Farrah Fawcett's famous autograph is the ticking time bomb within the lawsuit over the NBC television special about her battle with cancer, potentially widening one man's complaint about being pushed out of the project into a major Hollywood scandal that includes accusations of coercion, forgery and an attempt to take over the iconic actress's estate.
Craig Nevius, Farrah's longtime friend and documentary collaborator, earlier this month filed suit against Farrah's longtime former lover Ryan O'Neal, O'Neal's business manager Richard B. Francis and Farrah's friend Alana Stewart, claiming they wrongfully interfered with a deal he'd made with Farrah to document her cancer fight.

The disputed signature is on a document that transferred control of the documentary to O'Neal, and is being compared to the very unique autograph Farrah has executed thousands of times on 8x10 photos which sell for an average of $50 to $100 online.
Nevius, who'd worked with Farrah since he created, directed and produced her 2005 reality television series, bases his case on an agreement he'd signed with Farrah last year.
It's one of two documents at the heart of the lawsuit and, Tabloid Baby has learned, the center of a brewing storm that includes claims that Ryan O'Neal took over the dying Farrah's documentary project and her life as part of a larger scheme to take over her estate upon her death. (O'Neal and Fawcett began a relation in the early 1980s but were never married. After a long hiatus, O'Neal returned to her life earlier in this decade after his own battle with leukemia.)
It's one of two documents at the heart of the lawsuit and, Tabloid Baby has learned, the center of a brewing storm that includes claims that Ryan O'Neal took over the dying Farrah's documentary project and her life as part of a larger scheme to take over her estate upon her death. (O'Neal and Fawcett began a relation in the early 1980s but were never married. After a long hiatus, O'Neal returned to her life earlier in this decade after his own battle with leukemia.)
The LLC agreement between Farrah and Nevius, dated April 1, 2008, formed a company called Sweetened By Risk, "for the purposes of developing, producing and distributing/licensing a documentary currently entitled 'A Wing And A Prayer' (based on Fawcett's home movies)."
The agreement states:
"Fawcett will be the Manager/Chief Executive Office of the company and will make the final decisions on both business and creative matters.... "However, Nevius shall have both the right and the responsibility to assume Fawcett's role as Manager of the LLC if Q) Fawcett becomes too ill to function (for any prolonged length of time) or B) Fawcett is otherwise unavailable due to failing health (for a prolonged length of time) or C) Fawcett is unable to communicate her instructions and/or decisions for any reason whatsoever (for a prolonged length of time)."
The agreement states:
"Fawcett will be the Manager/Chief Executive Office of the company and will make the final decisions on both business and creative matters.... "However, Nevius shall have both the right and the responsibility to assume Fawcett's role as Manager of the LLC if Q) Fawcett becomes too ill to function (for any prolonged length of time) or B) Fawcett is otherwise unavailable due to failing health (for a prolonged length of time) or C) Fawcett is unable to communicate her instructions and/or decisions for any reason whatsoever (for a prolonged length of time)."

The agreement was signed by Farrah on April 1, 2008 (above).
A year and nineteen days later, Farrah signed an "Appointment of Chief Executive Officer an Delegation of Rights" in which she appointed Richard B. Francis as Chief Executive Officer of Sweetened By Risk LLC, giving him "the full power and authority to take all actions the Chief Manager is authorized to take."
The half-page document also:
"...delegates to Ryan O'Neal all of her rights, whether under the agreement, any other agreement or under law, to exercise full artistic and creative control of the production currently entitled 'A Wing And A Prayer'... including, without limitation, the content, the editing and every version... including the final version."
A year and nineteen days later, Farrah signed an "Appointment of Chief Executive Officer an Delegation of Rights" in which she appointed Richard B. Francis as Chief Executive Officer of Sweetened By Risk LLC, giving him "the full power and authority to take all actions the Chief Manager is authorized to take."
The half-page document also:
"...delegates to Ryan O'Neal all of her rights, whether under the agreement, any other agreement or under law, to exercise full artistic and creative control of the production currently entitled 'A Wing And A Prayer'... including, without limitation, the content, the editing and every version... including the final version."

Farrah's signature is dated April 20, 2009 (above).
At issue are those two signatures. The one dated April 1, 2008 is identical to the signature Farrah has written out thousands of time since her first flash of stardom in the Seventies.
The signatures on the two documents are visibly different.
In an uncanny coincidence, Farrah's friend Alana Stewart (who is named in the lawsuit) was quoted on April 21st saying that Farrah had "thrown" a 68th birthday party for O'Neal on the 20th, the day the Delegation of Rights document was dated.
