Sunday, March 02, 2008

Lewis Bailey's grand ole night at The Opry

Lewis Bailey (Tabloid Baby's pal and Voice of The South) and his lovely wife Gail had the best seats in the house last night for the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman Auditorum. The lineup included Ricky Scaggs, Terri Clark, Marty Stuart, Sixties legend Jeannie Seely, Opry icons Little Jimmy Dickens and Bill Anderson, and Elizabeth Cook, the gal Lewis pegged last May as The Next Big Thing in Nashville.

Lewis reports: "Elizabeth Cook, Bill Anderson, and Gail and Lewis Bailey went across the alley from the Ryman to Jack's Bar-B-Q joint between shows. I told Miss Cook that Tabloid Baby has been pushing her CD since her album started pressing. Also got to squeeze Jeannie Seely. I told her, "Don't Touch Me If You Don't You Love Me." She said that she was sure we could come to my terms. Jeannie is still one hot gal. Jimmy Dickens, Ricky Skaggs and Marty Stuart were in prime form, too. Did I mention that Jeannie Seely is HOT!"

(Clockwise from top left: Lewis Bailey with Elizabeth Cook; Marty Stuart & Gail Bailey; Gail with Little Jimmy Dickens; Lewis squeezes Jeannie Seely)

photos © Sharpshooter Worldwide. Used by permission.

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