Farrah Fawcett’s college sweetheart Greg Lott has new evidence of his importance in the late actress’ life with the revelation that he was included in Farrah’s will— while her longtime lover Ryan O’Neal was not.
Lott, who’s recently published love letters and other mementos to prove that he was Farrah’s secret lover in the final decade of her life, claims the Charlie’s Angels icon left him $100,000.
The Texas football hero has claimed O’Neal, who dismissed him as a "disgruntled ex-boyfriend from the Sixties," kept him from visiting Farrah whole she was dying.
Lott says:
"I am a beneficiary of her estate. I have been asked to maintain the confidentiality of the estate, which I must respect.
"This news that I am indeed in her will and Ryan is not raises some serious questions about why he prevented me from seeing the love of my life in her final months. Farrah meant the world to me and I know that I equally had a profound impact on her. I cannot understand how those around her chose to keep me from her."
Farrah died in June after a valiant battle with cancer. She reportedly left the bulk of her estate to Redmond O’Neal, her troubled son with Ryan O’Neal.
Lott, who’s recently published love letters and other mementos to prove that he was Farrah’s secret lover in the final decade of her life, claims the Charlie’s Angels icon left him $100,000.
The Texas football hero has claimed O’Neal, who dismissed him as a "disgruntled ex-boyfriend from the Sixties," kept him from visiting Farrah whole she was dying.
Lott says:
"I am a beneficiary of her estate. I have been asked to maintain the confidentiality of the estate, which I must respect.
"This news that I am indeed in her will and Ryan is not raises some serious questions about why he prevented me from seeing the love of my life in her final months. Farrah meant the world to me and I know that I equally had a profound impact on her. I cannot understand how those around her chose to keep me from her."
Farrah died in June after a valiant battle with cancer. She reportedly left the bulk of her estate to Redmond O’Neal, her troubled son with Ryan O’Neal.
Big freakin' deal. So Greg received some money. So what. Was he a part of her life in some way that cannot be proven or disproven? Probably. The fact that Ryan is not part of her will does not mean much folks. They have ALWAYS kept their finances separate - there is no smoking gun here. He has plenty of his own money and they always kept their funds apart throughout their entire relationship, only paying mutually when it came to their son. I am so tired of reading Greg's B.S. You got your money, move on already and STOP making claims against her memory. What kind of man are you?
She left her friend some money. No one ever denied they have some kind of connection. He ran her website, for goodness sake. I think the problem people have with it is this tell-all to the tabloids about something that was supposed to be private, if indeed it ever happened. I believe it's called 'respect for the dead'.
“Was he a part of her life in some way that cannot be proven or disproven? Probably”
You just contradicted yourself “cannot be proven or disproven? Probably”???
What does that mean?
“The fact that Ryan is not part of her will does not mean much folks”
Actually it speaks volumes neither of these long time “Lovers”/“Friends” received squat not even a memento of remembrance, perhaps it’s because Farrah knew what they truly were, just a couple of leaches out for their own she didn’t want to waste valuable energy fighting them.
“only paying mutually when it came to their son”
I think you might have hit it on the head there Anon 12:39 probably the ONLY reason Farrah “Allowed” Ryan to bulldoze his way into her end of life, she knew that would probably be the only way she would be ensured a connection to her son when it came to the end, remember Ryan is a very difficult and aggressive man and Farrah knew this if he wanted to keep Redmond away for control or spite he would have had no problem doing just that.
Just turned out that he got to play the hero having to get her son out of jail so she could see him before the end. That may have been the bit of leverage used if it turns out that Farrah did sign that document giving Ryan control of the documentary, although I do believe it to be a forgery.
I hope that kid is pulling up his boot straps
Remember Anon “He who screams the loudest at the wind has the least to say”
So rant on McAnon
Rant On
OH PLEASE, Mr Lott, GIVE IT UP !!! He is suppose to keep this CONFIDENTIAL???? HAHAHAHA, just like the secret romance, he's out spreading this story and telling it to whom ever will listen ! IS THIS A JOKE or what ? If he was a part of her life, GREAT, if he got some MINIMAL money (claims 100,000.), GREAT..... where is this guys RESPECT FOR FARRAH !!!!???? Everything is suppose to be confidential, YET HERE HE IS AGAIN , TELLING THE WORLD ! How can anyone have respect for this idiot. THIS IS SUCH a joke. In the end and while Farrah was VERY ALIVE , RYAN was there with her MR. LOTT its all on film, where were you?
ENOUGH SAID...........
Why would she have to leave Ryan O'Neal money? Isn't he rich?
This whole thing is sickening. Check this out and then see what you think of Mr. Lott.
I can't imagine any other Greg that was trying to figure out how to find out about her will. Pathetic.
Ryan did not bulldoze his way into Farrah's life. She went running back to him when he became ill. She wanted to be there and take care of him. They were back together long before she became sick. Her life, her choices. You may not like Ryan, but it was HER CHOICE!! How many of you would of opened your arms to an obsessed ex?
Probably not. Lott is like a crazy stalker that she tried to be nice to. Let it be and let her rest in peace.
