Everybody's making a big deal about the Newsweek cover that shows Sarah Palin tarted up in running gear in a photo that was intended for use only in Runner's World magazine. Sarah's throwing around the word "sexist," just as she's tossing around "pornography" regarding her granddaughter's father Levi Johnston's spread in Playgirl.

So why has there been no mention of the rest of the Runner's World photos themselves, which seem to display the classic "cameltoe" phenomenon-- the outline of the labia majora through her tight-fitting running garb?

Can Sarah Palin be so naive after her vice presidential campaign? Frankly, we're offended and a little disappointed that she'd pose in such provocative positions while wearing such an outfit. What constituency is she targeting here? Not a bad match for Levi's layout, though.

Photos by Brian Adams-- and a tip of the Tabloid Baby hat to him!
NO IDIOT, the perverts are the ones blowing up pictures of peoples crotches and looking for the 'outline of her labia majora'.
Tabloid Baby, are you being serious or sarcastic, cause I'm just not gettin it. What else would a model in Runner's World wearing or doing? I suppose the Olympic swimmers are pornographic, too--they should only be shown on t.v. from the waste up?!
Boy, strong, powerful women scare the hell out of men, don't they?
What effing “Controversy”?
Who the hell is up in arms about Sarah Palin’s Cameltoe?
Who gives a CRAP what’s going on between this woman’s legs?
How about “Snooze Fest” come on TB you can do better than that
Who gets credit for the blown up crotch shot? Brian Adams or Tabloid Baby? Either way, classy, Bravo.
Sarah Palin is a major threat, no? God forbid, we get a moral, Christian, and 'gasp' FEMALE in power. Oh God....The end is near, the end is near..............
hey blabby - how's obscurity treating ya?
Sarah Palen is Buy no means phoney
She is real American people today are just so cought up in perversion, idiosyncracy people do not have there own tru opinion anymore they have to jump on someones band wagon becausre the simple truth is people are a bunch of woosies they cant make there own minde up so they join in with whoever makes them feel secure.. everything today is so blown out of perportion people dont know there own reality. come on america it is time for a gut check theis is not the America we all grew up loving there are no simple pleasuers anymore people have to have Shock and awe every second of the day in there video games on there computors you dont se people ever enjoying what has made america great it is the whole americona pride of something earned. Not taken or given every body wants everything too easy people dont even show plesuer in geting anything anymore they act like they just expect it and then they just tos it a side like it ment nothing tha is not the American way I like Sarah Palein.
I jack off to Sarah Palin
Sarah can sit on my face anytime, as long as she likes: she's my kind of woman---smart, Republican, ethical, Pro-Life, edible in an igloo on a cold Alaskan night. She has more brains, ethics, and viable ideas to improve the USA, than all the limpwristed, baby-murdering, Commie Democrats combined, and she's better looking than any female Democrat, too.
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