guy has'nt really done anything of value.
So basically he did one movie that he carried the other were/are remembered for his co-stars not him.
Alana haha well Im surprised anyone knows who she is well enough to even spell her name correctly
Alana's book was not a good read it was the documentary in book form. I learned nothing from her so called Journey except she loves money.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you on Mike Pingle and the firing rumor,I doubt he was fired I think Farrah pretty much after being rediagnosed did'nt need a personal assisitant she needed medical care.
Plain and simple as that.
I disagree on Redmond, when someone gets a 24hr release they are to be under supervision, they don't let drug addicts with pending felonys out alone with no supervision, that just does'nt happen regardless of how old the patient/inmate is.
A hospital won't even release you alone after an operation.
Saying that, if my son had problem with drugs and his mother just died not to long ago I would want to spend every last minute with him,not only for his health but just for the fact that his father could'nt even hug him since his 3 hour visit to his mom in April. If Redmond does'nt get help and beat this the kid will end up dead sooner or later. And so far other then his Mom I see no one trying to help him I just see enablers and one being his fucked up sociapath father. No one really knows who and how Redmond got drugged up on that 24hr leave but if history tells us anything which by the way always does,it was his dad.
What happened to 'stay on subject' and 'I don't use foul language'??
ReplyDeleteHow can you possibly know why these people do what they do and what they are thinking?? Do you actually KNOW ANY of these people you so freely pass judgement on? Do you follow them around all day?
ReplyDeleteNo I don't know these people or follow them around everyday. Do u?
ReplyDeleteI know you follow me around all day.
Ok I’ve got another question
ReplyDeleteHow do you people know which Anon is which?
You’re calling each other names claiming this one said that that one said this
“No I don't know these people or follow them around everyday. Do u?
I know you follow me around all day.”
How do you know?
We’re all “Anon”s
why would anyone care what kate jackson has to say.
ReplyDeleteshe was a slut back in the 1970's
she had sex with everyone in hollywood
and her behavioer is odd to say the least
very difficult woman to work with
control freak and rumored to be on sedatives
all of you who have nothing to do but kiss mike pingels ass and kates
your all nothin but drugg attics
continue on the meds and have all the fun sayin ryan sucks as a father and on and on.
im outty and fuck you druggies im out
drugg attics?
Bats in the Belfry?
That means you’re Nuts by the way
Drug is with one “G” and an “Attic” is where you hide you Grany from the nice men in white coats
ReplyDeleteI think it's a fair question. People make statements about knowing things that only a close friend, family member, employee or at the very least a reporter would know. You want people to read your comments and believe you, right? A reasonable person wouldn't just make stuff up--Right?
You found "Reasonable" people here?
ReplyDeleteWow you're good I haven't seen one
i just do not like kate jacksons jump to the other side shes not mentally balanced what a mean bitch no loyalitey torwards farrah fawcett
ReplyDeletewhy did she say one thing then another for can some of you people explain it to me
i mean she is a crazy woman and everyone knows shes hard to work with so hard she made roma downey cry while working with her and kate was fired from her guest appreance on touched by an angel
she was cussin and screaming at people and totally unbalanced.i bet if i went to her home she would have a pharmacsey of meds in her cabinets
poor ryan to be stabbed in the back by her she is a lunatic
i never liked her and now i like her even more
and i hate druggies
why waste my time trying to talk cents to some of you people. im dealing with a hole bored full of druggies
ReplyDeleteim out of here
o one more thing is on my mind
ReplyDeletei have my own mind and not so drugged that i would let jackson have mind control over me like you all people
this is why druggs are bad and you are like manson followers but charlies angels followers and letting jackson take your minds under her control
o one more thing is on my mind
ReplyDeletei have my own mind and not so drugged that i would let jackson have mind control over me like you all people
this is why druggs are bad and you are like manson followers but charlies angels followers and letting jackson take your minds under her control
im so outta here
ReplyDeleteSorry to disappoint you, 3:58, but I was being sarcastic!! I haven't found one either.
ReplyDeleteyou people have me so pissed i broke all the dam dishes in the kitchen. my kitchen is a mess now becaiuse none of you people can see the truth.
ReplyDeletei have no dishes or cups now. gee thank you very very very very very very very much.
i just hate mind control and kate jackson and mike pingle have you all following them like some werid cult.
i broke all my dishes dammit dammit dammit
now i have to eat off paper plates now SHIT SHIT
ok just calm down calm down
i am calm its thenm not calm there under mind control i hate mond control
it would be nice if some of you people could replace my dishes and cups because i am very the type of people who hates lies and liares and i realy got so upset i smashed up my kitched
dam dam daaaaaaam
i do not need a dickionaery and that is because i have my own mind.
