Friday, July 25, 2008

Another reason why the LA Times is crumbling

Big story breaks out in their bailywick. Of course it involves a liberal politician and was broken by a news organization with more reporters, lawyers, sources, tipsters and documentation that the dying mainstream giant can muster, so the LA Times doesn't only ignore the easily-confirmable story, it tells its online force they're banned from covering it. Hey, we like John Edwards, too. He stands for the right things. But you know what, like Gary Hart, he tempted fate and got caught. Here's the memo sent out by LA Times editor Tony Pierce,who's in charge of all the LA Times bloggers. Note the casual hipster greeting and signoff. Too bad, dinosaurs:

From: "Pierce, Tony"
Date: July 24, 2008 10:54:41 AM PDT

To: [XXX]
Subject: john edwards

Hey bloggers,
There has been a little buzz surrounding John Edwards and his alleged affair. Because the only source has been the National Enquirer we have decided not to cover the rumors or salacious speculations. So I am asking you all not to blog about this topic until further notified.

If you have any questions or are ever in need of story ideas that would best fit your blog, please don't hesitate to ask

Keep rockin,


...A tip of the
Tabloid Baby hat to Mickey Kaus and Gawker...

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