Sunday, August 03, 2008

The seven Israel Baseball League veterans who've allegedly broken ranks and agreed to play in David Solomont's baseball "show" starting August 14th


  1. Why isn't there a new countdown clock?
    10 days 19 hours 43 minuts to festival

  2. don't rip the players for going. As a former player who's not going, I would if I could. These guys have my blessing.

  3. "How long will you speak such things? Your utternaces are a mighty wind!"

    With Love, Bildad the Shuhite.

  4. "broken ranks" ?? What are you talking about? There is no union. They aren't scabs. If I could return and was asked to I would as well. I got paid after my checks bounced a couple of times.

    Most players if they had the chance would return. Many can't due to jobs, school, or they are already playing in other leagues.

    I don't know of one former player who is mad at any of the seven named players for returning. If they are mad, they should post with their name attached on one of these blogs. sort of a petition.

  5. These 7 guys are being made fools of. There will be no festival .Just ask Haim Katz. He is the Bud Selig of Israel.

  6. Exactly. Being made to be total fools. But how can they turn their backs on the players who have not been paid? It is a direct fuck you to teammates! And it is helping to perpetuate the fraud of the IBL, which issued checks last month knowing they would bounce. If you are defending these 7 players, are you saying Dan Rootenberg was a chump? He saw the scam for what it is and walked - what are these players doing?

  7. Dan Rootenberg walked away from being part of the management. That is a completely different story.

  8. Dan walked away from dishonest businessmen as did Eric Holtz and the complete board.

  9. Eric Holtz walked away? Who said?

  10. eric tried to do what was right for everyone in the shadow of Rootenberg.He wanted everyone paid. As a matter of fact he was asked to manage/play in this Festival and turned it down-So I do think he walked away..........

  11. eric holtz was asked to play in the festival? mr. .097?
    guess that proves there will be no festival.

  12. Eric an all-star???
    Talk about inferior players. Are they trying to fix the games so the Israel team sweeps?