ReplyDeletekate jackson and mike pingle do not control my belifes i cant say that about you mr smarty pants
i need dishes and cups thanks to you and your loss of your control over your own mind.
i still have my forks spoons so they are ok and pts
but my dishes and cups are broken now imso upset this makes me mad that kate has caused such a uprore what a troubled woman to do this
she is so odd everything about her is shaky and unbalanced
im done with you people i tried to make you see how dum you people are but no luck and my dishes are broke and my cups now
im so outta here goodby and have fun being dum
ReplyDeleteI think Kate Jackson is fine,now you Im worried about.
I’m afraid you’re going to have to pay for your own temper tantrum
ReplyDeleteHaving your own mind is a wonderful thing but if you are looking to convince people to listen to your point of view you need to do it with proper articulation and not trailer trash “hick”onics
It’s called a “Dictionary” as in “Diction” as a “Degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciation in speech or singing; enunciation”
Not a “Dick”ionaery perhaps you have a one track mind
Get on with your destruction maybe you can tip over the trailer too
40 men in your "Hole" life
ReplyDeleteWow that's almost one a year, how wholesome
Are you sure you don't want that Dictionary?
Wow you’ve really lost all control over yourself haven’t you?
ReplyDeleteI’m just repeating what it is that YOU yourself are saying I don’t understand why you’re so upset?
Perhaps you are in need of a few "Prescription" drugs, couldn't hurt in your case
i hope somone on here who are the mean people who caused me to break my dishes and cups replace em
ReplyDeletei hope i can fing one cup and dish that isint busted
i am not upset any more i have been claming down so i am okey with my dishes and cups i just wish some oone would buy me new ones because your stupedness caused me to bust em all up.
just clam down clam down clam down nuce n easy nice n easy.
mr man if you want to have fun let me know maybe we live close and can meat me and party oh fuck i hope your a normal persen but i will still meat you some where if you are close i can mett you halfe way up to one hundread miles only if you live more then two hundread miles the i can not meet you for fun
Yeah it’s called “Lithium” works wonders on Bi-Polar personalities
ReplyDeletei will have sex wit you but im notta slut
ReplyDeletei would be doing it to help you with re leasing your mind control
im horny now cause of you i realy hope you are happy now that you got me horny and i hate the mond control jackso pingle people but i will be nice and meat you for fun i will do anything and everything for you no matter what and only because i want show you how it is like not be under a spell that is why i will do any thing sex wise for you
why did i let you make me horny i hope you are happy now that im horny
ReplyDeletewhy wont you meat me now i have smash up my lamps and windows because i was so dum to let a mind controler aruse me in to horniness
ReplyDeleteThat's very Philanthropic of you my "Virginal" friend but I think I'll pass on the STD Dejoir this time around
Thanks anyway
Just out of curiosity?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your definition of a “Slut”?
I guess someone's sick game is to fill the blog up with garbage everytime someone asks a question you don't like until Tabloid Baby shuts down the comments. Right?
ReplyDeleteYour right anon everytime there's a new story that is anti Ryan/Alana someone/es are always trying to close it down or fill it with nonsense and filth.
ReplyDeleteI wonder who? I think I know but whatever!
Kate and Mike just know many of us do stand behind you and admire your courage as we seen anyone who does'nt go along with Ryan and Alana get bashed on here.
Kate jackson has every right to speak her mind.
ReplyDeleteThis is America!!!!! Leave the woman alone for christ sake. Do you fools come on here for Alana or that Ryan guy?? You call us obsessed, well I'd rather be obsessed with Icons then a has been and a never was!
It was Alana and kimberly selling stories to the tabloids about Farrah.
ReplyDeleteWow that is one very unbalance person even if they were just putting on an act. Rarely do I see these blog post stay on track there is always someone that takes it off in some strange direction.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear what the court ruling is on this one I hope it stands with Craig because I think he is in the right on this.
Ryan O'Neal is a scum bag
That is just my personal opinion
Craig will win and I have reported the nut job! We will see where that takes us, but nobody should be able to rant and rave like that on any site/blog!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous or not...tabloid baby can find who is posting. There is no finding from the fact that they can find out who you are and (if nothing else) stop you from posting. I hope they do and soon.
ReplyDeleteStaying on topic.....IMPOSSIBLE!
Sorry, missed keystroke. There is no Hiding from who is posting even when you hit anonymous!
ReplyDeleteI think it definitely speaks to the “Quality” of the Ryan O’Neal backers
ReplyDeleteI don’t think they are helping their case behaving in that way
Ah, actually 4:02, I think these people pop up everytime someone has questions or asks for proof of statements. I don't think it's a 'Ryan backer' at all--just a sick trouble maker trying to get people disgusted and off track.
