Tuesday, July 29, 2008

IBL's biographer admits first season may be its last

Ron Kaplan, the authorized biographer of the Israel Baseball League and its founder Larry Baras, has been one of the most unapologetic supporters of the IBL, and an early public critic of the investigative work of Our Man Elli in Israel-- calling is original explosive IBL expose "a bit unnecessarily harsh." But this morning, the sports editor of the New Jersey Jewish News and blogger behind Ron Kaplan's Baseball Bookshelf has, for the first time, admitted that the future of the IBL is not as bright as he would have liked to imagine.

In a posting today on the burst of publicity over a possible documentary film about IBL vet Ari Alexenberg (which mistakenly refer to the 45-year-old as the "IBL's oldest player"-- that distinction goes to Scott Cantor, 51-- Kaplan calls Alexenberg "a 45-year-old Boston man who played in the first (and perhaps only) season of the Israel Baseball League last year."

Kaplan's admission that the 2007 IBL season may be "perhaps" its "only season" is a major admission from someone who is so closely tied to the IBL inner circle.


  1. It sure is unbelievable. I just tried to cash the check that Dan Rootenberg sent to me and guess what. IT BOUNCED TOO! Why would anyone send out a second check after all these months only to not have enough funds for the check to clear? What dopes they all are! That is how a fellow PLAYER is treated?

  2. how do you write a biography about a league?

  3. What dope would try to cash one of their checks? Have you no ounce of intelligence? Have you not been reading up on TB?

    Sorry, that one is on you, my friend.

  4. So you mean I get this check and based upon what I read on this board I should just throw it away without being sure it is not good? What I did was go to a Bank of America location and asked them if it was good, that is being responsible and has no cost at all. Would you like to withdraw your foolish response now or will you continue to embarass yourself by trying to defend the indefensible?

  5. Here's to the memories of season number one and why it will be the only season run by the the liars that still owe us a lot of money and keep lying to us. I just looked back at the IBL website and there was so much bs on it...all of us players remember these exciting times-

    "The Experience of an IBL Baseball Game

    One doesn’t merely watch a baseball game in Israel. One experiences it.

    The experience begins before the game begins. Each venue has a different environment, but the feel is the same -- one that is cozier, more informal than that which is commonplace in the U.S. At Israeli baseball facilities, there is stadium seating, but there are also picnic tables, outdoor chairs, park benches and stretches where one can simply spread out a blanket and relax. In all directions, one can look beyond the confines of the field and see beautiful vistas.

    Food offerings are emphasized far more than at most American sports stadiums. Besides traditional baseball food, there are barbecue stations interspersed at various spots along the perimeter. Healthier food items are also offered, as is a wider array of desserts. The reason for this is that baseball in Israel is truly meant to be a family affair, and that includes mom. Dinner at the ballpark is part of the experience, and part of the fun.

    Speaking of fun, there is an extra element added to IBL baseball games that makes them “must see” entertainment. Before each game, in between innings, and often post-game, there are games, promotions, and interactive activities taking place on the field. Sack racing, “sumo wrestling” competitions, karaoke, and more all take place every day at the ball game. There are game themes, like “Wedding Day”, when the baseball field plays host to any couple that wants to get married and the league provides the rabbi, the chupah, the wine, the glass, even a piece of wedding cake to all fans in attendance, ending with a gala fireworks display – all free of charge to the lucky couples. There are “Speed Dating Nights”, where singles switch their seats every half inning, finding themselves beside a new member of the opposite sex each time to engage in conversation. And there are many more promotions to come!"

    Anyone remember this stuff? Weddings with fireworks. What a line of bs. How do some of us still believe these jerks?

  6. Hey ,what did you expect? Jeremy Baras was in charge of on-field entertainment.
    Larry we are coming after you big time.
    Hide behind Solomont or your family or whatever. Your time is up.Nothing will save you.

  7. Spoke to Solomont today. He told me there is no festival. All canceled

  8. There was nothing to cancel.
    There was no Israel team.
    Only 7 scabs from US (you need 9 to field a team)
    No plane tickets for players.
    No housing arrangements.
    No advertising.
    No nothing.
