Tuesday, June 09, 2009


"Toxic reaction" to painkiller Dilaudid (a powerful ingredient of Elvis Presley's fatal pharmacological cocktail)...

Reason for coverup now obvious...

Our initial report of "prescription bottles" at crime scene confirmed...

Coroner softens edges of shock toxicology results...


1 comment:

  1. That's right he had a "toxic reaction" to the drug Dilaudid! That does NOT mean that he overdosed, and there was no "coverup." But I'm sure the media and journalists will find some way to twist the coroners words into saying what they want including you by the way you began your last post, "DANNY GANS: IT WAS DRUGS!" Unbelievable! Heaven forbid you or someone you know dies of a reaction to a prescription drug, hopefully nobody will care enough to twist the words to mean something else. Really, it's nobody's business except the family's as to how and why he died anyway!