ReplyDeleteI agree this is just plain crazy.
ReplyDeleteSome of these posts and previous ones I believe were/are coming from Ryan or Alana or someone close to them. But this is strange talking about breaking things in the kitchen then wanting cyber sex.
I don’t think this person is in either camp
ReplyDeleteSome people just like to see what it takes to get other people to lower themselves into the same sewer they’re swimming in.
Sounds more like she wanted REAL sex and not just cyber sex, now how insane would that be?
Can’t be real just some cyber nut passing by ignore it
The munckin lady from Poltergeist died.
ReplyDeleteAnd sixteen Candles she played the wedding piano player who's pantyhose kept rubbing together when she walked.
OMG Im so upset.
I know this is not the subject but I saw it as I was headed here. sorry people did'nt mean to get off subject so just ingnore this.
So, back to the questions for you people 'in-the-know'. How do you know that Alana and Kimberly leaked info to the tabloids? Do you work for the tabloids? How do you know what Ryan did the 3 hours he was with Red in April? When did you witness people forging signatures? How do you know no one is helping Redmond--just enabling him? You know so much, say how. Seems fair, no?
ReplyDeletewell Redmond was in Farrah's Story and it was reported they let him out for 3 hours in April.
ReplyDeleteEven though Farrah's story was shown in May Redmond was there in April as we all saw.
Secondly I nor anyone else that I read said Ryan forged anything,what some of us believe is that signature handing Ryan creative control does not look like Farrah's signature in any way shape or form!
Nothing about that signature looks like farrah's and if she was in the same state as we saw her with Redmond then she could not have known what she was signing if she did sign it.
Everything will come out in court so we'll just wait and see maybe some of us are wrong or maybe your wrong.
Jan 25th at 8:39 said 'people forged signatures'. And I don't have to be proven wrong about ANYTHING because I'm not making accusations about people or things I know nothing about. YOU people are.
ReplyDeleteLet me ask you this how are you so sure her signature was not forged or that she was in the right state of mind when or if she signed it???
ReplyDeleteHow do you know Ryan did'nt give him drugs when he was home for 24hrs or looked the other way when Redmond obtained drugs? Im not saying he did or did not,what I am saying is they were both arrested a year or so ago for drugs in both their bedrooms...So everyone can draw their own conclusions on that one.
Last but not least Alana and the tabloids.
Why when Kate,Jaclyn or the other people who took Farrah to her treatments we NEVER saw any paparazzi footage and you know it would have been on ET before she stepped back in her house.
But everytime Alana or Ryan took her there was paparazzi everywhere. How did the paparazzi always know when her plane was leaving and coming back from Germany? Im not saying Alana and Ryan did or did not tip the paparazzi off,Im just saying it seems kind of odd to me that's all.
If someone posted these as facts, well it was not me do I believe these things to be true?
I liked her
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe the lady from Poltergeist died and nobody really reported too much about it. Celebrities are leaving the planet left and right. Poor thing she was funny though. God Bless her
But getting back to the point,
ReplyDeleteAnon how do you know Kimberly and Alana did not sell stories to the tabloids?
Ryan tried to blame Griffin and Griffin has not been to that house since Feb 2nd 2007 and really never talked to Farrah much after that except to send her baby photos and has not been in contact with his dad since the night he tried to kill Griffin.
So Ryan seems to be on the defense on that one.
The one post on the Poltergeist woman was me in response to the earlier post about her. So sad
Griffin hasn't been to the house since 2007, or talked to anyone much since then, but that's not how he made it sound on Larry King.
ReplyDeleteFeb 2nd 2007 was farrah's birthday and the day she was first declared to be cancer free.
ReplyDeleteWhenthey returned to Ryan's home griffin and his dad got into a fight and Ryan tried to kill him.
Griffin did say he has not seen or talked to Ryan since
Larry then asked do you keep in touch with Farrah
Griffin said I text her with photos of my children. Griffin never said he and Farrah spoke all the time and she filled him in on the time and dates everytime Alana and Ryan were taking her to treatments.
And that pretty much is my point,2:00. I have no idea who leaked anything to anyone, so I don't go around saying things I can't back up. So, isn't it fair to ask the person who said it how they KNOW?
ReplyDeletewell that is over and done with.
ReplyDeleteRight now the focus should be on who wins this court battle and I have to go with Craig Nevious personally.
And I hope the Best for Redmond.
Who is the crazy fool saying they broke dishes???
Whoever you are you need serious help. For the first time these farrah boards were on topic pretty much and I thought we were finally rid of the filth and garbage and the mature people could have a civil debate.
Whoever you areplease know Im sure there are probably thousands of sex sites for you to meet people. You are beyond crazy my dear!
