Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update: Our Man Elli in Israel. Elli Wohlgelernter. You will remember his name, Mr. Rosen.

"... The IPBL’s organizer, Jeff Rosen... someone so rich he thought he could just dial up a new league, someone trying to show up Baras on how it can be done-- and somebody who can’t-- or won't-- get somebody’s name right. He’s learned that money can buy a lot of things, but not necessarily a baseball league in Israel. He has a lot to learn if he wants to attempt it again next summer. It's my name. It's all I've got. Elli. Wohlgelernter. And when I have to correct someone three times, I don’t care who he is...I expect to be respected on that issue. Like I said, If I was a million dollar investor in the IPBL, I guaran-eefin-tee he’d know how my name is spelled..."

This matter of respect regarding the coverage of baseball in Israel has historic precedent in sports...


  1. You guys know absolutely nothing about baseball... NOTHING!!!

    Y'aall must be in tight with our country cousins down south in dixie, or you have to be a bunch of soccer loving fools, otherwise you would be a little more aware of your baseball axioms. So here is a little scoop for you!

    Baseball is timeless - there is no clock, so as Yogi says, It ain't over 'till it's over!"... and my friends....

    IT AIN'T OVER!!!

    More to come....

  2. Cholileh! Nisht S'iz oys!!!

    Not by a long shot!!!!

    More to come...

  3. I am glad to see that you have shifted your venom to Jeff Rosen.
    Why should anybody remember a worthless low class good for nothing.
    You have not written even one scoop on your own. From the bagel lawsuit to opening day the bloggers have done all the scooping!
