That's Greg Lott's message, through us, to Ryan O'Neal in wake of his very dangerous street confrontation with his Farrah Fawcett love rival over the weekend. Lott, who was Farrah's college sweetheart in Texas and friend and lover in the final decade of her life, has been enraged at O'Neal, blamign him for keeping him away from Farrah in her final days. Now Lott's putting it in O'Neal's face that Farrah left him $100.00 in her will, while leaving O'Neal and her friend Alana Stewart nothing.
Lott is having his moment in the sun, with articles in newspapers and magazines around the world validating him as an important part of Farrah's life, and as the ones who first brought out his story, we're glad for him.

But his street ambush, orchestrated by tabloid media and of course recorded by video cameras, was a risky move, not only because of O'Neal's violent reputation, Lott's incarcerated past and the ages of both men (Lott is 62 and O'Neal is 68). He got it out of his system, that's fine. But more street stunts like that will have people feeling sorry for O'Neal. Just ask Michael Lohan.
And it's sad for all involved.

Someone sent us a partial transcript of the clash:
O'Neal: "Don't get hostile with me. This is a sad fucking time and aren't you grieving too?"
Lott: "Yeah, I'm grieving."
O'Neal: "Well, let me see it then."
Lott: "I talked to her every day for eleven years. Did you know that?"
O'Neal: "No."
(Lott reveals an autographed photo that O'Neal sent him after Farrah's death, showing O'Neal standing next to a punching bag. It's inscribed: "Nobody wins. Peace.")
O'Neal: "This was out of kindness."
Lott: "Oh, kindness! What does it fucking mean?"
O'Neal: "'We both lost,' it said. 'We both lost.' Isn't that what it says? 'Nobody wins.'"
Lott: "Yeah, you took her from me! I didn't go to her funeral. I didn't go to the graveside and I didn't see her and I didn't talk to her before she died."
O'Neal: "That's wrong."
Lott: "Yeah, it is wrong."
Lott is having his moment in the sun, with articles in newspapers and magazines around the world validating him as an important part of Farrah's life, and as the ones who first brought out his story, we're glad for him.

But his street ambush, orchestrated by tabloid media and of course recorded by video cameras, was a risky move, not only because of O'Neal's violent reputation, Lott's incarcerated past and the ages of both men (Lott is 62 and O'Neal is 68). He got it out of his system, that's fine. But more street stunts like that will have people feeling sorry for O'Neal. Just ask Michael Lohan.
And it's sad for all involved.

Someone sent us a partial transcript of the clash:
O'Neal: "Don't get hostile with me. This is a sad fucking time and aren't you grieving too?"
Lott: "Yeah, I'm grieving."
O'Neal: "Well, let me see it then."
Lott: "I talked to her every day for eleven years. Did you know that?"
O'Neal: "No."
(Lott reveals an autographed photo that O'Neal sent him after Farrah's death, showing O'Neal standing next to a punching bag. It's inscribed: "Nobody wins. Peace.")
O'Neal: "This was out of kindness."
Lott: "Oh, kindness! What does it fucking mean?"
O'Neal: "'We both lost,' it said. 'We both lost.' Isn't that what it says? 'Nobody wins.'"
Lott: "Yeah, you took her from me! I didn't go to her funeral. I didn't go to the graveside and I didn't see her and I didn't talk to her before she died."
O'Neal: "That's wrong."
Lott: "Yeah, it is wrong."
1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»Check out this page and scroll down to the bottom to see the comments.
What a sorry piece of garbage!! You got your 30 minutes of fame and pity Mr. Lott. Now that she left you money, maybe you'll grow up and do something positive with what is left of your life!!
It might also be of interest that when Farrah and Ryan split in the late 90's, guess who left their wife? Lott, Obsessed his whole life. And guess who went back to Ryan because he was sick and she didn't want to lose him? Ryan was right, everyone lost.
I'm sorry, but Greg Lott has done not one thing yet with class and dignity. He keeps stating "he never wanted to be Mr. Farrah Fawcett" so they never married and kept things secret. So why does he have to go around screaming "I was Mr. Farrah Fawcett for 11 years" now???? Why wasn't he screaming out and fighting to be with her while she was still alive and fighting for her life?
Why does someone's death always bring out the ugly in people?
So many conflicting stories and rumors. What a waste. She fought her whole life to be known for her work and her charities, but THIS crap is what Greg Lott wants us all to be thinking about.
I'll pass.
Agreed. What has Greg Lott done since Farrah's illness became public and her death? He talked to tabloids out of the country. He talked to tabloids in the country. He told the world they had a SECRET. He posted a statement about a guy he says stole from him on her website and he took a camera crew to her grave and to confront Ryan O'Neal.
Ryan on the other hand went with her to Germany. Nursed her through her illness. Has given interviews and actually talked about HER and HER ILLNESS. Gave her a beautiful service. Answered all fan mail and condolences personally and when confronted about Greg Lott says "no comment".
No mystery here who's looking like the better man.
TO Anonymous @ 2:54...... BRAVO !!! I agree 100% with you, and you said it perfectly !! AGAIN BRAVO !
So refreshing to read something that makes such clear sense ! Greg Lott is a waste......... blah blah, i loved Farrah, blah blah.... move on , get over it !
What is Greg Lott's agenda in all this? What does he want to come from his grandstanding? It seems in his heart he DOES know that Farrah did not want to see him at the end and that is making him crazy. Showing up with a mic on, ambushing O'Neal says more about him than Ryan. It's obvious Greg Lott had a friendship of some sort with Farrah but sorry, there is no concrete proof of an 11-year romance or whatever he is claiming. And if he did, is THIS how you honor that relationship? What a sick, crazy old man he has become and given that he has been in jail twice and convicted twice he better watch his ass!
Ryan is a coward. He proved it while Farrah was dying and is a bully who ran with his tail between his legs when confronted.
At least Greg does not hide and can face Ryan.
Ryan just runs away like a little P*ss*!
Well I think after all the lies from Alana and Ryan Farrah had the last word on who meant the most to her and it was not O'Neal!!!!!
The picture next to the punching bag shows how silly and childish Ryan is. I guess he misses punchng his kids and Farrah,so in that regard Ryan did lose something,no one to bully and abuse.
Where can this video and photo be found? I have not seen anything except what was printed here.
Someone who went through the ordeal of helping a loved one fight cancer like Farrah did and then ultimately die, is hardly a coward. How mean some of you people are. Sad.
And isn't the saying that "the bigger man walks away from a fight"?
Yeah, really. Where WAS Greg when Farrah was going through all that?
I wish this would all come to an end and people would let her rest in peace and focus on the good she did for the world. I also wish someone who REALLY KNOWS THE TRUTH would come forward and shut these people up. Too many things don't add up.