I think that everyone here is just expressing a personal opinion and that no one is claiming they have first hand knowledge of these events, its just supposition based on what we have see here and else where on the internet, those truly in the “Know” are respecting Farrah and keeping quiet. If it is coming across to you as “Fact” then perhaps we are just not articulating it correctly.
ReplyDeleteAt the time that Farrah “Supposedly” signed control of the documentary over to Ryan I believe she was in a state of diminished capacity, if you have never seen anyone suffer from cancer believe me it’s very debilitating. When they are dealing with pain and drugs to help with that pain and the illness itself it is very easy for someone to manipulate them.
The signature did not look like Farrah’s signature and if it is I believe (my personal opinion) that is was coerced from her by Ryan, I don’t like him and I don’t trust him.
That is not based on any personal first hand knowledge but that of infomation from a third party that DOES have first hand knowledge and my own gut feeling of the man.
The courts will figure this out.
I agree and everyone should be able to express their thoughts and opinions.
ReplyDeleteBut kate jackson should have that right as well.
It seems now everyone who believe's the other side are now attacking her and making comments about drug use like the media did to Farrah several years ago. And Mike Pingle did nothing to no one to get attacked either.
I don't know why this lunatic is saying we are under mind control by Kate Jackson, This entire Farrah ordeal brought out the mean in people.
And some crazy people AKA Kate jackson mind control. WTF???
Do what I do ... IGNORE the CRAZY POSTS! ... They ain't for real! AND I do not see what they are trying to accomplish with these remarks ... so take it with a grain of salt, and IGNORE and DO NOT FEED INTO IT! ... Whoever it is, be it someone in Ryan/Alana's camp, Farrah's camp or the celebrities themselves, JUST IGNORE IT! ...
ReplyDeleteAs for the Poltigiest lady, I thought she died years ago! Didn't know she was still alive till December of last year.
What I'd like to know, is how do these people know that Ryan is writing a book??? I have not seen this written anywhere, nor acknowledged! I've heard that Greg is writing a book, but now cancelled it. Who knows maybe Craig will write one. I'm hoping more books will be written about Farrah, besides Alana's. I'm also hoping that maybe Griffen will write one, as well ... if not about Farrah, at least about his life story, as his sister did ... which was a GREAT book to read!
The only credit I can give to Ryan O'Neal is that he was true to his word when he said that he will answer Farrah's mail. He did send out acknowlegment letters to the people who wrote to Farrah during her ordeal. I can vouch for that, for I received one!
It is a fact Ryan does have a book deal which was made right after Farrah died.
ReplyDeleteSome say that's why he did'nt have the will made public since she left Greg Lott 100,000 dollars. His book will be a autobiography mostly based on his life with Farrah and I think he wanted to secure The Love Story fable with the public and publishers to secure that deal.
If the will came out sooner then Greg Lott's claims would have been taken more serious and Ryan's love Story would come off as less credible.
My personal opinion. But he does have a book deal.
It's sad that all this happened in the 1st place.
ReplyDeleteRyan should have allowed Greg to see Farrah in her final months and allowed Craig to continue on with Farrah's vision and maybe try and work with him in a civil honest way rather than back stabbing for personal gain. None of this would be going on and Farrah's true legacy could have grown but instead it's full of scandals and lies and he said she said shit.
I guess it's up to the fans to remember the joy she brought to so many through her work and beauty.
Feb 2nd everybody on Facebook or My Space post a picture of her and lets keep her memory alive and still celebrate her birthday.
ReplyDeleteretroalitytv And look for the Charlie's Angels article(s). You can post comments there and if they are not in good taste...they will be taken off!
Just a suggestion for you "real" fans.
I seriously doubt any celebrity has time to care about, let alone post continuously on a gossip blog. I also don't think it's several people, I think it's the same one over and over from way back on Hitman. I agree-IGNORE.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I have NOT seen anything official other than what is being said,on here, in regards to Ryan having a book deal. Can you send a link or something to show this?
ReplyDeleteWhile I am not doubting Greg Lott, I don't understand how he couldn't, at least, give Farrah a phone call on her personal cell number. At least so as to tell her that he is being banned from seeing her. He could of done it when she was in a stable state. It wasn't until the last couple of months of her life that she was 'out of it' ... he could of went to the hospital when she was there. Something. He could of informed Farrah's father and he could get the message to her.
Anyway ... back on topic ... I have an album on my facebook dedicated to Farrah. I also do a Video/Song of the Day which is related to a Theme for the week. In other words, I'd have a theme for the week and during that week, I'd post a video/song related to that theme. Next week, I plan on a Farrah Fawcett Week, where I'll be adding a song related to 'angel' plus a commerical or photo of Farrah's. It will start on Sunday the 1st of February and end on Saturday 7th of February ... all in honor of what would of been her 63rd birthday.