ITS quite obvious LOTT is not all there. Its great Farrah left him some MINIMAL money from her estate, but the amount he got HARDLY says "you were the love of my life" Its obvious Farrah was with Ryan in the last few years of her life, it seems to be well documented in the press as well as the tv special, NO mention of LOTT anywhere. No one is saying she didnt care for or know Lott, but his claims seem CRAZY. As for Ryan being left out, HELLO, hes a rich man himself, and HARDLY needs Farrahs money, besides, HE HAD FARRAH for most of her adult life, WHO COULD ASK FOR ANYTHING MORE ????
Look at the crazy ass Ryan fangurl getting her panties all moist about Ryan O'Neal. Find new heroes girls. In what world is $100K minimal you retard. Women often turn to their abusers, Farrah was no different.
Call us when the spaceship lands.
To be clear, saying 100k is minimal is in the scope of what she HAD ! She had MILLIONS, as well, her ART WORK worth equally as much if not more as, for gods sake, SHE HAD ORIGINAL WARHOLS in her collection, so yes, 100k in the scope of her estate is JUST that MINIMAL !
Hey Cathy,
When you say "why don't you all f...k yourselves and shut up......leave Farrah and her will to rest" are you talking about Greg? Cause isn't he the only reason all of this stuff keeps getting leaked and her private business made public? Would ANYONE here be talking about this garbage if he wouldn't have started it all in the first place? If he had any class, the correct response to anything about Farrah's private affairs would have been "no comment'.
Some of us here are defending Farrah. PERIOD.
You know Farrah has always been my concern first and for most. Greg is not the one who printed this article, Tabloid baby did. Blaming him is just not accurate here in this article. And No I'm not a GREG FAN, and will never be.
100K is Not Minimal to anyone, unless you have money! Of course her estate is worth a great deal, but Redmond is getting it and that is the way it should be. I have read and seen this stuff from Greg supports and Greg non-supporters for months. I'm just a little tired of the same shit being said over and over. None of you can come up with ANYTHING ORIGINAL! Farrah thought enough of certain people to leave them something and she thought a whole lot less of others by leaving them nothing.
Why would Farrah leave Ryan O'Neal money? He's rich. He was with her and held her hand until the end. By HER choice, I might add. That's worth more than 100k.
Ryan was there, but Farrah no doubt had him there so she could get access to her son. Of whom, I might add, Ryan on more than one ocassion kept her from the kid.
He made one, ONE, trip to Germany, how supportive was that!! At least Alana Stewart deserves more credit than Ryan O'Neal...you know the bastard that hit on his own daughter at Farrah's funeral!
Keep em coming people...Farrah is my only concern. Not Ryan, Greg, the "Hitman" or anybody else in this messed up affair.
I just wish for an instant that Farrah Fawcett could address this mess, I think we would all be suprised at what she said!
Did you actually SEE the documentary? You're going to say that the only reason Farrah was seen going to dr. visits, holding hands and being affectionate with Ryan O'Neal was to get access to her son? Does that even make sense?
Darling CATHY.... please re-read again, 100K is MINIMAL in regards to FARRAH'S estate VALUE !! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?? THATS what was meant, and the person corrected the comment, so once again, 100K IS MINIMAL in REGARDS TO the TOTAL VALUE of Farrahs ENTIRE ESTATE. Maybe thats more clear? Or look at it like this, if someone was worth $1.00 and they left you .1 cent, the total amount you received would have been minimal ??? HOWS THAT, BETTER ?
CATHY, in response to this comment you felt the need to address somewhere else....
"Also, some people think $100,000 is nothing. What world do they live in? That much money could certainly change my life for awhile."
WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ? It was a reference to FARRAHS worth, not some common person like you , who i am sure, a 100k is more than you make a year. In no way does it put down people who earn under 100k, i as well dont earn that, but in regards to people like Miss Fawcett, whos worth was way above the norm, 100k is MINIMAL !!!!
And you claim to get have gotten knocked around, HELLO, read and understand before you cry.
Ahhh.....what a sweet person. But everybody knows you can't wear stirrups with crocs now. It's much more festive to wear them with your fave Wally World pumps.
Is it Greg Lott or T-Boy foaming at the mouth? Their hate for Ryan is so damn personal it is hysterical. Bottom line will always be Farrah loved Ryan no matter what venom or defense you spew.
Ryan is a whole lot better looking than Lott and he has a sense of humor which is more than you can say for the pitypot Lott!!
TO Anonymous @ 4:06....
please note Ryan was not mentioned in the comment. So to clear this up I personally do not care about Ryan either ! Its great you have a opinion, but i would like to be clear in stating I am not on Ryans side or Gregs side ! My opinion is just that, my opinion. Farrah is who i am a fan of regardless of who was in her life, but from what i saw documented it was Ryan for much of her life, wether i like him as a person or not it is not important, But Farrah obviously choose him to be around - FOR WHATEVER REASON. And yes, when you have MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the bank, & art worth equally as much, if not more, then 100,000. is minimal - especially when you consider her total net worth ! Their has be no mention of her total estate value, but at a good guess her Warhols were worth quite a pretty penny..... remember she had not only her large portrait but the smaller ones that her did for her on the napkins !!!! And who know what other valuable stuff she had.......... we will not know this info, but with the 3 known warhols she possessed , darling, 100,000. is MINIMAL !