Sure, he was her friend. They dated, broke up, kept in touch and he ran her website. He had little money and she left him some. That doesn't 'prove' any lifelong love affair. Why wasn't he with her through her sickness if he was all he says he was? You can clearly see in taped footage her being with Ryan and being very affectionate with him in Chasing Farrah and her documentary. Where indeed, was Greg Lott through all this? So, he was either her very well kept secret or it just wasn't true, right? I agree with the statement 'All those years he never wanted to be Mr. Farrah Fawcett. Why does he have to be now'?
PLEASE, all you LOTT supports are really crazy ! Its so obvious Farrah made clear choice while she WAS ALIVE AND THRIVING ! Those choice were NOT LOTT ! Yes, i am sure she knew him well, maybe even had a late in life affair with him, talked to him on the phone since they had a website together (REMEMBER THAT???). BUT his claims are just CRAZY. Ryan was there with her for HOW MANY PUBLIC YEARS?? We all talk about how real and strong Farrah was, well if thats true, LOTT would have been in her life PUBLICLY had this been true, SHE would have fought to make this guy part of her life while she was well, he claims he had a relationship(secret) for 11 years, was she forced to keep this lie for 11 years, we know she wasnt sick for 11 years??? WAKE UP PEOPLE, do the math. This guy has held onto her and is now using every piece of paper to claim things are more then they were. great she left him a few dollars, WOW - big deal. Ryan did not and does not need her cash. Ryan had the real thing a someone else here mentioned.
Farrah was a amazing person, and a beautiful woman who did great things, LETS REMEMBER THIS, and forget Greg, forget Ryan.... and lets REMEMBER FARRAH !
R.I.P. Farrah, your fans love and miss you. not all this horrible gossip that people in your life still keep sharing with the media outlets you avoided, THANK YOU GREG ! And if all the lott supporters approve of how lott is handling this farrah would be very disappointed , DONT YOU THINK???
Yep. Remember how she felt about the Enquirer? A while back on one of these blogs, someone who claimed to be a friend of hers said someone in the family was cut off because she found out he was leaking info to the tabloids. I wonder how she'd feel about her friend, Greg, doing it now? Greg, show us the letter she sent you that said to go public with the secret after she's gone and we'll all shut up!
Look Nikki, T-Boys side kick is back spewing her venom like she knows the Fawcett's personally. Where's your proof missy?
If Lott was so special why didn't Farrah ever have him by her side??
Constantly criticizing Farrah's choices is not respecting her or being a fan. Maybe you can take care Greg now that he doesn't have Farrah to look out for him. Don't you know him personally as well?
Its amazing how the LOTT support team in these blogs thinks his exposing all of Farrah's so called secrets to the media outlets she HATED is a good thing? WHAT great fans you all are, support a guy who is selling/feeding stories to the media outlets that FARRAH despised. FARRAH would be proud of you all.......NOT ! If you think Greg is doing this for Farrah, wake up, she's not here anymore, he's doing it for HIMSELF ! FARRAH would be very upset.... you have to remember how she hated these media rags !!
Look Nikki upon Facebook. It's HYSTERICAL!!! She's dressed up in a crazy blonde wig in what looks like a glamour shot from the mall!! She is nothing more than an arm chair critic - she didn't know Farrah, she's a complete kook! And Texboy thinks the money to Greg in the Will is the Holy Grail and substantiates all of Greg's claims. It doesn't. You both need to get back on your meds and move on with your lives because this story is OVER, no one cares and Greg can go spend his money on drugs and staying out of jail. Again.
Please don't piss them off....you'll bring back the trolls and no one will be able to comment again!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all that have left flowers for Farrah at her gravesite:
If you havn't already, please contribute. Its a nice way to remember her. I leave her a token once a day. Why not since I am online anyway? I know gossiping is fun but take a break and show Farrah some LOVE. Special thanks to Michael.
Why are you attacking Angel Charlie?
That's just rude
Make an argument against something they said but don't just call them names
See, told ya....mention certain people and 'POOF'. Instant troll.
Another Moron heard from
Name calling is not a form of debate
Hey I was just passing by thought I'd add my two cents didn't know you needed an invitation to voice an opinion around here
Don't know who you think I am but just so you know this is the 1st time I've stopped to say anything
Didn't know this was the idiots parade
My mistake
Carry on
People resort to name calling when they have no defense. They're called bullies. Why do you think everyone quit commenting on the other blog?
Hello Tabloid Baby
Thank You for taking down that offensive comment
Sorry I got so carried away myself
Guess I also resorted to name calling my apologies we all seem to fall pray to it don't we?
It's just that that one went over the line
Anon 11-21-09 5:57
Ahhh...Once again words of wisdom and class from the Greg Lott fan club. He must be very proud to have you on his side.
Really?? How did "Greg prevail"?? Because he got a dollar amount? FARRAH IS GONE. Everyone loses.
Nikki, You make it sound like some kind of sick contest. Wasn't what Greg wanted to see Farrah before she passed away? "F*** Ryan and Alana"?? Isn't there a better way to get your point across? Some of the comments made here are beyond disrespectful. Thanks for removing that earlier one, Tabloid Baby. Some people have no idea what freedom of speech really means.
Currently reading Alana's book ... anyone else read it? It's quite good, even though I don't know if what she says is all truth. I have my doubts.
Nice to see that a few Ryan O'Neal fans are still defending a woman beating, child abusing, freak.
Girls O'Neal's book is already in the planning stages, can't wait to see your reactions when it comes out.
Even funnier the fake outrage some of you have over Greg Lott's revealing Farrah's "secrets" when O'Neal revealed much more and much less flattering things about her. Where was your outrage then girls?
Bully Blogger,
Ryan O'Neal's 'revolations' in VF were nothing that people haven't heard before, just more details. He made big mistakes, has regrets, was a bad dad, Farrah had faults. No news flash there. Greg, on the other hand, days after her death, went screaming to the world "Farrah had me keep a secret, but she's gone now, so I'll tell--for a price". THAT'S the difference. THAT'S what I have a problem with.
I think he (Greg) only did that because he was denied access to Farrah during the last part of her life. Also, I think he thought Ryan was going to 'discredit' him if he (Greg) was to say anything. This, I believe, is the reasoning for Greg's actions, which I don't blame him for.
I don't think what Greg did is any different than Alana's profiting off of Farrah with her book, nor with Ryan going on shows, and doing all the interviews to get his name back in the spotlight via Farrah. I have nothing against any of these people, BUT let's be fare. One can only speculate and there is a BIG difference and different stories, when you are in the shoes of that person. I do give Ryan credit for answering Farrah's mail. This, is TRUE ... he did.
I think it is all pretty simple. Farrah apparently had some kind of friendship with Mr. Lott throughout the years, We acknowledge that. He is taking his anger and jealousy out on Ryan because truth be told Farrah did not ask him to come visit or be by her side when she was still able to do so. If anyone read his published "love letters", you would see that she kindly told him she did not want him to see her that way, it was a journey one must take one's self. Did anyone ever think that maybe Farrah's wishes were being respected, because she had plenty of opportunity before she took a turn for the worse to invite him to see her and that did not happen. It is obvious that she cared for him in some way, as she left him money to help him out, she just didn't care in the way that he wants to believe and now he is going out of his way to prove it to himself and the world. Pretty sad.