Google Ryan's name and look for it under the news section. I know the book deal was reported in late 2009.
ReplyDeleteAlso in response to signatures and did Farrah sign it or was it forged.
If she did'nt know her son was in jail, then that says to me the woman was mostly sedated in the last 3 months of her life. So she could not have been totally all there to know what she was really signing if she signed it at all giving Ryan and Alana creative control. Farrah never wanted Redmond on Chasing Farrah because of his problems and I really doubt she would have wanted him seen in shackles and a prison outfit in Farrah's Story.
Personally I feel NBC Ryan and Alana knew that kind of thing would bring more viewers and money.
That's what I feel and everything so far backfired on them Alana's book did not do so well and they lost the Emmy award. I hope Craig wins so we can finally see A Wing And A Prayer and see Farrah's vision.
Thanks for the link to the Charlie's Angels Story ... it's a pretty good article!
ReplyDeleteHow many people here seen Love Story?? ... I honestly can say I never did! ... BUT in Ryan's mind he seems to think this movie was an all time box office smash and holds the record for best movie ever! I don't think his co star Ali MacGraw has ever made such a big deal about this movie! Ryan seems so obsessed with this movie! ... He should practice on the LOVE part and start LOVING those around him, including himself! Why the need for all this attention ... you'd think living a great amount of years without this attention, he'd be adjusted and used to it, by now!
As for the Phycic part with Alana Stewart! ... PLEASE ... She can't honestly think people would believe that crap! ... I'm sure Farrah's got other things she'd rather be doing then 'appearing' to Alana to send her messages! ... If nothing else, I'd think Farrah's spirit is directed on her son's shoulder, trying to help him go into the right direction! Alana should stop wasting her money on things like this in order for her not to go 'broke'! ... Funny, Alana wasn't much of a name other than she was once married to Rod Stewart ... other then that, nobody really knew who she was ... now she's trying to capture her 'star status' by riding on Farrah's coat tails and misfortunes! ... HOW SAD!!! ... YES, a great friend, indeed!
He tried to Michael and spoke to Farrah and she said she would call him when she was out and back home.
ReplyDeleteSadly Farrah was probably to sick and heavily medicated to follow up on the phone call and this was in April and the scene with Redmond was shot in April so we saw the condition she was in at that time.
The day after Farrah died Dr.Piro said the cancer had already spread to her lungs.
I just think Farrah was to sick and on heavy pain medication to call Greg back.
I remember Ryan saying She thought Ryan was Redmond at one point. Just rewatch alot of what Ryan said on the Today Show and The Barbara Walters special and piece all the time lines together and it all falls into place.
I've google Ryan and Book, but only Alana's book story comes up!
ReplyDeleteWell, in Alana's defence, her book did do well for about a week! It went as far as number 9 on the New York Times Best Seller List, BUT it fell off the list the following week, and more quicker than you can say FARRAH FAWCETT! lol ... I've noticed there are no plans for the book to be released as a paperback ... which doesn't look good and the book on Hardcover has been in the BARGAIN BIN and less than $8.00 months ago! ... So, in a way, it was a bomb, and not as successful as she hoped it would be!
As for the signature ... I've seen it, and it could be a forgery, BUT I doubt it ... It looks a lot like Farrah's signature, BUT written with a shaky hand. It could be that the effect of her illness when she signed it, had the best of her, thus causing it to look like it did. I don't think Ryan would be that stupid to have it forged. He would know it would be investigated! ... However, I wouldn't be surprised if he told her to sign it, by saying she is signing something else. Just like the marriage proposal thing ... IF Farrah did say yes, she probably didn't know what the hell she was saying yes to! ... HOWEVER, she got the last laugh because the marriage didn't go through and even if it did, I'm sure it could of been annulled if questioned. She wasn't in her right state of mind during that time! ... It was just more publicity for Ryan to gain, and hopefully gain control of her assets after her death, which he KNEW was coming soon!
I have stated over and over again, since the release of Farrah's Story, that it was STUPID and DUMB for Ryan to say that Farrah didn't know that her son was in jail ... YET claims that Farrah saw the documentary! ... HELLO ... if she saw the documentary wouldn't she see that Redmond was in jail???? This said, I believe that Farrah NEVER saw the finished documentary on TV as Ryan claims. OR if she did, then she KNEW about Redmond being in jail!
ET has or had a contract with Alana and Farrah did not want photos of her in a wheelchair to be seen.
ReplyDeleteWhen ET bought those photos Alana was asked to ask ET not to run those photos and Alana's response was "Well they're only going to show the good ones".
So I really do question who tipped the paparazzi off on that day in paticular. Those were photos the tabloids were dying for and I include ET as a tabloid.