Stewart's statement was made specifically to counter a much-publicized statement by Farrah's son during a parole violation hearing four days earlier. Redmond O'Neal told a judge that his mother's weight had dropped to just "86 pounds."
Said Stewart on April 21st: "Redmond is young and overreacted a little. Farrah has lost weight, but not that much. No, no, no. I just saw her last night and she looked better. She had color in her face and was talking and laughing."
Her party story as not accompanied by photographs.
Stewart's statement was made specifically to counter a much-publicized statement by Farrah's son during a parole violation hearing four days earlier. Redmond O'Neal told a judge that his mother's weight had dropped to just "86 pounds."
Said Stewart on April 21st: "Redmond is young and overreacted a little. Farrah has lost weight, but not that much. No, no, no. I just saw her last night and she looked better. She had color in her face and was talking and laughing."
Her party story as not accompanied by photographs.
Farah Fawcett has not been seen in public since.
On May 7th, O'Neal was featured in People magazine, saying that Farrah's treatment has "pretty much ended."

The tabloid television special, "Farrah's Story," which starred O'Neal, made reference to his cancer movie, "Love Story" and included much footage shot hastily by producers of NBC News' tabloid series Dateline, aired on NBC on Friday, May 15th. After it was announced that the ratings were better than usual for a Friday night, O'Neal announced he would be producing a sequel, one that would presumably include Farrah's death.
But over the weekend, hours after Tabloid Baby's lawsuit report on Friday, O'Neal and Stewart said the sequel had been scrapped.
But over the weekend, hours after Tabloid Baby's lawsuit report on Friday, O'Neal and Stewart said the sequel had been scrapped.

(UPDATE! Signature scandal leads to new questions...)
Never trusted Ryan O'Neal, never will.
He speaks as if Farrah is already gone. This guy is going to end up with all her money, art work and any royalties from her work and image.
What a shame.
This whole thing breaks my heart. The only one who knows the truth seems to no longer have a voice. Farrah, stay strong and have faith. I am praying fiercely for a miracle for you, as is the whole world.
God Bless,
Farrah made such a huge mistake going back with that Has been Ryan o'neal. I never liked him and he seems to love one person and one person only HIMSELF!
I surprised that Alana could or would be involved in this,but then again what do you expect from a woman who gained mediocre fame through marrying famous husbands.I wish Farrah's dad could intervene in this and other family members that truly love her and are not out to gain control over her life and estate. Does she have nieces or nephews or any other family member that can help and get her away from Ryan?
My G-D! The sign on the last document doesn't belong to Farrah!!! That's a felony! Poor farrah, shame on Ryan; even that they say she signed from her dying bed, the signature would be more open and lighter duly fo lack of strengh, never tight and so pushed... They put the document over an original signature and tried to copy it! You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to see that. Sorry for my English, hope everybody understood me! Love you Farrah! Sorry for everything, but you are surrounded by hienas.
You can tell she either was sedated and had no idea what she was signing or it was plain and simply forged.Ryan is no good and never was any good.
What she ever saw in him I'll never know.
Does anyone who runs her official web-site know if her dad has any knowledge to what's going on with her? Since she and Ryan are NOT married can her father or any close family member get her out of that evil mans hands(RYAN)?
Craig Nevious if you read this I applaud what your doing and some fans who only get their info from Entertainment Tonight may say your out for money or your lawsuit is in bad timing,But if what Ryan and Alana did to you is true then they are the ones who put you in this situation and their timeing is in poor taste not yours.So know that some of Farrah fans that can actually read stand behind you and hope you go all the way with your lawsuit and finally that Ryan will get what he deserves.
Farrah just watched your movie for the 2nd time on the web. I must say I agree that Ryan seems to come across pretty sly in the movie, all those little out takes of him dicussing "how it's effecting him". And that weird scene in the bedroom with Red, creepy. Seems like he talks about in the past tense already. I don't think that's a healthy situation for you....Cancer is the .... and know no bounderies. I pray for you and hope you can put some whoop ... on that cancer. Best of luck.
Can this producer creep please leave a poor woman in peace as she struggles with her cancer? Her signature looks like a weak version of the original, not like a different creature altogether. He seems like an obsessive guy who can't get over being dumped by Farrah. Enough already. Stop crying over spilled milk and grow up!