You have a point, BUT I doubt Farrah would of thrown him out if he did show up at her place. Plus I don't think Greg was allow phone calles to/from her, either. Also, what about the funeral? Why not allow him to attend that, at least??
Don't know the answers, but have you ever looked at the link that is in the first comment on this article. If you scroll down to the comments under the article, is the comment coincidence or exactly what people have said about Greg's motives? Check it out and draw your own conclusions.
Yes, I saw that. Big deal! Could be anyone ... could be anyone saying their name is Greg to give off the impression that it's Greg Lott asking. Could be Greg, as well, just to see if he was in the will. Maybe Farrah told him she was putting him in the will, and wanted to know if it's true. Wouldn't you? But I seriously think it's someone disguising themselves as Greg.
That's the great thing about being entitled to our own opinions. For me, the date is right after her death and he was desperate to keep that website going. It doesn't exactly sound like someone was trying to incriminate him as someone hoping to find information. Besides my opinion his actions have spoken very loudly and very disrespectfully. Not trying to offend anyone that is just my perception.
One other observation and opinion, all the men in her life were bad boys, not sticking up for one or the other.The exception is that Mr. Lott is the one screaming the loudest and drawing all this negative attention to her memory, so that he can be recognized as a part of her life. Can't we move on to something positive about her life and fight? I certainly hope when I die, I am remembered for the good memories and not all my faults and mistakes.
I don't think Lee Majors was a 'bad boy' ... was he?
Mr. Majors was known to have a dark and controlling side.
Well if so, it wasn't so well known. The only negative thing I heard about him, if you want to call it negative, regarding Farrah, was he was a bit 'controling' regarding her career. It was too time consuming for their marriage. You can't blame a married man for being the way he was regarding his wife, who he seldom saw. It's not healthy for a marriage ... thus the reason for their marriage ending. He didn't want her to 'quit' her career, but he wanted her to work less hours. This is understandable. In a marriage, it's a give and take, and one or the other has to 'give in' to some things in order for the marriage to survive. It wasn't like they needed the money. He was making more money than her, back then. And his point was valid. What marriage would survive when both parties are out the house by 5:00 am and back home at 11:00 pm???
The problem with most 'modern' women is that they 'want it all' ... a husband, a career, and children. This can not happen. Usually they put their career first above all others. Especially when it comes to celebrities. If you've noticed, a lot of these women celebrities have children very late in life. Some 'miss out' on this and they regret it, afterwards. When they do have the kids, they usually don't raise them, themselves. Even if they have a nanny, on a part time basis, STILL they are not 100% raising them! Raising a child is when you are there 100% for them. To change their diapers, to take care of them when sick, to take them to places (school, appointments, etc), to cook for them YOURSELF etc. etc. etc ... THAT is RAISING a child!
Michael from Europe has too much time on his hands, sounds like an arm chair psychiatrist and spends too much time obsessing over Farrah. Get a life and move on, no one cares what you think.
Obviously you care, because you keep on commenting on his comments. If you didn't care what he thinks, you wouldn't post. At least he is a fan that is trying to perpetuate the GOOD stuff!
Uh genius at 5:34PM - did it ever occur to you that there is more than ONE person who posts as anonymous and perhaps I am not the only person writing a comment? Is every one mentally challenged on this site or just you? Go back to your mommy's basement.
To Anonymous 12:00 AM dated November 26, 2009 ...
Your comment made me laugh! ... I don't mind the name calling ... so go ahead ... it amuses me! ...
Now a question for ya! How would you know what an ARM CHAIR PSYCHIATRIST sounds like? Do you have regualr appointments with them?
Europe ... the "OBSESSED FREAK WITH A LOT OF TIME ON HIS HANDS!" ... I kinda like that!
To the anonymous/cowards, none of my comments have been disrespectful. Alana and Ryan have been disrespectful to the memory of Farrah.
Read vanity Fair and come back and let me know if you understand what true disrespect means.
Greg Lott won his story was true and Farrah's dad backs his story.
Nikki - NONE of your comments have been disrespectful?? Seriously??? Go back to THAT site and re-read all the B.S. you put out there, you must be kidding!!! You have NO inside info and draw all these conclusions about people you can only dream about. Your messed up theories are a joke as are you. You must be bipolar if you honestly believe you have been respectful and mature about what you have been posting. And Greg won NOTHING. He got $100K because she felt bad for the guy. If she loved him as he claims, why didn't he get more? It was a friendship nothing more. Wake up, the game is over, Greg is over so why don't you all go find another hobby cause this one is BORING. You and others have attempted to ruin FF's memory with all your crap - if anyone should be ashamed of themselves it's YOU and that other crack pot Texboy!!
Last posting, very well said and needed to be said. You are so right. All of this mudslinging and disrespect from fans that were suppose to be admirers. What is amazing is that there have been all of these terrible things said about her family and friends without knowing what the truth is or knowing these people and yet they stick up for a man who has a very sordid past and criminal history himself. That is public record, not speculation. A son who has aired his version of the dirty laundry on every tv show and rag mag that will give him his 15 extra minutes. Death always seems to bring out the worst in people. Maybe everyone can stop fighting about this and start praying for healing for everyone that is grieving and that was involved. Thank you for posting your comment.
Where do you get your info? Do you know Greg Lott personally that you know he's telling the truth and everybody else is lying? Also, where did her dad confirm his story? Strong accusations--please back them up.
She can't back them up. That's what is so annoying with her. She goes by her own assumptions or what that pseudo psycho "Texboy" tells her and she believes as gospel. These people are not right.
Nikki says ".......none of my comments are disrespectul....."Greg Lott won....".
What, was it some kind of sick lottery or contest for you? FARRAH IS GONE FOREVER. How did anybody win? Oh, yeah, Greg got some money--he won. EVERYTHING you say is disrespectful.
Big shocker Alana is exploiting Farrah's memory AGAIN!
WOW!!!!! ANOTHER GOSSIP NEWSLETTER--YOU SCORE AGAIN! Nice try. How about something someone actually reads and gives a shit about next time. Farrah would love her fans following and reading a rag for the truth--just like the old days. Good job.
Oh God there really are people as stupid as 3:41. You really are a clueless fucktard aren't you love? Alana filmed this pile of shit for the E! network.
3:41 you really are proof that you can't help the stupid. Now tell us how would the VERY PRIVATE Farrah feel about her "best friend" exploiting her memory for a low rent TV special with a charlatan.
"Psychic Hollywood -- The Search For The Truth,"
Yes that's the type of TV show Farrah would have LOVED to be on and associated with.
The ink is dry of Ryan's book deal. Don't expect it to be sunshine and roses girls. It will be more along the lines of the Mackenzie Phillips book then the inspiring tale that she hoped "A WING AND A PRAYER" would be.
Thanks for the links ... what BULLSHIT! LOL Makes you want to laugh!