Those ET producers were even invited to Farrah's funeral the same people who were the FIRST to buy those photos and the first to show them.
With friends like that who needs enemies as they say
ReplyDeleteGoing off topic ... yet staying on topic, if you will ...
ReplyDeleteAccording to Farrah's will, she left her memorabilia to her nephew ... does this mean that her nephew is now the owner of her swimsuit? ... Just curious.
Although it was Farrah's right, why was she so ashamed to be photographed in a wheelchair, yet willing to show her shaved head on TV??
I do agree ... not only with Farrah ... but with all other celebrities ... there is always someone tipping off the paparazzis ... Sometimes it's the celebrity him/herself who do this, and in Farrah's case, it has to be someone who was in her innercircle! Be it Alana, Ryan whoever! ... After all, how else are they going to be 'seen'??
Well, one can only hope that no matter who leaked or sold things Farrah wanted to keep private-- whether it be friend, family, 'lover' or hospital employee--that they feel guilty as hell and that there is really a thing called 'karma'.
ReplyDeleteI saw 'Love Story' as a kid. I remember it being very sad-pretty good for a movie at that time. I think actors in the 60's and 70's were picked more on there looks than ability. Charlie's Angels wasn't a huge hit because of the story lines and great acting!!
ReplyDeleteI'm having a hard time understanding why people are ripping apart every single person in Farrah's life. It's not like these people came out of the wood work at the very end of her illness to take advantage of her.They were there for a REALLY LONG time. Don't you think Farrah was smart enough to pick her own friends? I seriously doubt any of them are evil enough to think, "Gee I think I'll start being Farrah's friend now and maybe in about 20+years I can take advantage of her". Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?
If anything legally was wrong with this last project, I'm sure it will get straightened out. But once it does, and some of you don't like the outcome, will you accept it and go away? Somehow I doubt it.
Think about it, you sound like very jealous, angry people talking the way you do about people you don't even know. What's the point? It's history. Can't change it. Accept it and move on.
is it be a true fact mike pringle was realy fired by farrah fauwcett
ReplyDeletedid he do some thin that made him not invited to her funeral and dose he selling farrahs personal stuff on ebay is all thi true or not
pleese some one answer this the top poster said thi the first poster on her said all thease thing some one pleese let us know what the real truth is pleese
I don't think anyone is saying people crawled out and into Farrah's life when she became ill.
ReplyDeleteWhat some feel is the way these so called loved ones handles everything.
It seems as soon as she declined they sure did try and do everything and anything to profit.
Im sure they enjoyed her when she was alive,but sorry the things those two did was disgusting and so low class.
Book deals,Posing in her home for vanity fair, keeping her away from people before the woman was even in the ground and the list goes on.
i personally feel this is ALL very calculated by Farrahs people....... Farrah was a beautiful famous women, but SCANDAL makes a legend, and i think this is just to calculated . THIS WILL MAKE FARRAH'S legacy be like past sex symbols.......
ReplyDeleteDon't misunderstand , i do think she was the 70's most famous woman, and i have been a fan since then, BUT with all this drama, HOPEFULLY she will be remembered for many years, just like Marilyn.......so again, could this all be calculated ????
Farrah had Ryan & Alana in her life for many years, its been well documented thru many magazines thru out Farrahs life, I have seen pics of Farrah & Alana from the 80's together in W magazine. Farrah was a smart woman, so why now question her having these 2 in her life ? If Mike Pingle wasnt fired, why did he stop working for her? I highly doubt Farrah got cancer and said, gee, I dont need an assistant anymore, he was let go for a reason.
ReplyDeletewas'nt Mike Pingle let go in 2007 after she was rediagnosed.Who said he was let go when Farrah was cancer free.I recall Mike Pingle releasing statements on Farrah's behalf when she was first declared cancer free
ReplyDeletein 2007 after it spread to her liver in may 2007 is when she really did'nt have a personal assisitant from what I understood.She was in Germany alot after that and with family and friends and doctors
I remember watching the news and Mike Pingle had a signed first season dvd lunch box edition of Charlies Angels season 1 from best buy singed by Farrah to Mike and that was released end of 2008.
ReplyDeleteSo I don't think he was fired for any reason other than Farrah did'nt need that anymore.
She needed medical care.
So that lunch box dvd signed to Mike says they must have remained friends long after he was let go.
Like I stated that was released by best Buy end of 2008
Regardless of mike pingle not working for Farrah it still is interesting Kate Jackson who never worked for farrah and was at her funeral has came out in defense of Craig Nevious.