I love the guy that can't seem to make his point without insults and name calling. Classy. Where are the comments 'romanticizing Ryan'--I missed those. I think some people are just choosing fact over fiction. So, are you saying then that Ryan was standing behind her pointing a gun to her head so she kept him around during her illness? Or maybe that was a Ryan look-a-like in Chasing Farrah? Are you saying a powerful, strong woman like Farrah had no way in the world and no one to help her see her son unless she bowed down to Ryan?
It has been clearly stated in other articles that Farrah was denied seeing her son on more than one ocassion because of Ryan.
And YES 100K may seem minimal, but it's more than most got!
And yes, I'm suggesting that she kept Ryan around because of Redmond. Sure she had some feelings for the guy at one time, but he wasn't there as much as you think...refering back to the documentary...Alana was not Ryan.
Farrah knew what she was doing and that is all I have to say.
....."Farrah knew what she was doing......". THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT! HER DECISIONS. HER LIFE.
No one has the right to judge her choices. She was an independant, intelligent woman. I loved Farrah. Everything about her. The beauty, the talent, the kookiness. Her choices are what made her who she was. Unless you are blind, it is EXTREMELY obvious that Ryan was a welcome, wanted part of her life. For a long time. Not your business or right to like it or not.
No one here has denied that Greg was part of her life. Did he exaggerate his importance? Who knows, but it sure was a well kept secret. And that's what's so disturbing about what Greg is doing. Very good question someone raised before--"He says over and over he never wanted to be Mr. Farrah Fawcett", so why is he going around screaming it now? I don't care if she had a secret affair. It doesn't change my opinion of her. But there was a reason she didn't want people to know and that should have been respected. He got a generous, kind gift from her as did some others. Why would she leave money to an already wealthy Ryan? The fact that she left someone money and not to another proves nothing about what they meant to her. I think she was a little deeper than 'what dollar amount is each man worth'.
Well put. Amen.
I second that!! Could not have been better stated.
Anonymous said...
....."Farrah knew what she was doing......". THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT! HER DECISIONS. HER LIFE.
And that is really all there is to it! Well said!
Rest Farrah...true fans will honor your wishes and privacy. DAS
If Ryan was molesting little girls you freaks would find a way to defend him because he "was in Farrah's life and she wanted him there".
Ryan abused his kids and Farrah witnessed this and did little to nothing to intervene or prevent it. No matter how much you spin it that is what happened. It was her choice to stay with the man that abused her and his children and was a drug addict. No excuse, no excuse, no excuse. If you try to make one then you are as fucked up as Ryan is.
Cathy - you did NOT know Farrah, you did not know what her relationship with Ryan was (altho most people NOT on meds seem to have been able to watch Farrah's Story and SEE it, so stop making statements to the opposite) so stop with you loony commentaries. Be a fan and just support her memory and let this Lott goof dig his own grave.
So, Anon Nov. 20 at 9:01...if you knew all this stuff, why didn't YOU step in and stop it? It is SOOO easy to judge somebody elses life, isn't it??...especially after it is too late. Back seat drivers. Experts. Leave the 'judging people' thing to God. He's a whole lot better at it. Worry about yourself.
Love the last comment! Kudos to you!!
The kudos was the "judging people part". I've liked Farrah for years, just a fan and it irritates me that everyone thinks they have the right to judge her and her choices. So I made that comment after reading alot of the garbage on here. I should have clarified it better. I think it is so wrong that these people judge and slam her and Ryan. Your right, if some of these people have personal knowledge than they should step forward, except that I don't think anyone should be airing anything personal or negative. I don't like all of this slandering. I don't want to hear bad things about her. I think she was inspirational and did a marvelous thing for cancer awareness. She had more guts than I could even imagine having and I am a pretty tough cookie. My prayers go out to Ryan and her son. It is very sad. Now that is what the kudos was about.
An admirer, sad that she is gone and that people could be so terrible. I was hoping to find positive stories about her.
That is who I am.
Laura - well said and appreciate the clarification. I agree with your sentiments; I am so sick and tired of these people who are making assumptions based upon ZERO first hand knowledge of what Farrah thought, wanted, etc... and all these nasty comments re Ryan. No one knows what went down between them but it seems pretty obvious there WAS a love and a bond there to the end. I think Lott lost what little credibility he had when he started doing interviews and putting out private info. Did they have a latter year relationship? Seems unlikely but it seems like they did have a past. Do us all a favor Greg and leave it there. If you ever loved this woman, you are so disrespecting her, her memory, her fans and especially her son Redmond. Take your $100K and just go away.
I think people comment under 'Anon' because of the type of abuse you take if you don't. Have you seen some of the crap that happened here and on the other blog? The bullies chased everyone away.
I agree with Laura at the 'kudos' to my comment at 1:11. True, I don't know Ryan, Greg or Farrah, but I see nothing wrong with us 'outsiders' being offened by the attacks on her and voicing it. You didn't have to be a close, personal friend of hers to see who was in her life. She was a public figure--pictures and video are proof of it. But the things she didn't want us to see were that way for a reason: Cause it's none of our business, and it should be left that way. It's one thing when a reporter digs and comes up with something someone doesn't want out, but when a loved one does it willingly and for profit, it's just really, really sad.