The comment about the bracelet ... Alana wrote about it in her book, and then she says that nobody knew except her and Farrah! PLEASE ... this is so obvious!
What do you all have to gain that keeps you fighting about Farrah? It is ridiculous, get a life, say something good or move on. You are not her family or friends. What do you think she would think of all of this? Do you think she would be grateful for all of this fighting? Do you think you know the truth, you lived her life? No, you don't. Who the hell do you all think you are? You are hurtful to her memory, to her father and son. If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Really, what the hell is wrong with you people?
Are your own lives that miserable, that you have nothing better to do than fight with people on a blog?
Think about it!!
Oh come on! Greg has done plenty. He fabricated and sold a story to a UK newspaper. He fabricated and sold a story to OK Australia and OK Mexico. He fabricated and sold a story to Inside Edition. He hired a private video crew to practically assault Ryan O'Neal and then sold that footage to all the entertainment shows. He is a CLASS ACT folks - honoring his friendship (and nothing more!!) by selling out at every chance he can find.
This two-time ex-con, car washer is a LOSER on every level who pretends to want to honor her memory and legacy by trashing it, by working on that for shit website HITMAN and supplying inside info to TABLOID BABY for whatever visibility he can find. Lott is a disgusting representation of what friendship is supposed to be and I am sure Farrah is looking down at him and regretting ever having met this mess of a human being.
Take your $100K and leave the country - you are a DISGRACE.
I see Nikki is back to spewing her "non-disrespectful comments" on the Hitman flog. She gives Alana advise that "she better watch she or a loved one doesn't suffer the same fate as Farrah,... she exploits her friend's cancer out of desperation for fame and money". I wonder if she gave the same advise to her buddy, Greg.
I also wonder if she realizes she spends her time posting on a blog run by a guy that DESPISES her hero, Greg.
Nikki, who is now talking to herself on that blog, is a dumb as a block of wood. She seems to have so much time to comment on other people's lives yet has no background, history or knowledge to support ANY of her claims. Truthfully, she made a friend in Texboy (who is most certainly Lott) and now that he has cashed in, he has moved on and she is left on her own.
A bit of advise Nikki: stop posting, get a life and maybe post a better picture of yourself on Facebook. That glamour shot from the mall makes you look even cheaper on the outside than you already do on the inside.
And wishing cancer on Alana will come back to bite you - it's called karma honey.
Anon 8:04
It really suprises me that you read all of these blogs.
Telling someone else to get a life sounds like advise you should take.
You are pathetic by attacking people you don't even know. Defending, talking about, or even thinging about Farrah, who you didn't even know. Again, talk about getting a life, "TRY IT", maybe you can?
To those two judgemental idiots on the Hitman flog: Who cares what you two think of Alana? Was Alana your friend? No. She was Farrah's friend. She says she wants to help people fighting cancer and carry on her friend's legacy through the Farrah Foundation for cancer research. What have YOU done????
Oh, and before you come back with some remark asking what I've done?...I give frequently to St. Jude's Hospital.
So have I given to St. Jude.
What Farrah Facwett Foundation.
There is no proof that it even exits. Where is it, who runs it, tell us all about it since you seem to know everyting!
The Farrah Fawcett Foundation IS happening - give it a second, the woman JUST died and it takes time to establish the foundation. Jesus you people are so quick to judge her and Ryan at every turn. Give them a fucking chance to do it and do it RIGHT.
The Farrah Fawcett Foundation c/o P.O. Box 6478, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.
All donations will be used towards cancer research.
It is the same as the one that was published by her family and the media at the time of her funeral. Try donating and quit fighting!
THE FARRAH FAWCETT FOUNDATION: A California non profit public benefit corporation. Farrah provides for it in her will, page 16.
So shut up.
Anon Dec 6th 9:09
Just wanted to say "Thanks" for keeping up with what I write on that "other" blog! I didn't know you cared so much about my opinion!
But thank you it means alot!!
Proud of yourself, Nikki? Saying it's a scam and not to donate?
I have to say it amazes me that a Cathy representing herself as a God believing, Christian woman many posts back, then apologizes on this blog but goes right back to the other one a couple minutes later saying the opposite, has lowered herself to be compadres with the scandalous Nikki. Passing judgement on other people while defending the drug dealing Lott. Who appointed you two who never knew Farrah to play God? What makes Lott's sins so much less than other people's? Like a couple of high school girls, drama, drama, drama.
Who desperate to have something to write are we?? I have never really defended Lott or condemned Lot. Really could care less about Greg Lott, but he did get money from Farrah. (Oh she didn't tell me, I read that). Idiot
And another thing anon that keeps attacking me....go back a few articles and read what I've written on "THE OTHER BLOG"! I haven't taken anyones side, other than just a fan!
Anon 12/6 9:30
From one of the anon posts:
The Farrah Fawcett Foundation c/o P.O. Box 6478, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.
All donations will be used towards cancer research.
It is the same as the one that was published by her family and the media at the time of her funeral. Try donating and quit fighting!
Sunday, December 6, 2009 8:15:00 PM PST
I agree! If you read Alana's book....well, it just doesn't paint her out to be the Saint everybody thinks. Friend of Farrah's sure!!! But now....not so sure!
Sorry guys, no more today, gotta go to prayer meeting according to one of the anonymouns posts, so ya'll have fun now ya hear!
Remember this..
Excuse me Anonymous but, Farrah Fawcett is not a Poor woman that will never get to rest in peace or dip her wings in the rain. She's probably too busy trying to fan all the flames everyone is throwing. She is in the Best Possible Place...with God. She no longer has to concern herself with anyone "left behind". Please don't assume that you know what she's doing in Heaven! No one can know that but the Father himself.
As for dipping her wings....you better believe that she has and will continue too. God is good all the time!!!!
If you can preach it, than act like it!!
Anon 12:00,
Where is the proof that the foundation and address are phony? Where is your proof that cancer research gets nothing? If you say things like that, you should back it up.
These people who make these ugly, disrespectful comments about things they no nothing about. The Farrah Fawcett Foundation was spoken about by her family and friends and wide spread LEGIT media many, many times. And Farrah provides for it in her will. It is very obviously something she wanted and believed in. Nikki spews her hate on Hitman saying it's a scam and not to donate and gets upset when she's called disrespectful and people want proof of her statements. So, what part of telling people not to donate to the scam is not hurtful to Farrah and her legacy, Nikki? Care to explain?
Also, since you seem to be the expert, can you tell us how the donations turned out for Children's Miracle Network and Dr. Jacobs, since we can't go to her website anymore and Hitman hasn't updated on it either.
Where's the proof the Foundation is for real other than an address. Look on the internet and you find nothing that is the "Official" Farrah Fawcett Foundation, other than an address. So, where's the money going? Do you trust an address, do you have proof of anything other than an address? Farrah's will does talk about the Farrah Fawcett Foundation, but no official pages on net or anything that talks about a Board of Directors of the Foundation. There is nothing. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. Those of you who know about it....share.