So explain that Ryan I mean Alana I mean Bernie
ReplyDeleteI bought from Mike Pingle on Ebay and I NEVER seen anything being sold that was personal of Farrah's so that's a lie.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Joan Dangerfield will ever comment about this. She was very close to Farrah (they lived in the same building) and she has steered clear of all of this bullshit.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I feel the only people showing any class or professionalism in this whole case are the ones who have stayed quiet or said 'no comment'. It's a shame it had to come to this, but let the courts decide. Then we can all shut up and go away and attention can go back to where it belongs--Farrah's mission.
ReplyDelete"he doth protests too much, me thinks".
I prefer to hear both sides of a story before I decide, and so far, we've only heard one. Friendships and business relationships DO occasionally go bad, so I'll wait to judge until the whole story comes out.
ReplyDeleteWe heard both sides of the story,Im sure there's more that we have'nt heard but all in all I think most know what this all comes down to,power,money and control.
ReplyDeleteRyan is in love with all 3 and we know what he did the last few months of her life and it was not so nice.
We HAVE NOT heard the other side of the story. Where have you seen Ryan or Alana speak out on ANY of these stories from here? Nowhere. Hearing the side of the story from someone else is NOT what I'm talking about.
ReplyDeleteYes. People being banned, fired, sued. Would like to hear their side--FROM THEM--not people who say they know what they're reasons where.
ReplyDeleteTo clarify, I'm talking about the people that did the firing and the banning, etc. What were THEIR reasons? You never hear that part of it.
ReplyDeleteWell hello everyone. I see things haven't changed. :(
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to Farrah in heaven.
Also, I noticed in the will she wanted to die at home :(
So much for Ryan respecting her wishes
Joan dangefield has stayed clear of those around Farrah in the last months of her life after Farrah died
ReplyDeleteThere is really no topic to stay on under this story.
ReplyDeleteMike and Kate back Craig Nevious.
That's Great news. But not much to say on this until after the court battles are over and Craig wins.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you read that in her will that her wishes were not respected to'die at home'--It is a lengthy document. Also do you realize that what people 'want' is not always the best thing for them when they get to that point? Just a thought.
Really... My grandmother wants to 'die at home', too....who doesn't?? You only hope the people you trust will keep your wishes intact until you get to the 'point of no return'. Doesn't always work out that way. Who knows what Ryan and Farrah faced... accept Ryan and Farrah? She trusted him. She was no dummy. I'm sorry, people, she came back to this guy over and over through thick and thin (LOTS of thick!!) and they came through for each other. I believe in the end he was her friend---at least I pray he was.
ReplyDeleteFIRST OF ALL PEOPLE IT IS PINGEL! Let's try to spell it right!
ReplyDeleteFrom Article:
Mike Pingel, who worked for Farrah from November 2005 to October 2007 and was said to be at her side when she got her cancer diagnosis in 2006, has come forward to support documentary producer Craig Nevius, who was sued last week by Farrah's estate, for allegedly misusing her funds and botching the cancer documentary that was eventually sold as a special to NBC-- and apparently in retaliation for his own lawsuit against the estate's executor and Farrah's sometime lover Ryan O'Neal. (end of paragraph)
O'Neal is in fact going after Craig because he has no choice. If he doesn't do something, he/they will lose their precious "Farrah's Story" Documentary!
It is a well known fact that Farrah named the "video diary" "A Wing And A Prayer". How do I know...you can look it up almost anywhere. Ryan saw an opportunity and took it and is now going to pay the price! I personally hope it's a huge price for screwing up Farrah Fawcett's dream!
Millions of people, I being one, watched Farrah's documentary because they loved Farrah and to learn. The title of the doc really makes no difference to me. I was affected and touched. To say her dream was 'screwed up' is not only unfair, it is not true. If someone is not getting credit that should, then I hope they do, but it will not change people's minds about the story. It was powerful no matter who was behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteWell you should be upset that Farrah's vision was not what we saw and for the title to co-inside with one of Ryan's movies is a disgrace and selfish on his part.
ReplyDeleteFarrah had wanted the title to be
A Wing And A Prayer
Also she did not want a E True Hollywood Story type of documentary she wanted it to be something more powerful.
Let's not forget the other patients at the German Clinic that were to be apart of this documentary as well and their battle. Farrah did not want this be about her and her only , so there was a bigger broader vision. Farrah wanted this to be a important message not another way for Ryan and Alana to get their names in the spotlight.
As a fan I enjoyed Farrah's Story... but I am very curious to see what it was that Farrah wanted more and I do hope A Wing and a Prayer does at somepoint get released.
In honor of Farrah I hope it does surface and finally her legacy can continue in the right way.
Yeah Alana's book was in the top ten for a short period of time and it took like 3 or 4 months after all the book stores had it priced at $12.00
ReplyDeleteShe wanted cremated and put with her mother and flown back to Texas.