God what a bunch of losers. Three of his four kids have said publicly that he abused them and Farrah you idiots.
If Ryan was fucking little girls you freaks would scream "YOU DIDN'T SEE IT SO YOU DON'T KNOW AND CAN'T JUDGE IT".
I love how some of the panty stains here forget that Ryan gave a extremely unflattering portrait of Farrah in the Vanity Fair article he cooperated with, do you think Farrah would have been okay with him saying she went crazy because of menopause, or that she cared more about putting together an art show then dealing with Redmond's addiction issues.
Take your tongues out of Ryan's asshole ladies.
1. Why is this so personal to you?
2. Why are you so angry?
The way you speak to people is very abusive. Any chance you care to explain?
Why speak so ill of the dead?
Ryan is dead?
Why is it so personal to you?
Why do worship child abusers?
Why are you obsessed with someone you don't know?
Why are you in love with Ryan?
Are you on SSRI's?
Have you changed your panties in the last week?
Why do you like abusive men?
Do you enable abusers?
Are you a pedophile?
Do you really believe everyone is lying except for Ryan?
Are you delusional?
Do you like Rosie O'Donnell?
Have you ever been mellow?
What do you think of the Joe Eszterhas story?
To Anon's
11/23 at 9:18 and
11/24 at 3:04
I just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading your comments and opinions. I agree with both of you.
Farrah was beautiful and human. I think that was what made her so appealing and interesting. Her fight against cancer was phenomonal and in that she brought about an awareness that was needed and will not be easily forgotten. Regardless of what others think and how cruel they want to be, she will remain a real hero and angel in my eyes. I am going to move on from this blog and let the true losers have it. They obviously don't have much else to do. Again, I enjoyed reading your comments. God Bless and "Kudos" to both of you.
Looks like the bullies take over another blog. I really wish you wouldn't leave, but I understand. Keep your open mind and heart.
Anon 11/24 3:00,
I don't think Bully Blogger is gonna answer you. Looks like you struck a nerve.
Anon 11/24 3:04
To Anon's comment left on 11/24 @5:55
Why you asked all those inappropriate and downright outlandish questions, only you know. I think you are very pissed off and seriously jealous of Ryan O'Neal, hahaha what do you think about that for an answer! If nobody else wishes to answer your stupid question: Why is farrah's death so personal to you, I will. People talk about their memories of Farah Fawcett as though they knew her personally. It could easily be said that this personal association is simply a figment of their imagination. Even if this is so – that in fact their association is in their imagination - does that make people’s feelings or sense of connectivity to someone they do not really know any less personal or any less real? The answer is no. What we experience psychologically is the first and last reality. We can experience nothing except through the psyche. After all she was and still is "The Ultimate Sunkissed California Starlet" and we love her! So again, yeah you are a real piece of work, who ever you are. Do you know who you are? Personally, I wouldn't waste my film on you...loser.
Bully Blogger,
I read the VF interview with Ryan. He didn't really reveal anything people didn't already know. He made mistakes, has big regrets, was a bad father, Farrah wasn't perfect. No news flashes there. He wasn't going around screaming to the world "Farrah made me keep a secret, but now she's gone and I'm willing to tell--for a price".
See the difference?
Score, Paparazzi.
-Sorry to disappoint you, he is not.
-It is not personal for me.
-I help put them away.
-I am not obsessed or hostile.
-Not in love, not my type.
-Not lately :)
-I know you are dying to know the answer to that one, but I’m sure I’m not YOUR type.
-Don't, but I'm sure you wish I did.
-Sorry to disappoint, you would be a good candidate for the burning bed :)
-I have helped put them away as well, 25 to life for the last one.
-Truth is a funny thing, one’s interpretation of, I think the truth scares you...
-Delusional? That might be a fun place to visit for a day, better than the daily reality of - how many disturbed people like you there are in this world.
-Rosie? doesn’t even deserve a response?
-Very yellow, I'm sure you can make more out of that response...
-And last but not least, dear old Joe, I believe his story may be the same as yours. The similarities in personality would make a good case study. You have the same fascinations, rather disturbing. I might even think you were him if it were not for the fact that he has turned to God, something you could use a little of. You are looking for that same sensationalistic attention.
The observation is: There are decent people here trying to say something positive. There are other people here who want to be cruel and negative, especially towards the women commentators. That makes me believe that there are some very disturbed individuals who harass women on line because they would probably be violating their parole if they did it in person. The other option as Paparazzi said is, YOU ARE jealous of Ryan O’Neal. Good luck with your alter egos in your tormented, miserable life.
The comment before this one was for bully blogger
11/24/09 at 5:55.
Anon 11/25 @ 8:27
I totally agree with you and I wonder if he(anon 11/24 @ 5:55) has any recollection of the actions that his alter ego performed, hahahaha...
He is a double portrait that I wouldn't bother shooting with my camera. Now let's talk about what's important here: Farrah...
And let's hope he get's help...
It's been 5 months today since Farrah's death. I would think that we could all give it a rest.
Show some respect! Just a thought.
Happy Thanksgiving, people! Let's be thankful for being able to have enjoyed that beautiful, talented creature, Farrah, in our lifetimes.