Anonymous said...
The Farrah Fawcett Foundation c/o P.O. Box 6478, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.
All donations will be used towards cancer research.
It is the same as the one that was published by her family and the media at the time of her funeral. Try donating and quit fighting!
Sunday, December 6, 2009 8:15:00 PM PST
According to Mike Pingel on the CharliesAngels.com site:
The Farrah Fawcett Foundation Address is NOT LEGIT. Mike is kindof an expert on the Angels. If he's got it on his web page, then I believe him!
He says there is a fake website trying to solicit money--it doesn't mean he's talking about her real foundation. He also says Farrahfawcett.us is up and running.
The website was up and running when it was posted, but I emailed Mike to see what else he knows. Maybe he will have some info!
Mikes response is: I got no new information.
Mike's website comment says there is a fake 'Farrah Fawcett Foundation'. Her foundation is 'THE Farrah Fawcett Foundation'.
Don't know anything about the fake ones, but if you check out her will, title begins with 'THE'.
I think Nikki might actually be a transvestite. Seriously, look her up on FB. She and Cathy are so lonely that they can only talk to each other on Hitman now. Texboy, aka Greg Lott, cashed out and has left laughing at those two losers.
Cathy + Nikki = crazy, medicated spinsters!!!
Posting this everywhere so none of you have to jump back and forth from site to site:
Well, I am done posting here or on The Hitman's Blog. I have never seen people become so low before in my life. I've been called a spinster...maybe...not married and have cats. Prefer the "Cat Lady" in the hood.
I was a fan of Farrah Fawcett and I don't think that going back and forth with anybody is worth the kind of stuff that is being typed. It isn't my thing to insult people and call them names, etc. So, It has been an experience that I won't forget, but no more posting after this one for me.
I don't need the grief that disgusting people, with hatered in their minds/hearts keep throwing. Not worth it. Don't get me wrong, I totally expect to be called more names and that I am running away because my poor little feelings have been hurt, but they haven't. I am just simply above this kind of hate.
Farrah's memory will always live in the hearts of the "true" fans. Didn't know her, but I wish I had. It would have been so cool.
See ya all....feel free to toss my name around all you want too, but it won't do you or anyone else any good.
excuse you cathy but you full of hate and slander and nikki is to
the both of you are a couple of sluts who are lesbos and surely have phone sex together
leave ryan and alana alone and move on and them grieve
Well. Tabloid Baby, looks like you got your work cut out for you deleting 'gargage mouth' again. Funny, him posting under 'Anonymous' and calling people "f*****g cowards" for doing the same. Einstein.
niki why you be lettin her pimp you like dat
kathy you just wrong to be doin dat to dat poor girl you know she dum as hell and you be pimpmin her ass wit black dick porn
guys we know nikki and cathy are crazy sedated nuts
so save your breath with those two and tboy is trolling so beware.
some of these blogs are coming from tboy under other screen names.
Unfortunatly, it looks as though the obscene hater is back trying to start fake fights between people and calling people cowards, all the while posting using other people's names. Don't understand what he/she is trying to accomplish, but for once, Cathy, I agree with you! I am done, too. You can't reason with people blinded and deafened by hate. Too bad, some people here were actually trying to do and say some good.
I, also, was here because of a love and admiration for Farrah. You didn't have to know her personally to feel that for her. Please do something this holiday season with her in mind. Make a donation, big or small, in her honor. I personally see no problem with The Farrah Fawcett Foundation. She mentions it and so do her loved ones, so that's good enough for me. But that's just me. The American Cancer Society, St. Jude's, whatever you believe in. No matter what the haters here may say, you know 'it's not all about you'....and Farrah will know!
Merry Christmas. Peace.
Sorry, I'd post under my name, but you can see why I won't.
Exactly 3.08 pm. The name calling and accusations are down right disgusting and shows who they really are.
Im not sure if the FF foundation is a cancer foundation or a foundation set up with her former college for her artwork and so on it says nothing of a cancer foundation that I read,but could be wrong.There was a fake FF foundation that has been in the news and charliesangels.com reported this also.
To the anon who said I wished cancer on Alana is false.I said when you make money from someone who died of a painful and terrible disease and you watched them die and they were supposed to be your friend you should be careful that something like that does not come your way There is a difference. Anyone who was a fan of farrah's know she would never go to such cheap venues for fame or money like her "friend" has been doing. Anyone in my opinion who disagrees with Alana's actions and how she's exploiting farrah would agree.
I rarely come on here Tabloid Baby,the name alone is what Farrah fought against.
So continue to call me names anons and make false allegations and name call all you want. If you have to resort to such evil then be my guest that's your Karma not mine. Good luck to you all and feed each others hate and name calling all you want,it just says more about you then me.
Thank-you and good luck,but remember anons who call people names acuuse them of being on drugs and in porn or their faith,own up to your words and stop hiding. Why hide behind anon since you feel so strongly.What are you afraid of?
Also teboy if your using peoples names to start shit,please stop it.Everytime you vanish all these crude posts start and cause alot of name calling.
So texboy Im not outright accusing you since I know your not on facebook,but if your behind some of these nasty comments please stop and find something better to do,if it's you. Thank-U
I can live with people attacking me on here because they don't know me personally and it's pointless but texboy if your posting things about me and Cathy doing pornos,I mean really c'mon get real.Nikki
How about people like Nikki and Cathy and everyone else that has nothing but spiteful shit to post just do us all a favor and find a NEW hobby rather than continuing to post false, defamatory and negative comments over and over?? Get yourself a new passion, something productive and just leave this site and go away for good! I am so sick of reading the craziness you two post and then have to read the even crazier replies. Fortunately, Texboy (aka Greg Lott) cashed in and left both sites - take his lead and get lost!!
That is such a great idea! Would love to hear positive stories or experiences regarding Farrah. Success stories about fighting cancer because that is what she struggled for. Let's honor that. All this cussing and nastiness is really awful. Would like to see something intelligent and inspiring.
who farted
stop farting
who farted
pussy farts
Be proud of yourself, little man. Two syllable words are hard.
How exciting...you get to see your big boy words on the world wide web...who cares if you look like an ass--you got to say real words. Wow. And people will comment on you instead of Farrah. Good job. You have done so much to make a difference. Be proud, little man.
is Bib a homo like fatso Keith Sundae
fudge packers
keith sundae robbed farrah
Is Mela Murphy a Junkie
Tboy claims she a heroin user and her small house is full of dog shit all over the floors
Love orchids
is Mela murpht the old short heavy woman in chasing farrah?
If so what a leech. Her imdb resume is a joke
Alana please hand over farrah's journal
we know you stole it to profit in the future
I am James Van Praggh and I am being told from the spirit world that you must hand over all the items you stole from the condo.
give it all back alana and mela
we know who you are and saw what you did
Mela Murphy shoots heroin
Why is Craig Nevius posting as anonymous? It's very obvious that he has an axe to grind so he picks on people that he thinks he can bully. And what makes it even more clear it's him is that he has personal issues with these two. No "fan" or friend of Farrah would ever write such trash.