ReplyDeleteSo that wish was also NOT HONORED and no reason that one should have been ignored.
Ryan created a show that he wanted to be the star of
why does'nt he get a real career instead of sucking off a dead woman he claimed he loved so much!!!!
Maybe he's to busy trying to screw his daughter and getting his son high that he can't think straight.
How do you know what her wishes were? Also, Ryan was not the star of Farrah's story--far from it.
ReplyDelete"Farrah's Story"
ReplyDeleteRyan did many, many,many sound bites as did Alana and I'm sure that was not supposed to be part of A Wing and A Prayer.
And who wouldn't have been touched by the documentary, but it was not what she wanted. If you take the time and research this topic enough, you will see that the end product wasn't her vision.
This is not about money or who gets the credit. Craig Nevius got credit for the documentary and his name was shown several times as they rolled the credits! The point is This Was NOT how Farrah Fawcett wanted it to be presented. Her vision was so much more than for it to be about herself and friends (i.e. Ryan Alana). She wanted more information given about alternative treatments and why the USA didn't FDA approve them, about anal cancer, other patients going thur what she was, facing a battle and "Fighting the Fight"! Craig Nevius understood this and is fighting for it....and people, he will win!!
As for not hearing from the other side. You won't! They can not defend what they have done. AND none of them have the "balls" to come forward and explain anything. So, dream on if you think you will ever hear anything from the "others"!!
It will be decided in court period!
ReplyDeleteI just love how you keep spewing 'let the courts decide', 'It will be decided in court. Period.' Why don't you take your own advise?
Anon: Feb.1 1:01:00 PM PST
ReplyDeleteBITE ME!
Awww, lookee, the 2rd grader (12:18) made a whole comment without a spelling mistake. But, I'll pass on your offer, I haven't had a rabies vaccine.
ReplyDeleteI am not your 2nd grader or your person that can't spell, but you are definately the child!
ReplyDeleteI so do wish I knew who some of you are....when Craig Nevius wins, I will be the one LOL!
Finally a "real" site:
Been waiting for something that looked real to pop up. But it is very interesting who is President, Chairman of the Board/Treasurer. Other interesting "special thanks" under contact too. Just thought you might want a break from all the arguing and look it up!
HA! HA! Stick that up your ass, Nikki. Telling everyone The Farrah Fawcett Foundation was a "scam and not to donate a dime to it". Still proud of yourself, 'real fan'??
ReplyDelete**EVERONE: Check out thefarrahfawcettfoundation.org and spread the word!!
Anon 11:30
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you leave Nikki and everyone else alone and basically stick up your ass!!
Until this Foundation proves itself, it is worthy of watching before you leap into throwing your money in.
I want this to be a good, true Foundation that Farrah would be proud of but let go back and check the facts:
1. The site showed up today!
2. No One disclosed until today who was "incharge".
3. Keith Sundae gets thanks when Farrah supposedly fired him...where did that come from.
When you were being warned before it was a legit warning. Now, it looks legit, let's give it some time and make sure it is!
But again, get off people's ass. Who do you think you are calling anybody out ANONYMOUS!! But then again aren't we all...because of people like you!
Where was there ever a 'legitimate' warning about THE Farrah Fawcett Foundation? Charlie's Angels website warned about one called 'Farrah Fawcett Foundation'. When you make accusations like she did, you should have proof to back it up. Why did she say it was a scam? If you know something, do your research,share, then other people can be informed. But once again, it was just made up gossip and lies directed at people she hates for absolutly no reason. You really think that is fair? I guess it's impossible to reason with unreasonable people.
ReplyDeleteAlso, 8:38,
ReplyDeleteFoundations don't just 'pop up'. Google 'how do I start a foundation?' It takes several months, sometimes years to do. You need to incorporate, register, follow rules, meet requirements. There's more to it than just a pretty website.
It just continues to amaze and sadden me that no matter how much good Farrah's people continue to do, people continue to criticize.
Anon 6:18
ReplyDeleteI hope "Farrah's People" do some good. Yes it takes a great deal of time to put together a Foundation, however, just an address and nothing else is reason to wonder and that is all it was before. Now that they have an Official Website and named people that are running it, it becomes legit!
I don't think anyone was purposely making up lies before, they were just questioning and warning people to make sure before giving!
I hope Farrah's people do very well with this foundation!k
"Farrah trusted her friend and producing partner, Craig Nevius with executing her vision for the documentary which was to tell the world of her cancer battle. Farrah was so pleased with how 'A Wing & A Prayer' was coming together she even showed me part of the film. It's sad her vision was stopped and has yet to be seen."
ReplyDeleteGlad you have all moved on. Finally some peace. Rest Farrah, Rest!