Thursday, April 10, 2008

A blind item related to baseball in Israel

We don't usually run blind items, but this one is too good and bizarre to pass up:

There’s an unconfirmed rumour floating around that a certain maker of boiled dough products from a city known for its beans who once fronted a sports operation in the Middle East and left it in financial shambles with many unpaid creditors calling for this head, has resurfaced! We are hearing that this embattled businessman, whose wife may or may not have filed for divorce, is looking to work with the Jewish National Fund to arrange free baseball camps and clinics for kids in July, and then hold two weeks of pro exhibition games, all the while trying to raise the money to pay off the debts he’d left behind.

That’s what we’re hearing. We will leave it to Our Man Elli in Israel and our loyal readers like 0007 Snooper from Haifa to get to the bottom of this!


  1. I guess anything is possible when it comes to Larry Baras. However, I'd like to think that the JNF would stay as far away from Larry Baras as possible. The only dealings they should have with him is to find out where their (or should I say, other people's) money went. Baras has no hope of raising money given his unethical business practices. The reality is there are more skeleton's in that closet than any one could probably imagine.

  2. wait, do you mean baras might be running baseball in israel in 2008 and beyond?
    what about the ipbl, rosen, gardner, rollhaus and their well thought out plans. i'm really confused.

  3. I cant wait to see Mr Baras in Israel.
    He can not wear enough protective gear.