Very sad dude, move on with your life.
Or, just sit at home on your FAT ass with your mullet of a hair style and spin your craziness since no one in Hollywood will ever hire a loose cannon like you. Your career is over and your continuing to post such nastiness anonymously will only bite you in the end. It's called karma buddy.
How shocking this is: #132 comments and almost none on the topic of Lott confronting Ryan. Instead it is a page of very little good information and comments about Farrah Fawcett and a whole lot of terrible postings.
December 25th marked the six month anniversary of the passing of Farrah Fawcett. Do you think it's possible for everyone to let this Tabloid Baby site go away. No more postings good or bad. Tabloid Baby is the only one who profits off all of the postings on this site. The new year approaches and people, don't you think it's time to more on?
Greg confronted Ryan because he had nothing to hide.
Ryan on the other hand,well need I say more.
Farrah's will and who she left in charge of Redmond's money says it all.
Are you done now keith?
Have you insulted enough people already?
Do you feel better about yourself now?
I despise them both.
But calling other people names on here for not sharing my views is something I do not do.
Alana and Ryan put themselves out there in the public arena claiming to be the second coming of Christ and many saw through that. So there is a difference and hate not really... They both are not worth that much emotion I cannot get that passionate on two people who make Jessica Hahn seem like An A-list celebrity!
But sorry to say they both are assholes, the problem is wondering who's the bigger asshole
(Im not referring to keith Sundae's asshole by the way).
Sorry to burst your bubble, but calling people 'assholes' IS calling them names.
Im calling Ryan and Alana what's her name assholes.
You put yourself out there in the public eye and make outrageous claims then your fair game.
I do not attack others on here who have a different opinion.
Do you get that?
Assholes does not mean hatered
it's means your full of shit and my view is Alana is full of shit.You disagree and am I calling you names? NO!
Get the picture?
But I really do not want to spend all day defending my views on Jessica Hahn
I mean Alana(sorry).
You can't burst my bubble so don't worry about it.
I think somebody needs to take their meds.
gawd stop the Alana hatered.
enough already people.
jeezz just let it go you dont have to like the woman but farrah is gone and calling alana names will not bring her back. This goes to everybody on here its time to let it be and stop the hate no matter what side your on or who you beleive. Im certain farrah would not want this going on from her fans no matter what you beleive.
I agree it's 2010 and time to let all this nonsense go.
All fans of Farrah will continue to miss her and and continue to be everyones favorite angel.
I hate coming on here since it's nothing but insults and slander and no normal discussions or mature debates or respect of diverse opinions.
So im done with all this and will remember Farrah as a gorgeous brave woman and one of my favorite actresses. I hope everyone does the same.
They stole thats just terrible.
What all did they steal and where did you hear this?
looking to purchase 2 goldfish
Check Ebay. Maybe you can buy Farrah's--according to some genius on here. Duh.
They stole from her and most here in LA who knew the people in her circle know they all took things from her condo with Ryan's consent.Anything belonging to Farrah on Ebay not signed was not approved by Farrah.
All jewlery was to go to her nephew.
Well, since you are such a 'credible' witness, I hope you've told the police everything you know and saw.
Lindsay Lohan's place gets broken into a while back and it's all over the place within hours. Farrah Fawcett's valuables are stolen and nobody knows but you???? Don't tell me---the secret inner circle has someone inside the police dept. working for them, too.
So, who's the Ebay seller selling stolen items?
I hear crickets chirping........
I cannot say anymore on that sorry.
just updating what I know
Then maybe you shouldn't make accusations like that if you aren't prepared to back them up.
I have nothing to say on the subject anymore
its done and the items were not taken when nobody was home they were stolen when Ms.Facwett was stll alive and in bad shape to know what was really going on. But I know she was somewhat alert and she wanted Alana out of her condo. But they kept sedating her and sedating her. I will not be commenting any further on the subject I have been recieving threats since I let the cat out of the bag or the two BATS out of the bag.
Secret spy
jeeeezzz what is this all about now jeezzz
My gawd what a bunch of sluts geeezzz
sick geezzz oh jeezzz
gossip gossip like a bunch of old sluts geeezzz
i mean geezzz end it its so dum geeezzz
i can not say anymore but jeeezzz so dum
every day a new rumor geeezzz
who is the insider come clean or stop
jeeezz show more proof i herd all this before but i want proof geezzz enuff all ready jeeezzz
we are clamorin for proof geeezzz please post evedence geeezzzz oh geeezzz
Alana is a robber? Oh my I really did not trust that woman to begin with so this all just says someone close to Farrah must be on here giving fans the heads up on what went on.
That's Tboy posting under assumed names causing problems. He did this on hitmanpr several times and To Anon sorry to burst your genius comment , but Tboy and Greg are not the same people.
Alot of women haters on here.
Silly faggots dicks are for chicks
Robbery is a crime of stealing property with violence. Duh. Someone is just (once again) spreading malicious lies and rumors.
can someone tell me who is this Keith guy Greg wrote about before the site went down?
Who is this ghastly looking creepy guy? Is he the same keith all over my space and facebook he lives in florida if it is then. He was charging farrah lots of money to do her hair and was putting cheap shampoo inside expensive shampoo bottles to make farrah think he was using high end products and she found the bottles in the garbage can.
well jeeezzz crime is crime
jeezzz dummy robbery does not always mean violence involved. jeezzz what a faggot jeeezzz
gotcha its keith the pervert
your so on it anon it is the same keith his last name i thinc is spelleed sundae or sunday
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz
Ahhhh jeeezzzz, dummy, yeah it does. Robbery involves violence, burglary does not.
I heard this Keith is one nasty person.
Is that true he goes to glory holes?
I doubt he will make it to Heaven.
Like they say don't envy the wicked because they're time will come. So it is him on here ripping people apart then? Hmmm
oh jeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
uh jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Really? That is really disgusting... Oh boy how do you know all this?
if he is all those horrible things, why was he at the funeral
2010 is here time to move on from all this nonsense
Farrah left this planet and is now in a better place.
I say to all who spoke up when it was not the popular thing to do Good For You!
We were called some of the most degrading names in the process and Im sure Farrah would thank us for wanting the full truth and not some Hollywood fairytale that some tried to paint while making money off her all in the same breath and there's no reason to say who they are,those with half a brain already know.
These posts all need to be deleted, such low down filthy people some of you are...Nasty good for nothings is all I will say.
To all the name callers good luck Im sure your going to need it.
Bye Happy 2010
I guess Farrah invited him ANON 11:42 am,maybe she came back to life and made up the guest list and handed it to Ryan and she made sure Tatum was on the list as well after the nice things Tatum said in her book and on Oprah in 2005 about Farrah. And she also made sure a certain someone she left 100,000 to in her will to be excluded from the list.