GOSH-This is a tough one ! I have read thru the years that Ryan was a HOT HEAD ! What a person does with their belongings is their right, and Farrah gravitated to Ryan for so long, and yet this signature looks really ,really forced and fast- We all now know she is on drugs to ease the cancer
pain,ect- and now Mr Lott has stated he is been cut off from communication, just like NEVIUS- So I CAN SAY I SMELL A RAT- RED is got alot of healing to do before he can be trusted with his Moms beautiful collection, and then their is Farrah's Father- who is now 91-92 ,this leaves the best friend ALANA who in recent days I am not liking one thing I am learning of her part in this.
Farrah's Story, in all honesty, wasn't what I expected. Although it was very much interesting, I really thought it was going to focus more on her illness, and be more graphic in her treatments. I also thought it would answer a few questions, such as, how did Farrah get Anal Cancer, (since it is such a rare form of Cancer), how can it be avoided, what are the symptoms etc. The show mostly focused on her liver tumors, and made it seem Farrah was suffering mostly from Liver Cancer.
The outcome of the show also gave a negative impression, (to some), on Farrah. It has been said that this type of show made her out to look like an attention seeker,(somewhat like Madonna is), and a way for her to try to make money off her misfortune. After all, this type of documentary has never been made by any other person show casing such a personal and private matter, especially since Farrah has been quoted as saying that she is a 'private person, and shy about her personal issues' This type of documentary made her out to be contradicting. Therefore, I agree that I do not think Farrah meant for this documentary to be aired the way it did. I agree with Craig and think Farrah had a totally different attempt when it came time for this documentary to be seen.
What also struck me ODD was when Ryan O'Neal said that he doesn't show his 'true emotions & fears' to Farrah, and won't, YET he is stated as saying that he and Farrah will watch the show on TV together. What was he planing on doing while they were watching the show, so Farrah doesn't hear what he is saying? Also, Ryan says that Farrah doesn't know that Redmond is in jail. When she sees the show, won't she find out? Another thing that bugged me was how Ryan, Alana, Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson all talked about Farrah in the PAST tense! For someone who didn't know better, you would of thought Farrah Fawcett had died! Upon viewing the show, wouldn't they think Farrah would notice this? I truly DOUBT Farrah even watched the show, as Ryan is saying she did.
Something really smells FISHING, and I truly believe Farrah Fawcett is being taken advantage of by her so called 'friends'. These people are seizing the opportunity to try to make money off of her, and are trying to rekindle their long lost careers! I also think they are trying to gain control of her assets,(after her death).
Another 'strange' thing I sensed was how Ryan addresses Redmond as 'HER SON', instead of 'OUR son'. Also, WHY is Ryan saving Farrah's hair? Does he have plans on selling it on e Bay?
Something is NOT RIGHT with Mr. Ryan O'Neal. Something truly seems fishy with his involvment. He is still trying to get Farrah to marry him, even in the state she is in. I think he is using her illness to his advantage!
Alana doesn't seem like such a sweetheart that she is making herself out to be. I wouldn't be surprised if after Farrah's death, these two with merge together and live off of Farrah's money!
Cancer has already invaded Ms. Farrah Fawcett yet this time, not only have tabloids invaded her, but also her so called Friends! Farrah is being ROBBED while she is still alive, AND I pray that there will be someone who can stop them!
My thoughts and prayers have been with Ms. Farrah Fawcett since day one, and I will continue to keep her in thoughts.
I pray Farrah will be given her justice, and hope that she will overcome her suffering and return back to us, as beautiful as she always was!
God Bless you, Farrah Fawcett ALWAYS!
Common, people! Farrah and Ryan are practically wife and husband. They have kid together and they live together, they had long history together. Leave them alone! Of course, she would want him to have everything after she dies. She was in bed, and she was sick, when she signed it. Is your signature always looks the same? I don't think so... They are family, I don't understand why that other guy even filing lawsuit, he is just greedy freak, who wants money. Leave these people alone, they do not need your your stupid comments right now, really...
Look everybody just because Ryan and Alana seem to love Farrah,just remember these people love money and fame first.Ever since farrah's condition got worse all this creative control and so on started to happen.
I truly believe Craig Nevious is not the bad guy here it's Ryan,Alana and NBC. They are taking advantage of a sick woman,who probably has no idea what's going on.Stop forming your opinions on Entertainment Tnight sound bites and scripted interviews from The Today Show .Ryan and Alana are both fame and money seekers
I thought the same thing Michael from europe. He referred to Redmond twice as her son not our son and the hair comment sounded odd to me to.Hollywood is an evil place and feel Farrah should have left that town a long time ago and only return for work. Why she ever involved herself with that vulture Ryan is beyond me.