I wonder if she's baking coconut cream pies in heaven?--I betcha!
Cathy is back on her meds apparently. One day crazy obsessive, the next mellow and medicated. Perfect example of the FREAKS on this site and THAT other one. You all need to get a life.
It's Thanksgiving.....if you can't be kind, at least be tolerant.
What's wrong Cath, able to dish it out but NOT take it??? Sucks to you I guess, you just can't handle the criticism. Don't bitch and moan and make crazy accusations and then get sad when someone calls you out on it. Deal with it. Oh, and I would assume YOU are the slob. You sound fat from the way you write.
I am so Happy for you!
Why would anyone be 'HAPPY' for Mr. Lott? According to him, he lost his lover, never got to see her at the end, and lost her website. Are we supposed to be happy because he got some money? Or because he told the world something she wanted no one to know? I would think we should be sad for him. I'm confused.
I agree "way to go Greg"!!!!
Anon 8:34am 11:28
What exactly is your problem? You come on this site and abuse, slander, and talk about people that you know nothing about. You attack someone, who at the very least, (I might add) puts their name to what they write.
Can't you have some or any respect for the late Ms. Fawcett? Even though I never met her, I really don't think she would appreciate you attacking her fans or anyone else for that matter.
To Cathy: Don't sink to Anon level. A person like that doesn't deserve a response at all. Let it go and move on.
What right do any of you have? You are not her friends or her family, How dare any of you act out in such a way and talk the way you do. She would despise this behavior, shame on all of you!! Move on, get a life and quit fighting like this is some neighborhood brawl and your going to win her friendship. Her fans have gone to some strange lengths before, but you people are disrectful and ridiculous and you call yourselves fans! You don't know the meaning of the saying "Pay your respects" Try doing just that and MOVE ON!!!
To the post from 12:12 - EXACTLY! Why would I or anyone else post their name and if we did, who says they are real?? Stating that only proves how dense some people are here! Lott getting $$ means NOTHING!!!! As I have stated over and over, he was paid to run her site (which he made personal and ruined) and she felt bad for the guy - that is why she left him money. He was so self involved that he never even bothered to post her DEATH - instead he picks on her former assistant with what seemed like a personal attack.
Lott acted and acts like a two year old, disparaging her memory and her privacy over and over. Take your money and get lost because no one cares about you or your B.S. story. And people like Cathy and Texboy and Nikki who make outlandish comments and then get pissed/hurt when THEY are attacked in return need to grow up and move on. You are not fans, you are fanatics. Admire her sure. But to attack her longtime lover and best friend is unnecessary and based upon conjecture. Trust me, they don't care what you think, they have mourned her loss and respected her memory and while you may not agree with how they did so (i.e. Vanity Fair) they aren't out there tearing her legacy apart. Stop your bitching, lying and nasty comments. It's over people, over.
8:27 time to brush the crumbs off your tits doll.
WOW!!! AN ON-LINE GOSSIP NEWSLETTER FOR NEWSWORTHY MATERIAL--SCORE! Farrah would loooove her fans to check this out for the 'real' truth about her--she loved this kind of stuff. Good job, Bully Blogger!
By the way, people really listen and respect you when you use the bully card. They TOTALLY don't think you're a jerk. Good job. Again.
And, what's a 'tits doll' and why would there be crumbs on her??
What is this bully blogger? Greg Lott? T-Boy or Griffin? Has to be one of them, who else would constantly throw this crap out there? Completely disrespectful to Farrah's memory. The other blog posted something new trying to take it a positive direction and no one has posted. I guess they only want to post if they can say something mean, disrespectful and scandalous. They just want to start fights and stir up trouble. Well I say "God Bless Farrah and everyone who loved her!"
Remember her beauty, her sweet voice. Remember the way she entertained us and made us laugh. Remember that she fought hard to live, because life is worth living and that she fought for everyone to have better cancer treatments, and privacy! How dare anyone take away from that! What a gift she was for so many reasons.
I agree. But, someone said Greg doesn't blog or use the computer and the spelling is too good for T-Boy. You forgot about Nikki, though.
Bully Blogger, you should have kept reading the article you pointed out to everyone...about Alana. That she wants to carry out Farrah's wishes and spirit to help people with cancer through Farrah's Foundation for Cancer Research. Guess you missed that part. What have YOU done?
Are you really defending people's offense at Nikki's comments? Do you actually read what she says? No matter what your opinion, how can you defend that?
Also, Cathy, since you are so defensive of Nikki, can you please ask her how she so knows Greg is the only one stating the truth? And how she knows her father backed Greg's love affair story? These questions have been fairly asked of her over and over and she never answers. Wouldn't it just be easier to provide the proof and shut everybody up?
Nikki is just plain mean. Hitman is a turn-coat who won't prove why. Tex-boy's an alter-ego?? Why won't all these people who are all-knowing, truth saying, important, just come forth and say who they are and what they know that proves any of their disrespectful, hate filled rages? CAN YA', PLEASE???? I'M SURE THE TABLOIDS ARE FROTHING AT THE MOUTH FOR YOUR KNOWLEDGE--PLEASE SHARE.
Come on girls why don't you tell us what Alana has done to continue cancer awareness?