This is your brain
And this is your brain on drugs-Anon 11:42 AM
One more thing Anon 11:42 AM
When Farrah came back to life she also made sure Ryan invited The producer of Entertainment Tonight who so willingly along with Alana to run the Wheelchair photos! Farrah in her own words said she did not want photographed in a wheelchair and I doubt she would want the producers of ET who ran them to be at her service so then why not Keith.
Farrah did not invite any of them,she did not even want a funeral. She wanted cremated and put with her mom and sent to her fathers. Not one of her wishes were honored.
As Farrah wrote to Ryan When I make sense of it I will let you know. Anon 11:42 AM when you start to make sense let me know. Thank you
oh jeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz oh jeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Craig Nevius strikes again!!! The mullet head sits at home unemployable making claims against Alana, Mela and Keith. It is OBVIOUSLY CRAIG NEVIUS WRITING ALL THIS BULLSHIT. He was hired by Farrah then FIRED by Farrah. She did not want to see him when she became so sick. He makes all sorts of claims that Alana stole FF's stuff which is a joke. Craig-- move on and get a life. You are a loser that Hollywood rejects!!!!!
Greg Lott is an old, ex-con with NOTHING. He got $100K - big deal. That's ALL the money this car washer has until he dies, which if karma really works, should be soon. Keith worked for FF and it ended. He was at the funeral because he and FF were friends. Craig Nevius was not there. Greg Lott was not there. Mike Pingel was not there. Alana, Mela, and Keith WERE. Deal with it - you were excluded Craig because you are and were OBSESSED with Farrah and it freaked her out and she CUT YOU OUT. Move on mullet.
Why don't we ask Craig why he's suing Farrah's estate?? Is THAT how you honor your friend Craig? Taking her money? You are a repulsive loner who cannot find work.
The person on Ebay selling Farrah's items and donating monies to the American Cancer Society is doing a wonderful thing. Farrah was a client of hers for years. She's been honored by Ebay for her charity donations---a hell of alot more than you judgemental, lying homophobes are doing.
Can't you idiots understand that if even one person reads your lies and decides not to donate through Ebay or The Farrah Fawcett Foundation because of something you said, that you have hurt Ms. Fawcett and all the work and suffering she did. Or doesn't that matter?
What exactly is your goal?
The goal of Lott and Nevius is to detract Farrah's fans and real friends from the disgusting behavior they are exhibiting. They both wanted to profit from Farrah, her image and her legacy. They used Texboy and others as puppets to put out their misguided messages, trying to put the focus on Ryan, Alan, Keith and Mela - all people that Farrah loved and maintained friendships with till the end. By creating such B.S. here and on Hitman, they wanted to take the heat off themselves. They are disgusting people and Farrah saw through them in the end. Stories over folks and the idiots posting those moronic posts is nothing more than a moron and the person picking on Mela and Keith (probably Craig Nevius) is an even bigger fool. Move on with your lives and donate in Farrah's name. THAT is what she would have wanted, not all this back and forth crap.
AMEN 5:01pm. Happy New Year Whoever You Are!
The stuff being sold on ebay of Farrah's are items that she gave them to sell a long time ago; they only all being listed now because since she passed they are more valuable. Alana has NOTHING to do with this at all. And I would bet that 99% of are items she was given and never personally used. Many celebs receive free items and it appears that what is being sold is exactly that. There is no conspiracy here people - just relax and stop reacting to posts by the crazies (Lott, Nevius, etc...) and understand that the company selling those items has been working with Farrah for years.
Farrah must have been obsessed with Lott as well to leave him 100,000 dollars and not even a penny to Alana or O'Neal.
As far as Keith he just was a flunky who worked on Farrah's hair sometimes and hates women and he did some really awful things to Farrah she could'nt stand him but forgave him when she became ill.
Keith Sundae is nothing but a loser faggot who tries milking money out of rich people. I would'nt even put him in the category with Alana and Mela at least those two did some nice things for Farrah. Keith on the other hand is a low down woman hater pig fuck.
Anybody In FL spread the word on this vampire,if not he'll suck your bank account dry, blackmail or anything he can do to get money out of people he will do.Farrah never fired Craig O'neal and Stewart forged her signature for more money that's why they are both in a lawsuit,not Farrah. Craig is not suing Farrah's estate he's suing Ryan and Alana who as we saw have NOTHING to do with her estate. LOL Nothing not a penny,not a bracelet nothing. It was tolen and put on Ebay. All Farrah items that were signed were approved by her,anything else was stolen. Like her will said all jewlery was to go to her nephew and nobody was to profit from her personal belongings. End of Story stupid pricks!
So many posts Keith... Very defensive FAG BOY I MEAN FAT BOY. Damage control maybe? Stop posting Keith,it what Im saying is a lie why all the anger? Anger and being defensive is a sign of being caught in lies. Am I right Keith? Maybe huh just a little or LOT.
I doubt Greg Lott has anything to do with these posts
He was in Farrah's will and I would assume he has nothing to prove. And Farrah's dad recently spoke out and confirmed Farrah and Greg were indeed very close and had more than a friendship in the last decade of her life. So that is coming from Jim Fawcett and he seems like a decent honest man. I will believe her dad before some anon or this Keith person if that who is behind these posts.
aka lollipops Im new on here so be nice just exprssing my thoughts and I am reading some of these posts and boy oh boy how ONE person seems to be on the attack if anyone says anything that is not pro that Stewart woman and Ryan. Be nice Thank's everyone
Anon nobody's trying to hurt Farrah by saying things were stolen. Hitmanpr blogged that months ago so that is not new news. And when after 5 months her will was made public she wanted her personals to be given to family and her college university. I have no idea who sells farrah's personal items on Ebay im over 40 and not a teenager collecting things from a celebrity so I could care less on that or who is doing it
So if your being honest then why worry about what someone posts on here. Unless it's true?
oh jeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Where did farrah's dad confirm this relationship?
Craig was NOT fired by Farrah!
He was taken off the project of her documentary by Ryan and his attorneys. Get your facts straight people!
Anon 10:31,
If you could care less about what is being sold on Ebay and who is selling it, then why are you posting on it? Are you really that dense that you can't see how posting lies against someone who is trying to do good is hurtful? And who the hell cares what Hitman says? Isn't he the guy who swears that Greg Lott is a good, honest guy in June and then says he's a thief/liar a couple weeks later?
Right. Someone over 40 couldn't possibly care about buying celebrity memorabilia--they're too busy fighting on a tabloid blog. DUH.
To a Texas newspaper article is where her father made the statement.
Amen Anon 11:49 am Jan 1st
So true but so many hate the truth.
Actually we know who's the one posting on here for Alana and Ryan,don't we.
Like Anon 12:03 jan 1st like who am I fighting with?
message boards are for posting messages correct?
It's the 21st century that's part of communication and all ages use these platforms today. And I find it silly to buy junk on celebrities.That's my right like it's your to sell and buy that stuff. Like my God who the fuck are you? Im allowed to say what I read why are you so much on the defense? The intense anger just pours out of your post. Like someone exposed some truth and your getting all fired up.
