New York governor Eliott Spitzer (above, topless) allegedly used the alias "George Fox" when he ordered up high-priced prostitutes over the past year or so (maybe the past decade) and, according to an affidavit in the case, asked the hookers "to do things you might not think were safe.” It turns out the name's not a sly pun on his craftiness-- but the name of a pal and donor! Was the real George Fox an accomplice? Or is Eliott Spitzer just a total egomaniacal self-destructive douchebag?
Today, George Fox's spokesman spit back:
"Published reports indicate that Governor Eliot Spitzer allegedly used the name 'George Fox' as an alias in the activity currently under investigation. Mr. Fox has known Governor Spitzer for more than 20 years and has been a supporter during the Governor's various political campaigns.
"The news that his name may have been used as an alias comes as a great surprise and disappointment. Mr. Fox only became aware of Mr. Spitzer's alleged activity when informed of it Monday morning by the media. There is absolutely no connection between Mr. Fox and the Governor's alleged activity beyond the unauthorized use of his name. "Mr. Fox considers Governor Spitzer a close friend and is distressed by the news that has emerged. While he is disappointed that his name was involved, he appreciates the apology the Governor has personally communicated and he wishes the Governor and his family strength as they endure this difficult period."
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