Other then whining that people are "too mean" and "hurtful to Farrah's memory". Tell us what Alana is doing to honor Farrah. Crickets chirping.
Is going on a fake tabloid like psychic show to conger up Farrah's spirit honoring Farrah's memory? Is writing a book that financially benefits HER, honoring Farrah's memory and raising funds for cancer awareness?
"I give to St. Jude's". Who gives a shit. This isn't about you as much as I know you want it to be.
The fact that you can't admit that Alana is exploiting Farrah's memory for her own personal gain when it is so blatantly obvious she is, shows you have your head so far up Alanna's ass you can see the back of her teeth!
Whats continues to be funny is that you copy and paste that this is dishonoring Farrah's memory and that Farrah was some kind of gentile, delicate, flower. She wasn't. She was tough cookie who wasn't afraid to kick some ass if she thought someone was fucking her over.
Prime example was she she kicked out the windows of her car when she found out Playboy took out two pages of her layout because she was so angry. When the photo editor asked about it, her assistant said that it was just typical Farrah. That is not a slamming her but a story to show that she wasn't some little passive waif.
And how do you know that Alana has NOT been doing anything toward the formation of the foundation?? She doesn't need to put out a press release every day with an update? Are you that thick and dumb to not assume there is a lot of legalities and effort that take place behind the scenes as the foundation is established? Seriously, how dumb can some people be on here? Once the foundation is set up I am sure she will put out the info to the public, Farrah's fans etc...
Everybody just take a fucking chill pill and give the woman the benefit of the doubt that she IS making best effort and strides to honor her friend in the way the Farrah herself chose Alana to do.
All of you are quick to bitch and moan about Alana and Ryan without an ounce of first hand knowledge of them PERSONALLY. Relax, sit back and let's all see how it pans out.
THE FARRAH FAWCETT FOUNDATION: A California non profit public benefit corporation. Farrah provides for it in her will. Page 16.
Proud of yourself, Nikki? Telling people it's a scam and not to donate?
Bully blogger,
Never said it was about me. And, who gives a shit? Probably the kids at St. Judes. Keep talking. The more you do, the bigger asshole you become.
Farrah should have kicked out the editor of Playboy's windows, now that would have been good!
Scan or not....don't trust the ones running it! Give somewhere else that you know "for sure" where the money is going. America Cancer Society, Relay for Life, etc. That is where my money is going!!
Who's running it and why don't you trust them?
Where's the proof the Foundation is for real other than an address. Look on the internet and you find nothing that is the "Official" Farrah Fawcett Foundation, other than an address. So, where's the money going? Do you trust an address, do you have proof of anything other than an address? Farrah's will does talk about the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, but no official pages on net or anything that talks about a Board of Directors of the Foundation. There is nothing. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. Those of you who know about it....share.
OK, I am officially disgusted! Who is this Nikki person making these hate-filled rants? How can someone have so much hatred for someone the've never even met and know what they are thinking and doing? She says she lives on the other side of the country, for God's sake. Someone here said maybe Texboy was someone's alter-ego. Maybe she is, too! A lot of good questions came up her for her. But, to quote the Bully blogger, "Crickets chirping". Put up or shut up.
Your comments aren't helping Farrah, only hurting. You remind Alana to remember there is a God. Good advise--try taking it.
Posting this everywhere so none of you have to jump back and forth from site to site:
Well, I am done posting here or on The Hitman's Blog. I have never seen people become so low before in my life. I've been called a spinster...maybe...not married and have cats. Prefer the "Cat Lady" in the hood.
I was a fan of Farrah Fawcett and I don't think that going back and forth with anybody is worth the kind of stuff that is being typed. It isn't my thing to insult people and call them names, etc. So, It has been an experience that I won't forget, but no more posting after this one for me.
I don't need the grief that disgusting people, with hatered in their minds/hearts keep throwing. Not worth it. Don't get me wrong, I totally expect to be called more names and that I am running away because my poor little feelings have been hurt, but they haven't. I am just simply above this kind of hate.
Farrah's memory will always live in the hearts of the "true" fans. Didn't know her, but I wish I had. It would have been so cool.
See ya all....feel free to toss my name around all you want too, but it won't do you or anyone else any good.
How about people like Nikki and Cathy and everyone else that has nothing but spiteful shit to post just do us all a favor and find a NEW hobby rather than continuing to post false, defamatory and negative comments over and over?? Get yourself a new passion, something productive and just leave this site and go away for good! I am so sick of reading the craziness you two post and then have to read the even crazier replies. Fortunately, Texboy (aka Greg Lott) cashed in and left both sites - take his lead and get lost!!
There are several of us that cashed in...so why don't we all drop it. There's plenty of Farrah's money for everyone.
Cheers to you, Anon. 10:31.....where you friend or family? Who cares about that legacy, family and charity crap? As long as you were able to cash in. Good for you. You might not believe in God, but karma is pretty much a given. Good Luck with that.
Why is ANYONE responding to the post at 10:31??? It can only be Redmond (in rehab, no access to a computer, Greg Lott (aka Texboy, cashed in, moved on a too stupid to write in proper English), her Father (a sweet old man of 92 who I am pretty sure doesn't use a computer) or her nephew Greg of Texas who has been surprising quiet.
