Well, it's happened, but who would know? Or care? Gosh, has it really been that long since Howard was relevant-- or even real? For you younger readers growing up in an aural wasteland dominated by the likes of the surprisingly pliable and recently feminized monotonal bore Adam Carolla (he now plays the “modern woman” to his pre-liberation sidekick Teresa Strasser and Eighties pop culture gal “Bald Brian”) there was a time when the radio personality was a vital force in pop culture, with his radio show debated on television and in print and the comings and goings of his subsidiary characters like Jackie The Jokeman and Stuttering John treated like characters on a radio reality show.
But since Howard sold out his fans and moved to private pay radio, he works in a vacuum. Forgotten by the mainstream and occasionally popping up in the media few days after the fact, thanks to a vigorous PR efforts and public displays of inebriation by his pathetic sidekick Artie Lange (whose phony on-air explosion and possible "firing" was an obvious publicity stunt before a vacation a couple of weeks back), whose sad claim to fame is being at the top of most Celebrity Death Pools.

Who would know if we didn’t mention it here?
very weird.
Did the lone commenter that told you that Carolla had "recently feminized" a few months back also tell you that Perez Hilton has appeared on the show semi-regularly ever since Adam Carolla got the show?
Au contraire, anon 1:33. In the old days, The Ace Man had "gay stereotypes" on the show so he could mock them. Now The Ace Hole targets a new demographic with the inclusion of every girl's BFF, Bald Bryan, and T's wedding instead of T's V.
this isn't about that douche carolla it's about kkk.
Still posting as "tb fan," eh Tabloid Baby? Sad. If you ever listened to the show, although you claim you don't, you would know that Perez Hilton filled EXACTLY the same role on the show as Lynn & Alex, who you recently said demonstrate Carolla's feminization. Your desperate claims are truly clueless.
Sorry, anon 10:02 but I'm not "Tabloid Baby." I can prove it but it won't matter. But you seem to be a sexually-Why are you so hung up on whether Adam is femme? Do you love him? That DWTS thing did it, didn't it?
On yesterday's show, instead of talking about the NFL draft, the Assman talked about Dancing with the Stars and Miley Cyrus.
Case effing closed.
"But you seem to be a sexually-" Let me introduce you to the English language. What in hell are you trying to type?
Tabloid Baby, keep on posting as "tb fan" (really, you think anyone buys that?) and anonymous and maybe someone somewhere might buy it. We're not. And, by the way, you seem to be listening to Carolla quite a bit lately for someone who has a personal vendetta against him...
^ Hey, lunchtime loonie (aka 12:55 pm). I post as anonymous. And I'm not TB. Whadduyuh gonna do about that?
Wow. You sound tough. And smart. Hehe. But we know who you really are.
Yeah, "hehe," lunchtime loonietune. I post as TB Fan and I'm not Tabloid Baby either so how do you like them apples?
Uh huh.
Didn't we already establish that "tb fan" was Tabloid Baby?
Adam's doctor and zen guru, Jimmy Kimmel, said the mean people on the internets won't hurt as much if you call them by one name.
Excuse me now, I have to go feed my ego.
Morning fan
Anon 10:43 we established DEFINITELY that I am NOT Tabloid Baby, but that YOU are a DOOSH!
You do realize that waiting a half hour between posting as "anonymous" and "tb fan" doesn't fool anyone, right?
As someone once eloquently said, "But you seem to be a sexually-Why are you so hung up on whether Adam is femme?" Wait, that was you.
"this site is linked to carolla, stern-- even neil innes fanboards!" Uh, no its not. Go check. Let's stop and think before we begin typing with our forehead again, eh?
The english language is clearly not your friend. So you typing out those links means what? Tabloid Baby itself still doesn't link to them - you do understand that, don't you?
P.S. Judging by all your references, glad to hear you are enjoying the Carolla show.
Anon 6:58 am You have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool me! TB.com might not link to those fanboards-- but THEY LINK TO TABLOID BABY.
Give up, fanboy. It's very weird that you're so obsessed with TB (almost as obsessed as I am! And i'm NOT TB! hehe!)
But seriously, you seem to be a sexually-Why are you so hung up on TB?
"TB.com might not link to those fanboards-- but THEY LINK TO TABLOID BABY."
Actually, not one of them links to Tabloid Baby. Search for yourself. It might be time to put the headgear back on, little guy. You seem to have trouble stringing a coherent thought together.
Give Burt my best.
who is tb fan
who is the 'anonymous' who keeps arguing with tb fan?
"tb fan" is Tabloid Baby, who also comments as "anonymous" on his own posts.
Anon 404 pm, give it a break, dude. You're really coming off as a hysterical stalker of some kind. Tabloid Baby have denied posting anonymous comments, and TB Fan has taken credit. So why are you beating this tired horse? What does it prove?
And why would Tabloid Baby comment on their own posts? It doesn't make sense.
Head on back to the Carola Show fan boards. Your mission is accomplished, friend. We all get the point.
^ another Tabloid Baby post. Flexing those creative muscles now - it is "howard" now Burt? You are only fooling yourself...
BTW, the only people visiting this dated post are Tabloid Baby/tb fan/anonymous/howard and those of us who enjoy watching you get worked up.
Dude you have no effing clue.
And obviously NO IDEA who I am.
Aside from you listening quite often to the Adam Carolla Show, the way you butcher a simple sentence tells us all we need to know, Sparky.
Howard is very relavent, and he talked about this death a lot on the show. Moron.
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