Friday, June 20, 2008

New logo for The Israel Baseball League?

Someone suggests:

"Use a pic of a vampire, because no matter how many times we count the IBL down, no silver bullet or stake in the heart does it. It keeps rising from the dead..."

That or Richard Nixon...


  1. show me the money!
    anyone dealing with the ibl and their con artist management team deserve what they get at this point.

    Put it simply these guys are matchstick men and they are good at taking money.

    Not so good on paying people.

    They also use the media very effectively and will say they have made good on their obligations with no proof.

    Larry Baras' behavior is shameful as well as the new board that he has fronting for him.

    If they come and you do go to a game just tell them that you already paid and the check is in the mail.

    If they don't believe you tell them to check with Larry.

  2. Get a clue - it's over - the good guys and the kids have won. There will be baseball in 2008.

    Larry has stepped down to enjoy life and his family.

  3. isn't he in the process of getting divorced?

  4. scooper culd it be true!!!!

    you are going to write a piece for the JP. Arch enemy JP?
    I can't believe it.

    you see I know everything!!!

    please TB let him know I know all.


  5. here is another one,

    wanna know what the goldkland gang is thinking.
    I can tell you , all you hve to do is ask, but TB sticks with their man elli and never ever ask my opinion .

    just put it on your main page

    "please 0007 let us know all"

    as simple as that


  6. If I were Larry I would not be enjoying my life too much.

    He is being sued by multiple parties.
    He can not show his face.
    He is further under ground than Osama Bin Laden.
    He can't come back to Israel.
    He has been exposed as fraud to everyone including his family.

    I think he is getting exactly what he deserves.

  7. This blog is the most informed site on the subject of the ibl.

    1. The IBL has not paid its debts for last year.
    2. There are claims that they will take care of their debts but these claims should be looked at with a great deal of doubt.
    3. Investors in the new entity should no that they are in danger of investing in a scam and they may incur liability in doing such.
    4. I hope that the ibl management knows that if they come to Israel there is a good chance that they might not get to leave the country and return to the states until their debts are cleaned up.

    I look forward to going to the games and booing Berger and Baras for the scam artists they are.

  8. This blog is the most informed site on the subject of the ibl.

    1. The IBL has not paid its debts for last year.

    EH!! wrong some have

    2. There are claims that they will take care of their debts but these claims should be looked at with a great deal of doubt.

    Eh!!! wrong , ask some who have been paid

    3. Investors in the new entity should no that they are in danger of investing in a scam and they may incur liability in doing such.

    Eh!!! wrong , i doubt you are a lawyer if you said that!!!
    protection goes a long way!!!

    4. I hope that the ibl management knows that if they come to Israel there is a good chance that they might not get to leave the country and return to the states until their debts are cleaned up.

    eh!!!! wrong , again same as above , you don't know the Law, BTW larry can come back also and nothing can be done (even though the debts will be taken care of)

    I look forward to going to the games and booing Berger and Baras for the scam artists they are.



  9. Larry-

    You know you won't show your face in Israel again and neither will you Berger.