Best guess: someone just trying to get a rise out of the 6 people that visit this dense site. Why even respond people? It's not worth your time to help some tard get off.
As I said before, honor Farrah's memory by donating to a cancer org of your choice or hers when it's up and running and STOP with all the negative, B.S. and phony analysis posting.
Anon 4:32,
You're probably right. My apologies. I just get so upset and defensive when I read these disrespectful comments. What kind of sick idiot jokes about something like that?
I made a donation in her memory, and also encourage others to do the same.
10:31 was written to see how many of you idots would respond. Just about what I thought. Somebody that "tells the truth", isn't that what you guys wanted? Then when a post is written that is true, you can't take it. Go back to beating up on all those other people. What I said really is nothing compared to the horrible things you accuse others of saying. Think about it? It was a lie and you all jumped. Ha, I think I got the last chuckle here!
Hey 6:37,
What's an 'idot'???????? Yeah, you got the last laugh. Making jokes about someone who's passed away just to get people riled up.....I believe THAT is what's called an 'IDIOT'.
You are right!! I am an idiot! And it was so easy! Funny how one small comment can turn your focus so quickly. But I can tell you this: Farrah is Laughing at all of you too!
Not really. See, that's one of the great things about Heaven...you can't see the suffering and ugliness going on down here. So, 'idot', she's laughing, but not because of you--in spite of you.
True fans of Farrah will let her rest in peace. OK
Im and what about her friends on the E channel talking to her from the dead for money?????
True Farrah fans will speak out against this shit and that's what this Shit and whoever condones that is sicker the Alana!!
I second that Kiko
I admire your honesty and your ability to see through the bullshit that so many enjoy being shoved down their throats.
Whoever made the cash in and forget about her legacy and cancer foundation your sick and vile
Agreed. What was Idot trying to 'turn the focus' from? People were trying to get info on Farrah's Foundation and updates on the money collected on her website.
Why would you even want to turn the focus away? I guess fans are like relatives--you can't pick 'em.
To clarify, my last comment was agreeing with the Anon at 7:51 who said Idot was a sick 'M-Fer'.
And the comment on Dec.13 at 1:28 is called SARCASM....it was directed at Idot and meant to show how sick and stupid he/she sounded. God, some people are thick.
To:Dec. 17, 2009 1:46:00 PM PST
Turn the focus, have your read any of these comments. The focus was never really on The Farrah Fawcett Foundation! The focus has been on disagreeing with any and everything that is written and calling people names. There is no focus on this site!
Obviously you choose to skip over any positives that have been brought up--there have been many. There are several good people on here who have defended Ms. Fawcett's privacy, The Farrah Fawcett Foundation, her family and friends and encouraged donations. The fact that you have chosen to ignore that and admittedly tried to turn the focus and stir up trouble is your own problem.
6:38 wow, you haven't read many of these comments have you?
It is kind of difficult to focus on anything positive with all of the negative.
But whatever you say.
My God who are you people?
1 person says something
the 2nd person jumps in with trouble making comments,
and a 3rd comes along and agrees with one or the other.
This is crazy! After reading all of the 109 comments that have been posted: This whole page is a joke and dishonors the late Farrah Fawcett!
Anon 110th comment,
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I have been commenting in defense of The Farrah Fawcett Foundation. I believe it is good, something she belived in, and yeah, I get pissed when people comment and say it is a scam and not to donate. I believe they should be called out and made to say why they make accusations with nothing to back it them up by. I also comment because I believe it is total disrespect to pass judgement on her friends and family and to 'out' any secrets, real or not, that she wanted kept private. I do not name call. I have over and over encouraged donating in her name and her honor. I don't know how you can say ALL comments have been dishonorable.
Kiko is a SICK, SICK obsessed individual. He goes way beyond fan. Look him up on You Tube. It's one thing to admire someone but this guy has NO LIFE beyond Farrah, it's actually scary. I would put him, Nikki, Kibbi, Michael from Europe and of course Texboy (aka Greg Lott) all in the same category of people who think they knew Farrah, but are 100% outsiders and loons. No one cares what they think. They continue to ruin Farrah's memory and legacy buy putting out the B.S. and false claims about Ryan and Alana when they NEVER had any closeness to the woman.
All sick and sad people who should just go away!!!
What did Kibbi do? Looks like that blogger was actually on the opposite side of Nikki and Texboy.
Maybe I meant Cathy. Sorry, mixed up the crazies on this site.
Still no one loonier than Nikki. That he/she is one crazy mo fo.
Yes Kiko is sick,very sick!Look him up on YouTube!
Anon 11:60,
I'm sorry, but isn't it also pretty 'obsessive' to spend so much time looking 'loonies' up on Youtube, facebook, etc.? Don't get me wrong, I have disagreed with EVERYTHING the ones you named have mentioned. And where is it written that the only people allowed to say anything about Farrah, have to have actually known her? A huge part of what Farrah became was because of fans. Maybe everybody here who claims to be such an expert (on either side), needs to say who they are and why they know so much. This name calling bullshit has pretty much buried any conversation here that was actually getting anywhere, what little there was.