But like they say Love is Blind.I pray she gets strength and kicks cancers ass and Ryan's!! We know KARMA will get him,but I'd rather see Farrah kick that old and fat Ryan's ass and take that never was Alana stewart and marry her off to Howard K Stern,but I guess that would'nt wok since Howard K Stern has no money and we all know Alana Stewart got rich by divorcing famous men. What a couple of scumbags
Graig Nevious we stand behind you and anyone with common sense know whats truly going on here.
Your looking out for Farrah and I hope you drag Ryan and Alana's old asses all the way to court and I hope you win. I do not trust either of them. If they had good intentions they would not be cutting her off from loved ones. So they are up to something that's not good!
I just watched farrah's story taped on my dvr and what a story that was. Ryan did give me the scheevies. He said that he went to Germany because she asked me to, not because he wanted to. He did seem to be about himself. I do t know much about alana but it definitely is possible that she's in kahootz with Ryan. For someone so real as farrah, why is she surrounded by such unreal people? She needs to be with her father or needs an attorney appointed to her by someone other than Ryan or alana
100% agreed with all the comments from Michael, Europe. Everything he is explaining about Ryan's hiden emotions & fears, Redmon in jail... Were "they" going to watch the show together? Farrah's said she was very satisfied with the show? How come? Very, very fishy... and please Craig, be the hero in this "story", let us help if necessary to do something against this "trio" who maybe there were filming, thinking that for time of transmision our loved Farrah were going to be dead... Craig let us know how we can help. I wouldn't blame so much NBC, like any other network they think in big ratings... but the people who is allowing and doing this to Farrah, not even her son is able to defend his mother... he is "supported" by his father, and everybody knows how. BTW, never in the life, that is Farrah's signature. Not even on painkillers or anything, doesn't look weak at all.... if so, nothing is legal being forced to sign under those circumstances.
Please Farrah, stand up! We, your world of fans can support you!
I would go to LA in a blink!
CR, Florida
When my mother was sick in the hospital she had to sign things and she was in her right mind. Her hand writting was so beautiful and it looked like a kid wrote it. When you are in your right mind yet very sick your hand writting changes. I don't beleive alot of what is going on other than Ryan is staying by Farrah's side. My dad seemed the same way when my mother was so sick. But he never left her side either. After my mother passed on in 2001 my dad kept to himself and farely isolated. Then my father got sick and signed everything over to me and later passed on in 2006. I miss them both alot. Farrah and Ryan have been a couple for along time. They are in God's eyes married. Farrah needs prayers not hate. Striking out at what you all may think Ryan is or isn't doing is harder on her than the cancer. She needs to keep her mind clear and open to fight.
someone besides her son needs to have control over the estate. The son is into drugs apparently and doesn't need to inherit only to lose it all. My son is the same way and i wouldn't want anything to go to him like that. There must be some sort of control. I am sure there is more to the documents and Ryan isn't only benifiting from it.
Leave Farrah and Ryan alone right now. At least while Farrah is so sick.
May god be with you Farrah and Ryan. You both are remarkable people.
Ms. Chris
This thread is interesting. Michael from Europe says a lot.
I don't like Ryan O'Neal, per se. Alana seemed to be Farrah's friend... involved from early on... Some of these details don't fit together. It could be that O'Neal is up to something.
Overall, Farrah surrounded herself with some poor choices over the years. That guy who beat her up (the director)... Ryan O'Neal... she's always been struggling with something, whether drugs or personal issues. She's probably a very caring and sweet person but high-strung and difficult too. She's certainly been blessed with a better career compared to her personal life. She remains a great beauty, if a complicated person.
Just because they are all famous, people are "picking them all apart". When it comes down to it they are still just people like the rest of us. Who are we to judge them and how would any of us feel if it was our mom, wife, significant other, sister, daughter, friend or whatever. We are all human and we all have our trials, tribulations and personal hells that we go through but fortunately for most of us our lives and suffering are not put on display for everyone else. I was never a particularly big fan of Farrah's, but I admire her for her strength and courage through all of this and it is heartwrenching to see anyone including her go through the pain and suffering and also to see her loved ones go through it knowing there is really nothing more they can do to help her. It all goes to show that in the end, fame and money cannot buy what is really important and God is in control - not any of us.
how is fararah?
I watched the documentary twice and twice I cried. I feel so bad for all of these people. I will not try and judge any of them. I only pray that a miracle will happen for Farrah in this last hour. Her son must be going through holy hell, being addicted to drugs, being in jail, knowing that his Mom is dying and not being able to be with her. That must be a hell and torture on earth. It is just heart wrenching what these people have endured the last two years. I pray for them every night. So should everyone else. We all are the same. We will all end up the same way in the end. God have mercy.