Hitman has been saying since May that Farrah was being robbed and there was a sexual relationship between Ryan and that Woman Alana. I read all of hitmans blogs and even after he turned on Greg he still posted many negative stories on both Ryan and Alana.So he never backed off from those two and he has lots of proof of what they did.
This was in Nov 2009 I saw the link but I guess you have to find it I clicked on the link and read it there.
I know who farrah was and am not a die hard fan just was interested after I saw farrah's Story.
Sorry I cannot remember the exact link but someone im sure knows exactly how to access it. sorry
Why are people so mean on here? I don't understand why evrybody on here are insulting one another.
This is terrible. And all the dirty words about buttholes and gay people sluts porn is just terrible.
I wish nobody to to that to me. Thank ya lollipops
I from japan and feel sad for lady farrah and im so confused by what is true and not. so be nice to me please I know people be mean but I do no harm
I want to say Hi to all and happy new year.
my screen name is lollipops and i like all america.
I think it's past somebody's 'med' time.
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craid Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craid Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craid Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craid Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig Nevius STOP posting lies here!!
Craig is attempting to deflect suspicion by making defamatory comments about Keith. He was her ASSISTANT and FRIEND. Deal with it. YOU were cut out in the end and it's killing you!! You were not wanted so now all you do is try to stir the pot. Stay home and braid your mullet because you are unemployable and all of Hollywood knows it!!!!
Remember when Kate Jackson kept calling Craig Nevius "Craig Devious" on the Today Show?? Wonder why...
And it's nice to see Texboy back to posting under the anonymous banner now since Hitman is over. You always know it's him because he can't spell, type or speak in proper English. Greg's little puppet is back people - watch out for the crazy!!!
Anon 12:15,
You read all the Hitman blog? So, if you believe all the Ryan/Alana posts, I guess you believe all the Greg is a liar/thief posts too? Surely, if he has 'proof' on Alana and Ryan, he has it on Greg, too.
I no whore. That bad word please no say that. I no want to argue with anyone. So many dirty words to me now. shame shame please no more to me I no trouble to no one.
OMG--can you post anything the way it really happened? Griffin NEVER said his dad was getting blow jobs from Alana--Rewatch the interview--it's on Youtube--or maybe I missed it 'cause it was in the same paper as Farrah's dad's interview?
anon no, The Greg posts from Hitman were childish and it seemed more like spite then fact. But hitman never waivered from the Alana and Ryan even when he turned on Greg. He made fun out of his job and made fun of him like a 10yr old would do. But the things he posted on Alana and Ryan seemed more truthful and I doubt he would post those things in a public forum if they were not true. I think he knows he could get in trouble if it was false. The stuff he posted on Greg was infintile making fun out of him washing cars. Thats not news thats silly. Shit even Joan Dangerfield backed away from Alana and Ryan.
Alana really stole Farrah's jewlery.
Oh My that's sad. I read she sold a scarf Farrah bought her the day Farrah died. I think it was hitman who reported that.
some friend. becky lynn
So, let me get this straight: Hitman wouldn't post lies on Alana and Ryan because he could get in trouble, so it is true, but everything he posted about Greg lying and stealing was OK to post because it is just infintile and untrue? It was about more than just washing cars.
Now it makes total sense. Not. Do you hear yourself?
That idiot Allen Miller of Hitman also claimed he was Farrah's publicist. He NEVER was. The guy is as nuts as Greg Lott!!! Nothing on that site has an ounce of credibility. Nor did Griffin make such claims on Larry King. Nor did any Texas newspaper do an interview with her Dad where he stated that. Sorry, fucktard, but YOU are full of it. And Craig is still posting here because he knows it's over for him. Loser with a mullet!!
Griffin even admits in the LK interview that he hasn't spoken/seen his dad since Feb 2007. How would he know what went on within Farrah or Ryan's homes or heads?
Craig is suing NBC, Ryan and Alana because he was taken off the project. When FF gave Ryan P.O.T. he made the decision to complete as per FF's instructions. NBC wouldn't work with Craig. Ask ANYONE at NBC that question and that is the answer you will get. He is pissed and doesn't know where to throw his anger so those closest to FF get the brunt. He is an outsider, scorned to be ignored by FF in her final months and can't deal with it. Craig "Devious" is a sad example of the kid who was picked last in gym class. Nobody wanted him and that's what happened here. Move on mullet!
It is true Craig won the first round in court. Ryan and Alana keep causing the proceedings to be postponed.
So Im guessing Craig can back his story up and Alana and Ryan are afraid of something.
No he was not taken off the project in a HONEST way that's why he's suing and MTV is suing Alana and Ryan for mixing scenes from Chasing Farrah into the story to make it look as though that was Farrah and Ryan in the last 2 years and they used the footage without permission. It looks to me that those two were awful sneaky.
Ok, thanks CRAIG for posting that B.S. update. You are such a freakin' weenie tool of a man, if you can even be called a man. How many Farrah posters are hanging in your house now you creep? Keep on with that lawsuit, let's see if you can suck up any more of Farrah's $$ from her estate. You are an AWESOME friend CRAIG, awesome.
That does sound sneaky I agree anon.
I saw that report on Mtv that NBC and Alana and Ryan are being sued by Mtv also. It sounds like they did some not so kind things.
The truth always wins in the end,so it does not matter who posts what to sway people it will all surface one day so no one has to worry.
Harry-o man
alana is a awesome friend.
Calling James Praggh for the E channel. Alana need cash book sales backfired.
Hitman fan
Craig: is this how you mourn your friend and celebrate her life? By suing those closet to her? That's what a REAL man would do, right? BTW: FF owned Chasing Farrah - it was HER production company that produced it so I am pretty sure she has the right to use the footage as she saw fit. Wow, after reading all this B.S. it really makes me wonder how Devius ever crawled his way into her life. What a mistake on her part to have trusted and befriended such a weasel. With a mullet I meant to add.
Hey 1:45PM - since when do mental patients get computer time in the insane asylum? You REALLY need to take your meds and dial it down a bit. Your posts have NO credibility when you get into name calling. Want to make a point or post an opinion, great do so. But try without having to go crazy in caps and talking like a 12 year old boy. You are a sad little person who truly needs some medical attention stat!
He's suing for what's right. He's not suing farrah's estate he's suing Ryan for threats and forging a contract. Don't lie anon and try and shift the focus to who Craig's suing. Anybody can see the lawsuit papers to know this has nothing to do with Farrah or her estate.This is between Ryan,Alana and NBC from MTV and Craig. Stop lying anon you fool. You think people are that stupid.We know what your trying to do.
Harry o man
So Craig has Farrah posters like Keith had at her funeral. I think the latter is more pathetic, but Keith is Pathetic.
Alana's book BOMBED LOL
That poster was brought there per request of the family. There were multiple pictures up in the church. He didn't just bring it you moron, he was ASKED to by her family. But you weren't there so how would you know that???
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