Me? I don't know nobody and I ain't on Facebook or Youtube. But, I do know this: Farrah deserved her privacy where she wanted it, and her friends and family left alone. The Farrah Fawcett Foundation is real, and if you don't believe in it, shut up and give somewhere else.
Although I tend to wonder about this Chehin's support of Greg Lott, (why DO you believe in him so highly, by the way??), looks like his videos on youtube make thousands of people happy....people love Farrah!
Why does Bib and keith Sundae keep insulting Cathy,Niki,Kiko,Michael Eurproe for?
They need to get some anal lube and get a life.
They both turned this message board into a name calling circus. No wonder farrah fired Keith.
He gives gays a bad name.
By the way
What happened to texboy?
How shocking this is: #122 here and #132 on the other page of comments and almost none on the topic of Lott confronting Ryan. Instead it is a page of very little good information and comments about Farrah Fawcett and a whole lot of terrible postings.
December 25th marked the six month anniversary of the passing of Farrah Fawcett. Do you think it's possible for everyone to let this Tabloid Baby site go away. No more postings good or bad. Tabloid Baby is the only one who profits off all of the postings on this site. The new year approaches and people, don't you think it's time to more on?
Don't you idiots realize that if just one person decides not to donate to Ebay or The Farrah Fawcett Foundation because of something you said, that it hurts Ms. Fawcett? All her hard work and suffering--or doesn't that matter?
What exactly is your goal?
Never give up doing you videos Kiko
There are many REAL fans who enjoy them and I know Farrah would be flattered.
Ignore these sad unhappy evil people
Thank God they disabled the other page and I hope this one is next!
It is bad enough and disrespectful enough to Farrah Fawcett, but then you take off on Kate Jackson.
Craig Nevious and Farrah worked closely together on Chasing Farrah. Farrah asked him to help with her documentary and it was to be called "A Wing and A Prayer"! Farrah turned the project over to Ryan (not knowing what would happen) and he pushed Craig out. He has every reason to take them to court. He knew exactly how Farrah wanted the documentary to turn out and she certainly would not have wanted her son seen in chains coming to see her from jail. But Ryan did it anyway! Someday when everyone has all the facts, you will see that most of your comments about Craig were wrong. As for Kate Jackson, leave her alone! So many others deserve you utterly bogus remarks, she does not, nor do any other of the women that played in Charlie's Angels!
Disable EVERY post on Farrah - she would not want to see or hear any of this B.S. craziness. All those name calling posts are from Greg Lott. The car washer is as crazy as they come!! And Devious is no saint either. He's just as guilty for spreading the shit as Lott.
Disable every post: Farrah would not want to hear it! Yet, look who is another duck in the huge puddle...you! How sad!
Why should ANY of these posts be believed then? I'm sure there are several people on here who DO know the truth and DO post it but why should they post their name if they don't want to? I am also 100% convinced that several KEY players in this drama are posting as well as the info they have put out is actually incriminating them to those in the know so I encourage them to KEEP posting because in the end, it will all be exposed. If you want to be "Devious" then keep making comments because there are a "Lott" of posts that say more than you could know.
Sorry, I say BULLSHIT. If you knew something, you would say it, who you are, and why you know it.
"KEY players with info incriminating them to those in the know".....what are you even talking about??
Really? YOU call bullshit? Publish YOUR name. Let's start there. Give us YOUR full name. Let's see how brave and willing YOU are.
Let's start with Lott and Nevius signing each of THEIR posts because without any doubt, they both have and do post time and time again.
I'm calling your bluff! Your move.
Sorry, I'M the one not understanding something here. My only point was that it's bullshit that people feel freedom of speech entitles them to say whatever they want about people just because they can. There have been an aweful lot of horrible things said about Farrah's Foundation and her friends--THOSE are the people I'm talking about. I know none of these people.
I got news for you: Craig Nevious doesn't have time for this kind of crap. Lott maybe, but not Craig! He is the only one that has been talked badly about that really doesn't deserve it.
Really?? Have you been reading the same stuff I have? Mela? Kate Jackson? Alana? Keith? and on and on. Those people deserve what's been going on here?
Why do I like Greg Lott?
Greg told me the truth about that fat guy....
I talk to Greg almost every day.
Excuse me: Kate Jackson is also in the clear. The rest are questionable!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Kiko: Greg told you what he WANTED to tell you. He told you HIS side. Are you that dense not to think there might be two sides to every story or do you take what he says as gospel? Seriously, wake up dude. Lott is crazy.
And you calling him "that fat guy" is classy. What if people called you that gay stalker? You like that?
LOL!Gay stalker!Yes,I like it!
Go on!!!!Are you fat too?Your name is?
Do you know Greg Lott,Did you talk to Greg before?
Like I told you before....Greg is a very nice guy.Sorry.
What you have to say about Greg Lott.Tell me!
Maybe you know more than I know...
That's Keith and mela posting and we all know it!
Now you no longer can include Kate Jackson on your side.LOL
Kate jackson has she was MISGUIDED by those around Farrah in other words Alana and Ryan are LIARS
In response to 100,000 being nothing,well farrah's estate was less then 7 million not alot by today's standards.
But 100,000 is better then ZERO which is what Ryan and Alana recieved.LOL
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