I watched the documentary twice and twice I cried. I will not judge these people. They all have been through hell. I only pray for a miracle in her last hours. Her son must be going through a living hell being addicted to drugs, being in jail knowing that his mother is dying and he cannot be by her side in these last days to help her. It must be pure living hell on earth. She has been through so much these last few years. Just remember, we all will end up in the same place in the end. We all should be together on this trying to help each other. I pray for them each night. May God have mercy.
PLEASE stand CORRECTED! In GOD'S EYES Farrah and Ryan ARE NOT MARRIED! In God's Eyes, Farrah and Lee Majors are married, (that is, if they were married in the church). In God's Eyes ... Farrah and Ryan were 'living in sin'.
I am not here to judge them, BUT I just wanted to correct the person who wrote that they were married in God's Eyes. Farrah is Catholic and I believe Ryan is too (since he is Irish), so they know this.
AGAIN ... let me make this CLEAR ... I AM NOT JUDGING THEM ... what they did, or do, is their business, BUT I just wanted to correct the comment made by one of the repliers.
Also, thanks to all who read my previous post and agreed with me.
Dear Farrah
I love u soo much!!!! I just prayed for u. I wish u could read this, and know that I am a fan And, I love u Farrah!!! U are an awesome person, And life for u has been challenging time and time again, But Farrah I believe god puts us where he wants us for a reason we will never understand I also believe he never gives u more then u can handle. U must be a very strong woman for him to give u so much to handle Please Get better Farrah I am one of your fans and I love u more than ever!!!! Farrah just remember the fans we all love u and we always have and always will Farrah I just prayed again for your son and u Plz Plz Plz get better hun We love U
Your Fan Mary_Awesome
lOve U very much Farrah Get well Hun.... Until i see u again Love Me...
In response to another comment
Nobody has anything against Farrah, we adore her!
It;s the people who are exploting her and cutting her off from those she cares about and those exploiting her. Ryan NBC Alana
Farrah and Ryan do not live together.He lives in Malibu and she had her own apartment.Lets not bring God into that since anyone with a heartbeat is not perfect.
My issue is the people who seem to be exploiting her and turning her struggle into their own 15 minutes or financial gain. UMMM Ryan And Alana
I think the earlier post on her family possibly exploiting her, followed by the mention of God, is just an observation on Farrah's relationship. In common-law terms, it may meet the court's standards for status as a married couple.
She has (and has had) her own separate residence so I don't know what the claims are to an estate, under those circumstances.
The fact that so many viewers of the show are commenting negatively on Ryan and Alana is not good.
As far as her estate goes, that is a private matter which does not have to be shared with the public. She may have decided to change her will to leave everything to Ryan. OR she may have her will made out leaving someone else everything. I know firsthand how peoples minds change after a bout with cancer and there are those who do prey trying to get her material assets, but it still is private and whether it turns out fair or not, there isn't much anyone can do to change her decision, bad or not.
She is not dead yet.....
Stop with who gets what..
Lets just pray for a
miracle and show them all
Has anyone noticed on Farrah's website the latest news? Whoever is running the website, (being Lott or Craig), are now asking for fans to 'HELP PAY FOR FARRAH'S MEDICAL EXPENSES'!!!
I'm sorry, BUT this doesn't sound right AT ALL!!!!!
What? Farrah's broke now??? OR are people trying to make a profit off of her with the excuse of her illness??
I don't know, BUT I was supporting Craig and Lott these past few months, BUT this has got me questioning them! It doesn't mean that Ryan O'Neal or Alana Stewart are 'off the hook' with me. I still don't trust them!
So I'm urging fans DO NOT TRUST ANYONE OF THESE PEOPLE .... SOMETHING DOESN'T SEEM RIGHT! I now think that fans are being taken advantage of!
I can judge Ryan and I won't it is gods place to judge, but one thing is for sure I did love Farrah and had my hair done like hers in high school. Rest in peace Farrah
W/friend Alana Stewart-who needs enemies?? Richard B. Francis-found guilty of fraud before-evil-Ryan's "comeback"-Money-motive-Farrah would NEVER have allowed her son to be photographed n prison jumpsuit,shakels,behind prison bars waiting to see his mom, whom he adored& she adored him-VULTURES!! True friends-locked out-Farrah-in great pain-at the mercy of evil people isolating her-Nevius-nothing 2 write home about-the best of this hideous bunch-the worst?-impossible to choose-alana's "book deal"-too stupid 2 write-it's a circus-a cash cow uncovered just in time-
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